• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
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Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Or that time Zipp jumped out a window as a filly.

Written for Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest. Set just after the flashback in Zipp's Flight School.
Now with a dramatic reading

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Your Own Fault for Leaving Fruit Out

After the whole strawberry incident, Anon decided to switch to mangoes for a while.

Will this be any better?

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette

Chapters (1)

Twilight goes out into the world! Something she was looking forward to but deeply regrets now. Being abused and lied to for months she can't take it anymore and writes home to Ponyville.

Teen for dealing with rough-ish topics.

Chapters (1)

An origin story of Our Town. Double Diamond is a pony from the city who heads out to the Equestrian hinterlands for a day of skiing. After getting into a skiing accident and injuring himself, Starlight Glimmer takes him to her house nearby to treat his injuries. During his time as her guest, Double Diamond and Starlight talk.

By the end of his stay, Diamond will become Starlight's first follower in the ideology of Equality, and Our Town is born.

Note on story genre: This story itself isn't sad, but you if you've watched The Cutie Map you'll know how it ends. Cover art by swanlullaby, used with permission.

Day 3 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (2)

Ocellus learns a lesson from Fluttershy about fear.

From a Quills and Sofas Speewriting Contest: Bug Days of Summer. The story had to have a bug in it, but I included 2! The original was written in 1 hour and 15 minutes, but has since undergone some minor editing to make it presentable, though it did manage to win 2nd place in the contest.

Now with an audio reading!

Chapters (1)

Delivery Ponies, the best new thing of modern deliveries!

Through fresh meals, telegrams, surprises, you name it, these lovable li'l creatures will make sure they leave you 100% satisfied with their snuggly services! Just select the "Pony Package", and we'll make sure you get what you need faster than you can boop the "Place Order" button.

They only accept cuddles, huggles, boops and more as tips. :heart:

~Featured 4/25/22; 4/26-28; 5/2~

Leave a comment and like for them, they work very hard for us all. ❤

WARNING: selecting the Pony Package may result in never-ending squeeing, sore cheeks from smiling or high-risk of contracting diabetes.

Chapters (5)

(This story is a prequel to Birthday Built For Two, though it is not required for you to read that to understand this fic. Takes place between "The Times They Are A Changeling" and "To Where and Back Again". Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art.)

Starlight accepts the fact that Sunburst is Flurry Heart's Crystaller, and that means he's going to act a bit odd at times. But for whatever reason, the stallion now seems to be acting even odder. A fact that puzzles Starlight to no end when she decides her trip to the Crystal Empire is an excellent opportunity to pay Sunburst an unexpected visit.

But before Starlight can even find the time to ask Sunburst about his behavior, she finds herself getting roped into something most unexpected, helping Sunburst foalsit Flurry Heart for a day.

Just how much trouble can one alicorn foal cause for two fully grown unicorns with no prior babysitting experience, quite a lot actually. But maybe the experience will give Starlight the answers she needs about Sunburst? Or perhaps Sunburst will slip up and tell her himself?

Chapters (1)

The Ponyville Home Owner's Association pays Twilight Sparkle's castle a visit. It goes about as predictably as you, Twilight, and the members of the Home Owner's Association might imagine.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.

Chapters (1)

Darknight Moonwing wears no uniform. White button-down shirts look quite official, and stand out in the darkness, whereas her shadow-colored fur does not. Her authority and her duty are not summed up by a neat white shirt nor a shiny badge, not in her opinion. She’d been hired to guard, a duty she would fulfill to the best of her abilities. Everything else was secondary to that.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Also with a reading by Illya Leonov!

Chapters (1)

There’s plenty of gardening work for ponies on Earth. Rich clients would give an arm and leg for the exclusivity of having their landscaping done by pony.

But that’s not the point, as Wysteria well knows.

Now with a reading by No One And Nobody!

Chapters (1)