• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
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Celestia and Scootaloo are homeless in a Ponyville alleyway together. They like to talk about things.

These are the things they talk about.

Note: The crayon scribbles of a plot is done, but the ride never ends story still updates.

Chapters (43)

A king serves his country in many ways. He must care for his subjects’ needs, set roles of conduct, cooperate with leaders of other lands to ensure peace; he must live up to his subjects’ hopes and expectations and be a role model to inspire those around him. But there is one more duty a king must fulfill: to ensure there is someone to pass the torch to, should he not live forever.

If only it were so easy...

Written for the Pride and Positivity 2021 event. Help out by donating to one of the charities they’re contributing to this year!

-Transgender Law Center
-Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
-Sewa International (An Indian charity collecting funds for COVID relief)

Chapters (5)

It's Thorax's first crystal faire. It's amazing - it's absolutely spectacular, breath-taking, and the love that the crystal heart emanates on the day feels like it could keep him fed for a whole year. It should be the most fantastic thing he has seen all year! And yet...

“That’s a stupid question.” Pharynx rolled his eyes, while coming over to look at the markings Thorax had made in the dirt of their room in the hive. “I think, you dummy, that you can literally transform into any pony that you want.”

“Plus, why would you have wanted to been a pony in the first place? Being a changeling is the best.” He said, puffing up his own chest, before scowling down at the drawing of a pony that Thorax had made, before scraping his own hoof in it, swiping the dirt right back into place over the pale imitation of a pony, before roughly nudging Thorax.

“... Right.” Thorax said, smiling slightly at his brother despite the rough-housing, and the comments as he looked down at the dirt where his drawing had been. “I don’t really know why I would want to be one,” he lied, as he got up from the position he was laying down in, going to follow his brother.

Or becoming a part of something you dreamed of, but never thought you could really have.

Secret Santa gift for Dashie04

Chapters (1)

Life can be hard.

But for a young man named Travis, at least there’s a place he can run to.

A place where he has friends. ~ A place where he has understanding.

A place he can call home.

(Rated T for language use)
The Most Dangerous Contest Entry

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has had it rough, she had at first been the school bully of Canterlot High, but that was before Godzilla came and carved an everlasting scar into Sunset’s mind as some of her friends would die during Godzilla’s first attack. This made Sunset go into a deep depression as she thought if she had been a nicer person, she would have been worried about saving their lives instead of her own life. She doesn’t harbor any hatred towards Godzilla for what happened, and because of Godzilla, she became a much better and nicer person.

Many Years later, she would join G-Force, an organization made to protect the earth against giant monsters, including Godzilla.

But her life would take a drastic turn as she would meet another Godzilla, a bug-like goddess, an alien princess, an evil alien doppelgänger of Godzilla known as SpaceGodzilla, and an evil Kaiju, known as Destoroyah, which is bent on completing one goal, to destroy all life in existence.

(The Main Character is The Human Sunset Shimmer).

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash isn't what many ponies would consider attractive, but, somehow, she's managed to score a date with a stallion. Now she's at the restaurant, waiting for him to show up.

Thanks to PopMediaVagabond and CleanSweep for giving feedback on this.

Chapters (1)

On one strange afternoon, a pony wakes up in Fluttershy's bed. He doesn't say his name; he doesn't say where he's from.

He has been given a second chance at life. But what if he can't leave the pain of the previous one behind? What if his body wasn't the only thing to be injured?

Author's Note:
This is my submission for Obselescence's contest: The Most Dangerous Game.
Edited by MissingLink

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Dealing With The Hate

It has only been one week since Silver Lining's alien lover had left for a business trip in Canterlot, yet it feels like she hasn't seen him for years. All she wants right now is to be with him and for him to hold her. Ever since she met him she has been subjected to ridicule and disgust, but he made it all worth it.
Perhaps he will be home sooner than she expects.

(This is my first one shot story, hope its a good one. This will discuss some dark themes such as drug use and self harm.)

Chapters (1)

Vinyl tries to understand the "proper" way to embrace the Hearth's Warming spirit, despite her preference for simplicity and her lack of holiday cheer.

Written for Sonicsuns for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

A random package flying through the window in the middle of night leads Pistachio to meet a Legend of Equestria.

Written for Libertydude for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)