• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 791 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 791 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 790 stories in 68ms

Total Words: 28,145,312
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Princess Celestia has lived a long time, and knows a great many things. But some things are still new to her. Unfortunately, new things, no matter how pleasant, can sometimes have unexpected side effects. Effects that might worry her sister.

Despite the description, no alcohol is involved. Inspired by an etiquette article and the fact that the Princess has only been seen to partake of one kind of beverage in the entire series; it's about time she broadened her horizons a bit.

Standard Boilerplate: All Characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.
No infringement intended, no monetary gains made from these stories.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna, otherwise known as Princess of the Night, realizes, on one starry night, of her pitiful life. With no friends to turn to, she thinks only of the one pony who ever showed her the tiniest bit of friendship. Not those who feared her, or those who pampered her just because she was a princess. But a true friend, by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

Also, someone actually did a dramatic reading of this fiction. Here it is.

Chapters (3)

During Luna's banishment to the moon, there have been a great many advances in medical practices and technology, one of which being the field of dentistry. Being the devoted and loving sister that she is, Celestia has taken it upon herself to make her sister an appointment with one of the most skilled dentists around, Doctor Colgate! How will Luna's first cleaning go? Will she have any cavities? Gingivitis? Or, Celestia grant us strength, will she need braces? Will Honor Bound and Razor Edge be able to keep their princesses in check? Will Equestria ever be the same again?

I came up with this idea after visiting the dentist after 2 years of not going due to lack of insurance and found out that I had the startings of gingivitis and got to wondering what it would be like if Luna went after her time on the moon.

Many thanks to evenfall369 and kosherpickle for their help in editing this story and helping me to fix all my derps

MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro, The HUB and Lauren Faust. Honor Bound and Razor Edge are OCs of my design, and the fic artwork was made by DeJiKo07 on DeviantArt


Chapters (1)

Free Spirit is not like other Changelings. A Half-breed Changeling. Exiled by the Empire, he was forced to find a new home, the kingdom of Equestria. But will he be accepted in a place that is on the high alert on Changelings?

Author's note: Free Spirit is my OC. He and this story were inspired by the story's cover.
*Takes place after Season 2 and before Season 3*

Chapters (7)

After the wedding of Shining Armour and Cadence, tension has been spreading through the land of Equestria. Guards have been doubled and tripled in order to hunt down any remaining changelings still within the borders of Equestria. Status, successfully located and captured a single changeling living within the Everfree Forest. Now he shall stand before the three princesses, Cadence, Luna and Celestia, where he shall await his punishment. But what if, he knew nothing of Queen Chrysalis or even the existence of such an event?

All event happen before the Season 6 finale.

Chapters (1)

Faux Pas: War Engineer of Chrysalis' Hive, a personal advisor to the Queen and one of the select few allowed to think freely.

Military genius, master strategist in both offense and defense, mastermind of the Canterlot raid.

Of course he got captured.

For his actions during the raid on Equestria's capital, he is put on trial and judged by a court out for his blood. The odds are stacked against him, and there is hardly any doubt that his days are numbered.

But changelings are nothing, if not masters of deception. Faux's got his own plans for the trial.

Now has a sequel

A/N: My submission for the fourth Author's Prompt, which is about, you guessed it: being on trial. It's a little darker than my usual fare, and I'm not too sure about the ending. Feedback is appreciated, as the story hasn't been officially submitted to the prompt yet.

19/12 Edit: Woop! Judges loved it, offered suggestions. It has been rewritten with their suggestions in mind.
Some changes:
-actual trial is more two-sided. Both parties have a fair point.
-fight that breaks out during the trial is longer.
-Celestia is made more believable in general (I hope, it's really hard in this sort of story).

Chapters (1)

Rarity has a normal life in Canterlot with her family. But when she sees Princess Luna raise the moon at the Winter Moon Celebration, Rarity decides to enter Luna's gifted unicorn school. She passes a test that was given to her at school and becomes a student of Luna. As she learns magic, Rarity will discover that an ancient evil will return to Equestria.

This story is inspired by a video that I saw on YouTube. This is the Video.

Chapters (6)

Maleficus is sitting alone on the moon. Looking up on the sphere floating far up in the black starlit sky above the moon. When suddenly, he senses something shift. And he looks to the left. And sees... a door?

Author's Note: This is my tribute to not only the holiday, but my childhood, and my memories of my family during Christmas. As I am now celebrating the holidays on my own for the first time in my life.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony and Restaurant to Another World belongs to their respective owners. I do not lay claim to either of these franchises in any manner.

Chapters (1)

Twilight was ecstatic when she became the personal protégé of Princess Celestia herself. But even a young filly's excitement and curiosity has its limits, and several months into her tutelage Twilight begins to feel homesick.

Princess Celestia does her best to help.

Now with a dramatic reading by DRWolf

Chapters (1)

At first glance, Princess Luna's charioteers might appear to be little more than Royal Guards dressed in festive apparel for Nightmare Night. However, there is far more to the story than that - the Night Guards once played a pivotal role in the history of Equestria, and have sacrificed more for their beloved princess than most ponies are even aware of.

Chapters (12)