• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
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Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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This story is a sequel to To Be Loved II

After a few months of spending time with her new friend James, Fizzlepop has been invited to a Hearthwarming get-together with the human and all of his Ponyville friends.

Hesitant to accept the invitation due to her reputation, Fizzlepop eventually accepts, only to find that this Hearthswarming might just be the most magical one she's ever experienced.

Chapters (1)

A pony and a human discover that the veil separating their worlds is... nothing more than an old shower curtain?

Featured on 2/1/23! Wooo! /)
And again on 2/3/23!
Again on 2/13/23!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to To Be Loved

Fizzlepop and James go out on their date. Small talk and adorableness ensue.

Chapters (1)

After receiving a strange letter from Aunt Orange, Applejack and the gang go to Manehatten where they find her Aunt Orange in love with...King Sombra?

For the June Crack Ships Inc. contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tales of Equestria: Changing into Love

Queen Chrysalis, or rather Crystal Hoof has a relaxing evening at home content with her new life as a pony, but a visit from a certain spirit of chaos may put a damper on her plans. Will everything she has built in the years since her transformation be destroyed? Or will she remain within her new identity?

Chapters (1)

After an unintentional disassembly of the amulet capable of controlling the sun and moon, Twilight takes it to a Canterlot clockmaker in hopes he can fix it - and fast.

This story was written in just over an hour, and took first place in a Quills and Sofas speedwriting competition.

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Colton Vines and Daisy as well as some of the other background characters.

I do not own MLP or any of these characters. They are the property of Hasbro.
Please rate, comment, and criticize constructively and be specific. This is not only my first fanfic, but my first ever work of literature that isn't a poem, so please be honest as a member of the Apple family.
I tend not to use characters from the show, so most of the characters I use, I can't tag. (Kinda lame right?) anyway, I'll add a couple more once I write them in.
Got the picture from ponibooru. The title says the artist is John Joseco.

Chapters (10)

"For everything under the sun,/I owe you one." -Lights, 'I Owe You One'

Sequel 1: “Softly
Sequel 2: "When You Know You Know"

An upcoming math exam has Gallus worried, so he asks a favor from Ocellus to help him study. However, the changeling also has a favor to ask of her friend. What could Ocellus want?

Cover art commissioned from Amy New.

Chapters (1)

Thorax and Pharynx get invited to visit the Crystal Empire, and unsurprisingly, there’s snow in the area. Shenanigans ensue.

Written for the Winter Wonderwriting event on NavelColt’s Discord server.
Takes place sometime during the second half of Season 7.
(Edit: whoa, featured? Aww, thanks :twilightsheepish:)

Chapters (2)

Applejack's love for her farm and her family define her. They're the two things in her life which keep her going: the only motivation she needs to get out of bed every morning. Her brother, her sister, their grandmother, and—and the three of them, keeping their family orchard going strong together. It’s the life she always wanted.

But Sweet Apple Acres has taken a hit in recent years. It’s hard to ignore how, so recently, the four of them used to be the five of them, or how the farm’s account is running as dry as the fields themselves.

But it’s just a phase; a bad one, but they come and they go, like the seasons themselves. Applejack knows it’s just a matter of persevering, and staying the course. Better days are just around the corner.

Chapters (4)