• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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In an empty shopping mall, Rainbow Dash searches for solace. She finds Applejack instead.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Food Courts and Skylines

In an empty highway, Rainbow Dash continues her search. She finds Rarity and asks her a question.

Chapters (1)

On the first anniversary of the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Pinkie Pie is preparing the party to end all parties. It is her masterpiece, to show her father that she was justified in fleeing the family farm ten years earlier.

Acting off of a mysterious remark by Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle is trying to work out which of her friends is suffering from nightmares about a horrible danger coming to Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration. All she knows is that this pony lied about their cutie mark story...

And Pinkamena is also preparing for the arrival of her father. She has a masterpiece of her own, but it is quite different from Pinkie's...

Chapters (12)

A human appears in Equestria, meeting Applejack and soon the rest of the ponies of Ponyville. He does his best to cope with the new situation, especially those that move faster than he might be comfortable with. The first year of his time in Equestria.

Set approximately seven years before the events of MLP:FiM.

Sex tag is for relationships between human and ponies (no clop).

Continued in:
Alternate Beginnings: Year Two

Behind Closed Doors (Mature continuations of select * chapters)

Has a finished rewrite! Takes things a bit slower, lasts longer, has * scenes integrated into the story (Mature).

Chapters (27)

Rainbow Dash is trapped in an alternate dimension.

Proof read by: Manaphy
Originally written for The WriteOff Association's Distant Shores contest.

Chapters (8)

Takes place pre-alicorn Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle has begun research on a strange new species in the desert. Unfortunately, it seems this new creature may actually be faster than Rainbow Dash! Rainbow, naturally, isn't too happy about this, and sets out to correct this wrong.
My entry in Estee's Who Crossed Over My Little Pony Contest.
Also featured on Equestria Daily here!

Chapters (2)

There are a number of compounds the human body is incapable of synthesizing; these are found only in red meat. To save a dying human, Twilight asks her friends - except for Fluttershy - for advice.

Chapters (1)

Robbie Rotten, after numerous failed attempts to pursue and catch the super sporty Sporticus now sets his villainy eyes (and chin) on someone who flies around more than flips around.

Or rather, somepony.

He fails spectacularly.

Crossover with MLP and Lazytown.

Update: Hit the top of the featured box on 12/25/16. I guess this fic really is "number one".

Unfortunately, our lovable lazy antagonist suffers from pancreatic cancer in real life. If you so wish, you may donate to Stephan Karl (aka: Robbie Rotten) to help him out. Such a great man deserves the best treatment.

Update: Robbie Rotten has passed away. He will always be number one in all of our hearts.

Chapters (1)

An unexpected encounter with a stallion helps Fluttershy feel better about a personal problem... And then hilarity ensues.

There is now an Interquel in progress, taking place between chapters 3 and 4. And there is a sequel planned.

Chapters (5)