• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1562 stories
Found 1,557 stories in 79ms

Total Words: 40,415,925
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The requests come in, the paintings go out, and the Bits arrive later. That's the shaky system "Rainbow" has managed to work out for herself. A life lived through letters is a little lonely, but she can at least be certain she'll never be seen by someone who recognizes her copypasted face.

You'd think a Rainbow Dash replica would remember that Twilight uses Spike for everything mail related.

:scootangel:Now with a Youtube reading!

:pinkiegasp: And a written review!

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Jeff is a human who came to Equestria from nowhere turned into a pony, with no way to go back to earth, Jeff will have to stay "temporarily" in Equestria until he discovers a way to return to earth.
One of the things he learned about this world is that video games exist, but that they were very simple and boring compared to his world, and when he found out that his cutie mark had a connection to video games, he knew what he had to do.

Chapters (1)

Made for AdmiralSassMcAwesome for making a DonutPie shipper of me.

Pinkie Pie and Donut Joe have their first child, and Pinkie couldn't be happier.

Chapters (1)

Johnny Cash, one of the greatest country singers in America, passes away on September 12th, 2003. Having spent 71 long, active years of life on Earth, his time finally comes. Our world will never hear his deep, bass-baritone voice preaching ever again.

Another world is about to discover it. He was always a devout Christian; and at the same time, called himself "the biggest sinner of them all." Well, who or whatever was watching over him decided that he had some more work to do.

And so, he awakes in an unexpected situation. It is not Heaven, nor hell, nor even purgatory; but something entirely new. Now, with only his dark clothes, his acoustic, and a lifetime of stories, he sets out to explore this new land.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
All songs by Johnny Cash.
I own nothing.

Chapters (11)

Your closest friend, Sunny Starscout, has had a rough week. She seems intent on keeping it that way, but you have a plan. A convoluted plan, perhaps, but a plan nonetheless. It involves smoothies, fireworks, and most importantly, a hug. Your goal?

Her smile and optimism: Restored.

Chapters (1)

On a visit to Ponyville, Autumn Blaze messed up. Badly. After fleeing the town, she's not sure what to do. It is then that she encounters a wise rock, who may be exactly the sort of friend she needed to talk to.

Entry for the 2023 May Pairing Contest

Chapters (1)

Kintarō is bored. Today is a day off, his wife has gone on a trip, and he is left alone in the big city of Edo. Taking a walk to calm himself, he stumbles upon two unworldly things: coffee, and ponies.

As it turns out, he might prefer the latter.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has a special guardian while under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. A creature that turns intensely violent at the slightest threat against his charge. A creature that will maim and kill without concern if it has to, that will do anything to keep those it loves safe.
These are not these stories.
These are the stories from the inside. The stories that make a makeshift family work. The small moments. The little secrets. The normal life.

Short stories about Twilight's and Spike's life before the events of the Lunar Guardsman. Maybe a little funny, maybe a little sad, maybe a little sappy, certainly not on any chronological order. Chapters posted whenever I am taken by the mood to write one.

This is a collection of prequel stories to The Lunar Guardsman, an M rated story currently in progress by yours truly.

Many of the chapters are worthy of the Comedy tag, some of the Sad tag, and a couple of the Dark tag.

Chapters (20)

A human, you, stranded in a strange world for months on end. You are the wanderer, simply living day to day, doing whatever you please.

One fateful night, you stumble across a small town. Tired and saddened by recent events, you decide to sit and take a rest. Little do you know, you're about to meet someone much different than other's you've met before.

+[A Multi-Chaptered Short Story]+

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to I'm New Here

Cheerilee is a kind hearted teacher who cares about her students and their well-being. When she catches one sleeping outside the school in a bush, she decides to take the young girl home and give her a roof over her head and maybe even more.

Chapters (7)