• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1560 stories
Found 1,555 stories in 80ms

Total Words: 40,387,722
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Diamond Tiara is Bored, there is nothing to do except annoy her classmates, and now this "Button" is annoying her even more with details about the handheld she has in her possession, which has 3D, Hd, Gyroscopes and more.....she regrets ever bringing it into the school, and she'll do anything to shut his mouth up.

Chapters (1)

Getting bored with her retirement, Celestia decides to try her luck in multiple occupations… and gets kicked out of each one.


The story is marked as 'complete,' but if you liked it you may add it to your watch list. I may add more chapters later when I think of something else fitting for Celestia to mess up :trollestia:

Cover based on the images from:

Proofread by Grammarly :duck:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Short Conversation

There are a few situations you want to find yourself in when dating a unicorn. One of them is waking and having said unicorn's horn right under your chin. So imagine the thoughts running through Fluttershy's head as she finds herself in that exact situation with Sombra.

Mini sequel to the final chapter of A Short Conversation. Just giving you a peek into Fluttershy's mind.

Chapters (1)

Decommissioning comes more easily to some ponies than others. Sweetie Drops happily fell into her cover identity. Not all of her co-agents reacted similarly. Now a stallion born to risk his life for the greater good has to find a way to make that talent work with being a husband and a father.

This might be a bit complicated for fillies who are still in elementary school.

Set during late Season 5.

A revised entry in the July 2016 Writeoff Competition Prompt: "End of an Era"

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What We Really Want

On a lazy Saturday afternoon, Spitfire travels to Ponyville to spend the weekend with her boyfriend Jacob after being put on administrative leave for a week. Jacob has a surprise for her, in the form of something he calls Bionicles. A surprise visit from Twilight, however, causes a change in their previously thought up plans for their future.


Another commission by the awesome Doomgooey which basically continues from the last one.

Pre-read and edited by the King of Slice of Life himself, Admiral Biscuit!

Cover art is by Wenni, used with permission! Thank you so much!

Also, this commission helped pay for new outer tierods for my mothers truck, so thanks! No more sloppy steering (for the time being).

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Bionicle Mare

Well, for better or for worse, Spitfire and Jacob are getting married! Three months after Twilight told all her friends the news, which spread around Ponyville like wildfire, the date has been set and the arrangements are made. Still, doubt lingers in the minds of those involved. Is this what they really want? Or is there something else?


This story was a commission by Doomgooey, and now the third story in line of this series.

Cover art is from The Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway of North Yorkshire, England.

This commission helped pay for the R/H wheel hub assembly for my truck, so thanks again!

Chapters (1)

Relationships: For Jacob, it was something he thought coming to Equestria would have robbed him of. For Spitfire, it was something she thought her job would have robbed from her. Yet, after celebrating their third year anniversary of being together, they both come to a conclusion about what they want in life, and each other.


This was a commission by Doomgooey, which helped pay for gas. Thanks!

Chapters (1)

This story is SAFE for work. This story is Rated G. Only kisses and cuddles, nothing more.

This story was inspired by the art featured as the cover image, created by amazing pony artist Scheadar on DeviantArt.

There once was a mare who's special talent compelled her to become a movie star. One day she met a stallion in Equestria, but the stallion had been born neither in Equestria, nor as a stallion, but on Earth as a man. Yet there the human screenwriter was, now turned pony and with an uncertain future. The mare became that stallion's guide in this new world, and their perfectly matched dreams and talents gave each other hope for the future. Then the time came for the human turned pony to go back to his home world, lest he suffer a terrible fate. The pair said their goodbyes, and that was to be the end. . . . . .

. . .You know, the universe ought to learn exactly how powerful love is.

(The Incomplete tag is deliberate and symbolic. :heart:)

Chapters (1)

Cadance meets a very sleepy changeling. Knowing the changeling is in no state to really do anything, she decides to show it some love.

Some rather... cuddleful love~

Written in a few hours while running on two hours of sleep myself so if there are errors, there's your answer.

Thank you to Notowa for making the cover! I honestly didn't think I'd use any cover but yay.

For some reason featured on 5/3/2022... and also 5/4/2022

Chapters (1)

Graduation is quickly approaching Canterlot High. While Sunset Shimmer is happy about this celebratory milestone, something has kept her believing there's more to do back in Equestria. Along the way, she begins to think back on her past, try to understand things she had never questioned before, and take an extended return to Equestria. Little does she know, she would eventually uncover an incredibly dark and unexpected truth...

Chapters (58)