• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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It's an ordinary day for Rainbow Dash. What could probably ruin this day? Nothing but a bunch of baby ponies. Lots of them. And Rainbow has to deal with these cute little creatures.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to share the gift of Christmas with her close friend. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned.

Chapters (1)

For thousands of years, many have yearned to outpizza the Hut. Many have died in pursuit of this goal, and many more have gone mad.

Rainbow Dash may be the one to finally do it.

Now has a reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Now has another reading by TheMajorTechie

Chapters (1)

Gilda and Scootaloo are suspicious of their friend Rainbow Dash acting differently during her and Soarin's wedding preparations. They soon discover something every creature else did not know: Lightning Dust had finally returned and is impersonating Rainbow the whole time as revenge for the reckless pegasus' fate the last time they saw each other in 'The Washouts'.

The incomplete fan fiction that motivated this story's creation was written by Skullkittenz the Reaper on fan fiction. I made a few twitches such as getting Gilda involved and making Lightning the antagonist instead of Spitfire, since making good characters look bad is something I will never do. Plus, Spitfire may have shown some bad values before in 'Rainbow Falls' where she reveals her selfishness when she dumped Soarin for a better flyer, and was willing to take away someone else's need for her own desires, alongside Fleetfoot, dishonesty when she deceived Soarin and Rainbow into believing her lies so she could get what she wanted, and immorality when she did what was obviously wrong, but she is not immoral to the point of being evil as a villain.

Chapters (9)

Rainbow dash was about to relax on a Floatie while sipping her glass, But Due to the rocking Motion Of the Floatie, Rainbow dash Slowly falls Asleep With her Sleep Mask On and starts to have not 1, but 2 Long Awesome Dreams.

(Picture Created by RedQuoz)

Chapters (1)

After the Crusaders nearly destroy the town AGAIN trying to get their Cutie Marks, Twilight sits them down to tell them some fairy tales with rather unconventional morals and endings in hopes that it will teach them a lesson in patience and how to go about getting their Cutie Marks without causing too much property damage and risk to life and limb...
And just in case it doesn't…well, it's a good thing she always has a Plan B...

Chapters (2)

Job was as good of a Christian as any high school junior could be. He attended church on Sundays, he read the Bible, he avoided drugs and sex, and he participated in his church’s youth group regularly. So when his youth minister asked him about doing some volunteer work at the nearby New Foal Institution, he jumped on board, although with a few hesitations.

I’m not really into TCB, but this idea refused to leave my head. Man, I wish I didn’t flub publishing this. Then again, what is done can’t be undone. Although I consider this a complete story, I might add a chapter or two every once in a while.

Proofread by Admiral Biscuit

Chapters (4)

Second dates are the make and break factor in any relationships, it's like the rules of feminism.

Chapters (1)

Today is Rainbow Dash's wedding day. It's thrilling and terrifying all the same, luckily she has ponies looking out for her today. Ponies who care about her. Ponies with love to share.

Before the ceremony, she receives loving words from her childhood friend and somepony who is like the brother she never had.

Cover art by me, check out my deviantart here

Chapters (2)