• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Rainbow Dash finds herself somewhere new. For the novelty of it, she flies West.

Inspired by ImplodingColon's Austraeoh. A collaborative effort created by a large group of writers, fans, and friends.

Made as a last minute birthday gift turned belated birthday gift for ShortSkirtsandExplosions, and in appreciation for all the writing and hard work he's done for us.

Chapters (25)

Young inventor Twilight Sparkle has always been a creative mare, and that creativity is about to pay off in a world where she’ll uncover the existence of pegasi and unicorns, tribes long forgotten in Equestrian history, and ends up having to deal with the return of the legends of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.

Note: I know that a few people have done this, so I wanted to make a story of my own for if we’d gotten the Mane 6 as we saw them in the Gen 5 concept art and what I would do. Know that I did mix and match some concept art designs based on what I felt would work, and that I had to come up with Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker’s designs on my own.

Also, a surprise character will be joining the Mane 6 (making it rather the Mane 7). You’ll know who it is soon enough.

{My first fanfiction so knowing where think I can improve would be greatly appreciated, also, I started making this on the 31st July 2022}

WARNING: I’m not very good at world building, so don’t expect much, or any. Keep that in mind as you’re reading this. Fortunately, that means the way everything looks is open to interpretation.

Chapters (2)

Sunrise, sunset, repeat.

In the quiet town of Sagiville, the residents go about their routine in relative peace. Sheriff Joseph Moore arrests any who pose a threat, his wife Hazel keeps everyone from getting thirsty in the Saloon, and the promise of a new railroad to San Francoltsco coming by the town brings visions of hope for the future. However, when a war back east causes a full division in power, an unsettling notion slowly creeps in like a python squeezing its prey...

This story is done in collaborations with my friends LegoDoc, Doodle_Bean, and Dandelion-Harvest.

Chapters (2)

Was it really the weather pony's fault, though? Applejack intends to find out.

Takes place around the beginning of / before season 3.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was flying one day, when she decided to rest on a small cloud. Her nap is interrupted when a new friend of hers calls out to her. Neocros and Rainbow have known each other for a few months now, and though he is a bit strange, he's rather nice once she got to know him.

The beginning of their relationship begins.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash was expecting for the day to be a boring visit with her parents then a short snack and a ride back to where things make sense. Things do not turn out quite that way, Rainbow Dash bumps in to somepony, and the results change both of them.

Cover Art by Silcy
Edited by RockMonster6

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is forced by Twilight to write a research paper.

She doesn't know how to write one but she's going to prove it.

And make it twenty percent cooler, or worse.

This crackfic was written as an entry for A Thousand Word Contest under Fluff.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Generous' Fashionista

Adventure and praise. That's all that Rainbow has ever dreamed about, and when it took her away from her friends, she didn't even bat an eye. The latest mission takes an interesting turn when an old friend stumbles out of a box...how did she get in there?

A tale of loneliness and forgiveness.

Note: It's a mystery people, not every question needs to be answered. If you are one of those types that need to know everything, I'll explain everything under a spoiler thing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Without You

An alternate take on Without You.

Set in an anthro version of Without You, after all of the hardships presented to them during their time in a monster-filled city, Rainbow Dash and Dee find themselves faced with one final threat.

A part of the Snowverse

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my OCs, any other OCs used in this work are used with permission from the original creators, so they're fair game.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Flare daughter of two great Wonderbolts, living in luxuries at a cloud manor. But she thinks she doesn't deserve all this. Lucky for her, her mum is there to help her in all ways.
Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity have planned a camp for their precious daughters, but they are up to a big surprise.

Chapters (3)