• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
Found 1,554 stories in 80ms

Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Rainbow Dash was flying one day, when she decided to rest on a small cloud. Her nap is interrupted when a new friend of hers calls out to her. Neocros and Rainbow have known each other for a few months now, and though he is a bit strange, he's rather nice once she got to know him.

The beginning of their relationship begins.

Chapters (5)

A son saves his father, and both are whisked away. In their journey, a new world is found. New friends are made. A new threat rises. A new power is uncovered. And the first chapter to a new legend is written. Part one of the "To Walk the Sky" series.

Co-written by Nasubrony and proofread by the Psychopath.

Chapters (11)

Small group of students separated from the trip to the sawmill in order to test their own prototype. After getting to the place they were met with unexpected situation resulting in sad consequences.

This story is written for the Fifth Equestria at war Write Off: "Magic making way for technology". (2022)

Don't read the spoiler if you want to play a little guessing game.

Events happen in a mirrored EAW world, where everypony resembles their reflection.
Celestia returned earlier than expected resulting in a long and bloody civil war, shattering Equestria.
This world is heavily based on IDW comic issues #17-20

Chapters (8)

In Equestria, when it rains it pours. A recent barrage of threats has included an evil queen from the moon, an invasion of shapeshifting bugs, and even a rampaging god of chaos.

Some days, Twilight Sparkle wishes there was an easy fix for it all. Some sort of rainbow laser that could solve any conflict. But wishful fantasizing doesn't keep ponies protected; hooves on the ground do.

Only guards like Twilight can keep Ponyville safe. Still, she won’t say no if a few locals offer help...

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

You're always stuck sitting next to someone for the whole flight...

Me? I got a pony with a fear of flying.

Cover art by KaoKay
YouTube Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)

(Second Person fanfic)

You have just moved into your new apartment and look forward to your new job at a bakery. You think life could not be any better, that is until you meet your neighbor who looks and acts like Pinkie Pie. Will you get along with this hyperactive funny girl, or will she drive you insane?

Chapters (11)

Pokey Pierce, a unicorn stallion with unique horn. He likes to pop balloons with it, and he enjoys it so much that he even got his cutie mark by doing it!
An accident happens in one of Pinkie Pie's parties. Pinkie says something she shouldn't have said, making Pokey's self-esteem drop.

Pinkie Pie finds out about it, and feels quilt by what she had done. She goes to cheer up Pokey, and they become friends. Years go by, and their relationship starts to get a whole new shape..

Thank you Jmaster, for proofreading my story.

Cover art by Mn27 on deviantART

Chapters (11)

Being one of Equestria's premier fashion models is a real pain, at least according to one Fleur de Lis. The mare's friends often hear her complain about pushy designers, hectic schedules, and the ever-present paparazzi. When they ask her why she bothers to do it at all, however, she always replies that having "a place amongst the stars" makes it all worth it. Some mares will do anything to meet celebrities, right?

If only they knew what she really meant.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Close Encounters of the Snake Kind
By artist Robsa990

Of all the worst possible things, Rarity has run out of ideas for her next fashion line. Seeking help. she has come to Fluttershy to seek some fashion advice.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara is Bored, there is nothing to do except annoy her classmates, and now this "Button" is annoying her even more with details about the handheld she has in her possession, which has 3D, Hd, Gyroscopes and more.....she regrets ever bringing it into the school, and she'll do anything to shut his mouth up.

Chapters (1)