• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
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Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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On a crisp, clear, autumn day, a solitary figure trudges into town. No stranger to travel and new places, Ponyville strikes her as a warm, welcoming community. It may even be a suitable place for her to lay down roots. Finally settle down, have a home of her own. After all, how could a small town so quaint in appearance be anything other than a calm, quiet, pleasant place to live?

Cover art courtesy of Kerijiano on Twitter.

Chapters (6)

Hey dad,

I got a real tough favor to ask you. I have this friend who's sorta down on her luck at the moment. I was wondering if maybe we could let her stay at the house with me until she gets back on her feet. I'm sure it wouldn't be for too long. With a little help I'm confident that she'll be able to turn her life around pretty quick. So what do you say?

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks. Added Sex tag for dialogue. Nothing explicit.

Chapters (1)

Exchanging gifts on Hearth's Warming has always brought ponies together and as it turns out, Big Macintosh and Marble Pie are about to learn this lesson first-hoof.

Many thanks to California Angel for the beautiful fanart used in the cover image.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's just received her official government escort license, which allows her to legally take on passengers during a teleport. Unfortunately, the fee was hideously expensive -- enough to completely wipe out all her spare bits. And there's a major purchase coming up which she refuses to put off. So what better way to raise the money than by giving her freshly-approved skill a workout? After all, it's winter, it's cold, ponies will get home all the faster, and since Twilight knows what 'escort' means, so will everypony else.

It's probably best not to bet on that last part.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group -- but can be read as a stand-alone, and no knowledge of the other stories is required. New members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Current cover art by Harwick: please contact him for commission rates. Original cover art by EquesTRON.

Chapters (1)

Written as a commission for: Gyro Pony.

If you want to commission a story to me, see terms and conditions in this blog HERE!

This story takes place a week after the events of A Dog and A Pony Show.

Rarity was rescued by her friends from the vicious, jewel-hoarding Diamond Dogs after they had kidnapped her whilst hunting for gems with Spike. Upon escaping captivity with her friends, they had also managed to secure some of their horde for themselves, but was taking the carts of gems evening both parties, or was it stealing? Rarity, as the Bearer of The Element of Generosity, begins to have second thoughts and she heads back to the den of the Diamond Dogs.

Was this a smart move, or would it prove to be a big mistake?

Chapters (1)

In the world of humans and ponies, where differences often lead to misunderstandings, Star Flight, a young and ambitious pony attending Florida Atlantic University, grapples with the weight of her past and her struggle with alcoholism. Despite her academic successes, scholarships, and promising job offers, Star Flight hides a deep well of pain and loneliness stemming from the loss of her parents and her lack of close family ties. She turns to alcohol as an escape, seeking solace in its temporary comfort.

Enter Jason, a senior at the same university, studying marketing and hailing from a wealthy family in New York. Despite his own struggles with the shadow of his family's wealth, he provides the unwavering support that Star Flight desperately needs. Their love story transcends species, as Jason's family embraces her, viewing her as 'the one' for their son.

The question that remains is whether or not Jason is too late to save his marefriend.

Chapters (1)

The speed of life is an unchanging one. We all feel it differently, whether we're slow and humble or speedy and adventurous. Sometimes it takes a lot to change this, and sometimes it takes very little to slow down.

This is a story about two very opposite ponies, and how they changed each others lives.

AN: This is the official rewrite of His Name Is Mac from Fanfiction . net. It is not required to have read that story first before reading this one.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow has gone three months without Tank by her side. Now, it's time to get him back.

Based on the ending of the episode Tanks for the Memories.

Preread by ZOMG!
Edited by Zodiacspear!

Chapters (1)

Sunny’s lantern goes missing again, and this time it’s not Misty behind it. Sunny is left broken, confusing the others until she explains the lantern’s importance to her. This leads to the others talking about objects important to them.

Chapters (1)