• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
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Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Tempest Shadow, still wandering Equestria in search of herself, accepts Applejack’s request to deliver some Hearth’s Warming pies. Accompanied by Owlowiscious, there’s no way this can go badly.

Written for Flash Notion for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (6)

Visiting Sunset, Starlight learns that sometimes all it takes is a little hope - and the right moment.

Written for Pascoite for Jinglemas 2022

A thank you to RDT for proofreading before publishing.

Featured on Equestria Daily for Sunset Shimmer Day 2023!

Chapters (1)

On a cold Winter night, Police Chief Miranda Rights tries to arrest a very special visitor. With gifts.

Meant as a gift to Estee for the Tryptych Continuum and in particular Miranda Rights, the beleaguered and frequently overloaded Ponyville Chief of Police in the center of Chaos. (and occasionally host to Discord) Rain or shine, quiet nights or rampaging monsters, the thin blue line of the Ponyville police never breaks. (although at times it frays a bit)

Cover art patched together from several sources including Copper Top the police pony and Jean Sapin for the Christmas tree vector.

Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash starts screwing around on Hearths Warming, Starlight Glimmer accidentally casts a spell that makes her far more serious and profound. While things seem okay at first, the situation with Rainbow's new personality quickly devolves into a huge mess, one that Starlight and her friends will have to fix if they ever hope to see their favorite brash pegasus again.

The art for this story was provided by the user kleia. Be sure to check them out if you like their work.

Written for Penguifyer for Jinglemas 2022

12/27/22: Yes, finally, a story I wrote was featured on the homepage.

Chapters (1)

Years after the events of Anon a Miss, a now adult Sunset is enjoying life with her husband Flash and her 3 year old daughter. But when the couple receives an invitation to the CHS class reunion, our fire headed girl wonders if she's emotionally ready to face not only the Rainbooms, the gang who nearly killed her, but Anon a Miss themselves.

Taking place in Dainn’s Anon a Miss universe

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day; a holiday reserved for ponies to express their love for another, whether it be with a bouquet a of roses or just a simple box of chocolates. However, for the former King of the Crystal Empire, it's only a source of annoyance and rage.

But, for Pinkie Pie(who has been tasked to reform Sombra), it's a way for her to finally show just how much she loves to make everypony happy. Will Pinkie be able to pull Sombra out of his hate for the holiday?

Coverart by: Kelisah on DeviantArt

This is a side story to "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie". No, it does not need to be read in order for this story to make sense.

Comments are appreciated, whether they be critiques or compliments~

Also, I'd like to give a special thanks to all my faithful readers and commenters in my previous stories with this pairing. You've inspired me to be a better writer and I wouldn't have nearly as much writings if it weren't for all of you. Have a very loving and caring Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony~

Chapters (1)

One day you were living an ordinary, dreary life. The next, you were in a magical world of friendship and ponies. Your new life took a lot of getting used to, but you eventually found happiness in your new friends, particularly the ruler of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia. Then one day, you found yourself somehow saving the world, and Celestia wanted to thank you by offering you one request. Feeling content with your life, you decide to make the best use of the request that you can think of by helping Celestia with whatever seems to be bothering her. But getting Celestia to open up to you about her troubles may be more difficult than you first imagined. Tea for two it is, then.

Chapters (1)

The Artist class, a group of Changelings dedicated to the creation and preservation of art for the Hive, they planned the Hive's tunnels, the buildings, even the various small tweaks to the throne room. While they were a fairly small group, they were as important as any other.
At least until Chrysalis decides they are of no more use to the Hive, and begins hunting them down. The last survivor, a young Nymph named Spinnekop, is kept alive and given a very special task. She must gain as much information as possible from her target while trying to follow the commands of the Queen.
But when Chrysalis' plan comes together, and they attack the capital of Equestria, everything changes.

Chapters (17)

A human appears in a remote batpony town. Well... he appears a good distance above the tree canopy outside of said town. Bruised and battered, he's rescued by three strange equine creatures.

What were these talking horses? How did he get here? Where exactly was he?

Better yet, who was he?

My first story, and I decided to make it HiE. Don't expect regular updates, if any at all. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

Chapters (6)

Not too far into the future, Twilight Sparkle visits Queen Chrysalis, in response to a letter stating her intention to ask forgiveness for her crimes against Equestria.

Inspired by this.
Cover Artwork by Art-Anon on DA.

Chapters (1)