• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 75ms

Total Words: 28,096,385
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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A series of short stories revolving around behind-the-scenes spanking. (Not tagged-Sunset Shimmer). I moved some stories to another account. These are now in "Warmth of the Sun" and "An Important Talk."

Chapters (5)

--Soon to be under HEAVY re-write....because it sucks--

I'm serious. It's terrible. Stay away from it, just go read the sequel.

Well things couldn't be any weirder for Ian. Get knocked out a human one morning, wake up with the body of a baby changeling the next. Well, at least he still has his sparkling personality. Right? Well whatever the case, he'll be having some new experiences in this new form.

This is my first story so leave critique for improvement.

Teen for innuendo.
Edit: I got an editor, finally. He helped me with the grammatical errors in the last chapter. So a special thanks to Lan.

Chapters (8)

Princess Celestia, tired of the constant pressure that ruling a nation puts on her, decides to take a day off and let Luna take her responsibilities for a day, something the younger alicorn is more than happy to do. She disguises herself as a pink maned pegasus pony named Sunny Skies and decides to go walking around Canterlot without any supervision. Unfortunately for her, not all parts of Canterlot are as safe as the palace, and she finds herself at the wrong end of a gang of muggers, who decide to kidnap her for a ransom when they see how much money she has on her.

Luna freaks out.

Celestia thinks it's hilarious.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Featured on Equestria Daily 8/15/13

Go here for the French translation!


Edited wonderfully by sqarishoctagon and Cloud Hop

Updated cover art by Dominatore

Chapters (9)

On the continent of Chreathail, there exists a new pony nation. Formed on the dying embers of the three pony tribes, the country is unified in Harmony and guided through Chaos by its seeming immortal alicorn princesses.

After their success in defeating Discord with the Elements of Harmony, Equestria has had the luxury of nearly a century of peace and prosperity. Quickly the equestrians set to work, becoming the largest exporter of food and craft goods. With the power of Harmony, pony-kind seemed wholly unchallengeable. Yet, just beneath the skin of the seemingly perfect kingdom, there exists a dark secret. A single generation of peace cannot wholly erase the ideas of old. Prejudice and thoughts superiority are not so easily extinguished, yet they lie dormant, biding their time.

With the unexpected appearance of a foreign being, everything is about to change. The world will be thrown back into Chaos, hard choices will have to be made. Tragedy will strike, and the Royal Sisters will have to decide if Harmony can truly persist in a world so unexpectedly cruel.

This story is based only about 100~ years after the original imprisonment of discord, well before nightmare moon ever happened.

Sex, violence, and tragedy tags are mainly for things that will happen later on in the story. It won’t have any real impact on most of the beginning of the story, however, this series overall will get dark.

Now with awesome cover art done by the talented Pigeonsmall!

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Bump

Princess Luna is having her foal.

The best medical staff are at hoof to ensure a safe delivery that can be celebrated across Equestria, but there is one more surprise left.

This story can be continued further to Luna's Tryst.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is going to have a foal, and the big day isn’t far away.

With little time left before the young one arrives, she finds herself having to cope with the realities of carrying a foal inside her as well as confronting all those issues that only an expectant alicorn can ever fully understand.

Now a brilliant dramatic reading by the wonderful Agent Fluffy!
Thank you so very much! :twilightblush:

This can be read as a stand-alone story or continued to its sequel Luna's Foal.

Please note: The artwork is not mine, but one of my favorite ever pictures of Luna. It was created by the very talented Adlynh and I will take it down if the artist requests.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Foal

Luna’s filly was taking more of her mother’s time and Celestia’s reluctance to accept the father was driving a wedge between the Royal sisters.

When Equestria finds itself under attack the sisters must act, but can they pull together or will bitterness divide them?

This story can be continued further to Celestia's Alliance.

Chapters (1)

After a long night of drinking leads to massive mayhem, the Element bearers must face Celestia and confess...because they need her help fix something that shouldn't have happened. Ever.

Question is...will they live through their chat with her?

And what will she do to them when they're done?

Chapters (2)

Featured! :yay:

Note: Story takes place between seasons 4 and 5 (and was drafted prior to knowledge of "Make New Friends but Keep Discord".)

Discord’s miffed that Princess Celestia doesn’t seem to have extended him a ticket to the Gala—he thought they were friends! (Though maybe he understands a little, considering his recent betrayal, even if he did make things right in the end). However, when she shows up to not only give him his ticket in person but to ask him to be her personal escort for the evening, Discord is surprised (and then smugly satisfied) to say the least…that is until Rarity decides that Celestia’s invitation was clearly her asking Discord out on a date.

Discord dismisses the idea however as he has plenty of other things on his mind at the moment—ponies at the Gala will certainly be talking about Tirek, and how can he face their questions when guilt about what he did is bothering him so much that he can’t even talk about his mistake with his friends? And what is he supposed to do now with his life since he’s finally fully reformed?

Pretty soon Discord’s worries spill over into his dreams—many random dreams…and many random dreams specifically about Celestia. What is his subconscious trying to tell him? And why does Celestia keep trying to get closer to him? It’s all leading up to the most chaotic night ever when Discord will show up at the Gala arm in arm with Celestia and ready to face the world as the ‘REFORMED reformed’ Discord!

(Featured fall 2015, and spring & summer 2016 :raritystarry:)

Chapters (30)

Featured August 5-7, 2013.

After releasing Snowdrop's first snowflake into the first winter's snow, Luna reminisces about the last time she saw Snowdrop before becoming Nightmare Moon. After going to bed and commencing her dreamwalking for the night, she runs into said friend in her own dreams.

This is a sequel to SillyFillyStudios fan episode Snowdrop. It is advisable that you watch before reading the story.


Chapters (1)