• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
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Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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While on an extended trip to Canterlot with Twilight, you became acquainted with a mare named Moondancer. She makes you feel all kinds of things that you've never felt before, and Twilight caught on to this pretty quickly. After some teasing, you decided to shoot your shot. Moondancer... didn't take it too well. It seems that, somehow, she simultaneously has confidence issues and a huge ego.

Or maybe she's just nervous.

Chapters (1)

After 989 years on the moon, Nightmare Moon is eagerly awaiting her return to Equestria, take down her sister, and claim what should rightfully be hers.

However, one can only brood and plan for so long before things grow... stagnant.

And then, something catches her eye, coming towards her moon's surface at an alarming speed. Maybe this, whatever it is, will prove to aid her in her plans.

[Sex] tag for implications, nothing explicit (obviously it's rated T guys yeesh).


Story was written for Jinglemas 2021 as a gift for PeerImagination. They wanted a Nightmare Moon and Human romance, and I hope I did good by ya! Apologies for the story length, but it got waaaay out of hand on me and I have a disease where if I'm writing something I'm liking then I tend to do more than I should.


Cover art by Aquaticvibes, used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Pre-read and edited by the wonderful Pascoite who helped a ton with the olden speech, and Fregz for putting up with the initial storyboarding that went out of control.

Top of the Box of Shame (M on) 12/26/2021, 12/27/2021 (Oh no not this shit again), 12/28/2021 (The third day), 12/29/2021 (YOU'RE KILLING ME, SMALLS!)

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch is a pony who never utters a word.

She lives in the moment, but has many ponies who love her.

What is the mystery of her reality?

Chapters (1)

It's Mare's Day in Zephyr Heights, and after having missed out last year Pipp and Zipp are keen to make this year extra special. However, when Alphabittle suddenly shows up Queen Haven is forced to have a rather frank conversation with her daughters about relationships, loss, and starting anew.

An attempt to expand on some of the themes explored in the Tell your Tale short Mare Family, Mare Problems. Inspired partly by this blogpost by Mica.

Note: Cover art is from A New Generation, as I couldn't find a TYT screenshot that fitted the story's themes.

Chapters (1)

Life is crazy. Never mind the whirlwind that was winding up in Equestria in the first place; being married to an alicorn ex-princess doesn't exactly lend itself well to a quiet lifestyle. As such, your little hobby of building and painting Warhammer 40,000 models offers you some nice, calm respite.

Now, Celestia, who has been feeling self-conscious about not being able to relate to you, wants you to teach her about the hobby. You're more than willing to do so, and you're a very patient man.

Unfortunately, she isn't a very patient mare.

Cover art partially edited by Shadow of Death.

Chapters (1)

It's been a long while since you've come to Equestria. You've made good friends with Sunny and her six friends so far while everypony else seemed to tolerate you for the most part. But Zipp was always the one pony you hung out with the most.

However, when you and she go down to Maretime Bay's beach and watch the sunset after a long day of chilling in the water, she asks you something that would lead to something you'd never expect.

EDIT: Jesus, I literally just posted this and it's already featured #1!

Chapters (2)

The sun has set, the moon has risen, and crowds fill the ancient streets of Marecelona to celebrate the night away. Among them walks a solitary mare in a long red coat. Few notice her, but those who do know exactly why she is there.

She is there to dance.

Inspired by the song La Noche, by Coco & Villa
Gorgeous cover art by the incomparable AssasinMonkey
Beautifully edited by Noble Thought
Featured by Equestria Daily!
Live Reading by Crafty Arts

Chapters (1)

Life for Sunset Shimmer took a turn for the worse when Anon-a-Miss single handedly sowed the seeds of distrust amongst her friends and the entire school, but things got worse when the identity of Anon-a-Miss is finally revealed. Unable to forget how those she thought were her friends and family were quick to assume she had relapsed to her old ways of being a bully, Sunset turns her back on them as they once did to her and is prepared to live a life of shutting out friendship entirely. That is until she happens upon a kind stranger who not only could be the friendly ear to listen to her problems, but even teach her things about friendship that even the Princess of Friendship herself could never teach.

Chapters (1)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer once had a friend that she did everything with even when she was the pupil of Princess Celestia. However, when she ran away, she said hurtful things to her which Sunset regretted ever since. Maybe the human counterpart can help?

There’ll be a sequel in the future.

Featured — 16/8/2023

Chapters (1)