• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1562 stories
Found 1,557 stories in 58ms

Total Words: 40,415,929
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Azurite isn't your normal sort of royal guard. Patrolling, protecting, and policing are fine for some ponies but they weren't for her after a routine call went sideways. Now, while struggling with the injury of her partner, she does her best to help others as a pony relations warrant officer in the palace. The palace, however, isn't quite the bastion of pony professionalism that she imagined and she soon finds her heart pulled in two different directions... toward a stallion and a mare.

Three of Hearts is an unconventional comedy-romance story that isn't afraid to take some of the most common tropes and turn them on their heads.

Quill & Blade Universe
Cover art designed and created for Three of Hearts by the super talented and ever sweet Painted Wave.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle has always believed that everything in the universe has an explanation. Everything.

That is, until Comet Tail transferred to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

Now Twilight's been having strange sensations around him: things she just can't explain. For example, why does her stomach perform somersaults whenever he's around? Or why are there doodles of him on her notebooks? And most importantly, why can't she stop thinking about him?

Chapters (1)

To Luna, Anon is very good at two things--bantering, and staying up far too late. One night, she devises a cunning plan by which to see him off to a good night's sleep once and for all!

The cover artist is SilFoe!

Chapters (1)

Ever wonder what Princess Luna enjoys about Spring Nights? She isn't often outspoken to others about what she likes, yet one of her lucky friends, a human, learns what she enjoys about Spring Nights; Specifically, the first night of Spring.

She learns too, what he enjoys about the Nights not only in Spring, but in general. Perhaps, the differences aren't just that, but similarities as well. What better way to enjoy a night in spring, than with a friend?

Chapters (1)

After being impaled by Cinder during the Battle of Haven, Weiss finds herself in a new world, one filled with ponies. A world on the edge of war.

Crossover with RWBY Post Volume 5

Set in Equestria at War universe

Thanks for all the support!
Featured!! 4/21/2023
Featured!! 4/24/2023
Featured!! 5/3/2023
Featured! 12/23/2023
Featured! 1/4/2023
Featured! 2/28/2024
Featured! 5/10/2024

Cover art done by Seon1ce for the story and logo done by Zereleuer

Chapters (18)

...You're back. Much has changed, hasn't it? The world, you, me... it'd be easier to ask what hasn't changed, really. The road has been long, hasn't it? What you've seen... what you've done? That can wait. A few friends have been waiting.

Chapters (1)

She knew. Deep down, Twilight had known for years. It was obvious, really: how long had Celestia and Luna been alive? Thousands of years and they were alicorns. Yet, how long did the average pony live? Up to a hundred if they were lucky. 
Twilight had known for a while, that much was true, but she still thought...maybe...just maybe, if she didn’t think about it, it wouldn’t be true.

(Edit: Featured on 1-3-20 and 1-4-20!!!!! Thank you for all of the support!!!)

Chapters (1)

Life at the post office has always been the same since you got to Ponyville, and worse, you always end up sleeping on the job! It almost seems like you're destined for a life of getting chewed out by your boss as you just can't seem to stay interested with sorting through the mail.

It seemed that way before you met the most lovely pony on a delivery that was forgotten but one of the mailmares. Now you can't seem to get this beautiful mare out of your head, and you're both ecstatic and horrified of interacting with her on a daily basis, now that your boss has officially made you a mailman.

You're not sure if this is fate, or if this is just the worst luck you've ever had. It looks like you'll just have to wait and see!

[It's a 2nd Person Romance, Starring YOU and Roseluck!]

Chapters (3)

'Spuds' Terkel is the voice of the common pony. Tired after a long weekend in Manehattan, he's only looking forward to the train ride back home . . . until he takes notice of who's pulling his cab. A chance meeting provides him with another interview into the life of a common pony.

Now with a reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)