• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
Found 1,555 stories in 76ms

Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Starlight Glimmer has been tinkering with some new spells as of late. She was convinced that she made some kind of connection to... something coming from light-years away. As much as you love that mare, you found that hard to believe, even if you are technically an alien.

As such, it came as a happy surprise when Starlight actually managed to secure that connection, revealing a massive network of information right at the tips of her hooves. Your shared glee is short-lived, however, as you come to the startling realization that you recognize this network.

After all, once you put something on the internet, it's there forever.

Chapters (1)

While still adjusting to life at the Crystal Brighthouse with her new friends, Misty accidentally makes a very interesting discovery in an old broom closet. It's Senor Butterscotch, a fake unicorn that Izzy made long ago.

Naturally, Misty's curiosity gets the better of her, especially since she has her own fake friend. She decides to ask her fellow unicorn why she made Senor Butterscotch.

Izzy is more than happy to tell the tale of how Senor Butterscotch came to be. But it's a lot sadder than Misty might be expecting.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wet Behind The Ears

It is a special day in Maretime Bay, but the Crystal Brighthouse is empty. Bluegill Brine has slept in, and now her friends are away. Brine is free to wander the town and enjoy the weather. The strange, beautiful weather.

A birthday gift for my friend Casketbase77. Cover art is by Ahobo.

Chapters (1)

We are hated, disrespected, hunted, killed, banished.

We aren't respected as living beings.

So what are we gonna do? We're gonna fight for our lives.

We are changelings, and we deserve respect.

Chapters (2)

Ponies and humans had merged together, and you had found yourself in love with one.

As time went on, you yourself have grown into your worst nightmare, and your lover has noticed.
The only question you have is, will this be the end, or the start of something totally different?

Audio reading done by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

Typical firefighter day in Canterlot. Everything is boring and routine as long as there are no curious Kirin tourists nearby. They are burning with interest and have no idea about firefighters. For damages, please contact the officials.

Chapters (1)

Not all changelings are the hive-minded love-sucking warriors they are known as. Some of them may have their own interests and are just so caught up in the duties of the hive to show it. One particular changeling gets to know what it is like to have some encouragement from a friend and realizes that not everyone views her interests with disdain.

Written for Bean's Writing Group's New Blood Contest in the running for:

Bonus 2: "Include a bug."
Bonus 3: "An unusual matchup."

Chapters (1)

Misty has finally left Opaline and her lair behind, but moving out is only the first step of shedding the thoughts and doubts that still haunt her.
Luckily, her new friends are willing to help her adjust and teach her about life in Maretime Bay.

Written after Chapter 4, containing spoilers thereof, and sure to be outdated by future episodes.

Credit to Cover Art belongs to Marenlicious

Chapters (6)

Over the countless years, ponies have become almost monotonous to Princess Celestia. Then along comes Anon, so strange and laid back, and he treats her like anypony else. She'd forgotten what that felt like, and finds she quite enjoys it. They have a very enjoyable evening together as their friendship blossoms.

This story made for the artist Enonnnymous in response to the drawing in the cover.

Chapters (1)

The prospect of meeting an alien has always fascinated Rainbow Dash. With countless worlds out there beyond the stars, who is to say that extraterrestrial life doesn't exist? What would they be like? Would they be just like her, but with a gross third eye? Would they be sturdy enough to beat her in a fight, or quick enough to beat her in a race? Would they be malevolent and try to conquer Equestria with their DEADLY SPACE LASERS?

Yeah, you're none of those things. She's a bit disappointed.

Chapters (1)