• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
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Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Their eyes met across a crowded park. Okay, they didn't, but still. She was everything Scootaloo wasn't: She flew, constantly. Her cutie mark stood proud on her flanks. She dictated the actions of the Bearers of the Elements.

She had to be stopped.

Foes will act as one. Plots will be hatched. Colts will be embarrassed. All to put an end to the foulest, most sinister force Ponyville has ever seen:


Rated teen for unintentionally suggestive dialogue and allusions to violence, just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Icy (But Warm) Meeting

After settling in Crystal Empire, Thorax began sending letters to Spike.

So you might remember the vaguely Spike x Thorax fanfic I wrote almost a year ago and the second chapter I wrote was already completed when I posted it. It was only because I didn’t know how to finish the story that I stopped writing. However, there wasn’t any need to completely waste the time I spent on the second chapter so here! Have a mostly back and forth series of silly letters that have been sitting in drafts for almost a year now.

You don’t need to read the first story to understand what happens in this one.

Chapters (1)

Knead Top is a lonely pizza shop owner. After inheriting the shop (and all the responsibility) from his parents after their passing, he’s had a hard time making the bills due to the severe lack of customers.

Canterlot just wasn’t in the mood for pizza anymore.

However, one pony seemed to be.

…Princess Luna and Topple enjoyed the night they spent together.

(Topper’s Pizza logo belongs to Topper’s Pizza. This isn’t the logo of the Topper’s Pizza I usually go to down in SoCal, but it works.)

Chapters (1)

While on a trip to the town of Ponyville, Autumn Blaze and a few of her friends from the Kirin Grove find something peculiar. A contraption that's said to extinguish fires.

Each one of them react to it rather differently... Yet, all of them still find a way to get themselves in trouble.

Another silly one shot inspired by another silly art piece from Icey_Starr. Yet, unlike the last one, this one was a bit more spontaneous and doesn't quite have any structure to it.

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro.

Featured- 7/10/2022

Chapters (1)

When an integrated changeling has the opportunity to make it big in Applewood as a fill-in actor, it seems like the perfect niche. He’ll be getting jobs left and right!


A story based in the Integration Universe originally conceived by Minds Eye.

Edited by Jackelope
Cover art by me

Chapters (1)

Twilight had done it. Spring had come on time for apparently the first time in quite a while in Ponyville thanks to her stellar organization skills...

What Twilight DIDN'T realize, was that Winter Wrap Up actually already had an organizer in place and that she basically took her position right out from under her.

Just a feelsy little one-shot I decided to write after it was revealed in episode 100 what Sparkler used to do in Ponyville before Twilight. Seriously, nopony finds it kinda sad?

Also, kinda, sorta spoilers for the 100th Episode, but takes place after Winter Wrap Up.

Edit: Now with an Audio Reading!

Edit 2: Featured in Equestria Daily's Pony Spotlight #5

Chapters (1)

Luna's been on the moon for the past millennium. So when she comes back, she feels out of place. No one she knows is alive anymore and this generation of ponies makes her feel even more alien. Celestia decides to have her meet some ponies who may understand her emotions and, in so doing, bring her out of her shell.

Chapters (1)

Rewritten on February 27th, 2015.

Big Mac wants to go out and do something. More specifically, he'd like to go on a date, but when Applejack finds out some of the details, she drags him to a fair and Big Mac ends up dating Fleetfoot. Will this date end well?

Chapters (1)

While attending a fundraiser benefiting Equestria's military in Ponyville, Shining Armor is confronted by a troubled war veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Chapters (1)

For four pony visitors to Earth, practically everything is new and overwhelming, including food: not only in the wide variety of foods available for delivery, but how do you eat them with hooves?

Things in bowls are easy to figure out, but how should a pizza be approached? Is it, in fact, a flat breadbowl, a combination of soup and fondue held in by the crust?

Coming 6-27-22 a reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)