• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
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Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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by LeaX

Ever since Twilight got the message, informing her that Cadence was in labor, she couldn't find it in her to feel excited, no matter how many times she said she was. How can you be excited when so much could go wrong. But maybe it doesn't matter when you have a family to turn to and a timeless song in your mind. Something an unlikely specimen lost a long time ago.

Not sure if this should be rated T, but it has some language in it. Be warned.

Chapters (1)

Alex. Fifteen years old. He got into Equestria a couple of months ago and has already been able to adapt quite well. At least he has a house and money. Unfortunately, he has several problems. For example, ponies almost never pronounce his name correctly. But among all the problems, there is the most serious one. Twilight Sparkle and her special attention to Alex's behavior. And today she crossed the line. Will Alex be able to get Twilight to leave him alone today?

Chapters (1)

After a nightmarish magical error, a small group of university students sent to Equestria for a study are now unable to return home. Permanently. Companionship with one another had never become more important for them.

Well, minus one. His name was Joey Belfort. Nothing quite remarkable or unremarkable about him on the surface, which unfortunately often leads to being overlooked. Constantly forgotten, overshadowed by his peers. Sometimes the road to success is a treacherous and painful one.

Of course, he of all people already knows this. This is his story.

(Takes place in G4 after Twilight becomes a princess.)

Edit: Featured on day 2 of release! Holy cow! Thank you guys!

Double edit: featured again!! That's craaazy

Chapters (19)

Nurse Redheart has had too many long days and weary nights, too many lost causes to care for. And one cold winter's night, she finally reaches the breaking point, questioning whether her career has been truly worth it.

But tonight, she receives an unexpected visitor, one who will help restore her hopes.

A special Christmas charity story commissioned by Crystal Wishes. Dedicated to nurses everywhere.

Chapters (1)

This is NOT human x pony romance!

Rudy is a pegasus stallion, living on Earth for the last 5 years. He's been helping a human named Jack deliver newspapers since coming here, and in the newspaper industry, there's no such thing as a holiday, unless the presses break down and can't be fixed by 8am the next day. This New Years Eve, Rudy and Jack go out to do what they do every night, but tonight might just be something special for the first time, as a mare he's come to fancy working inside the press building asks him a strange question.


Edited (or at least who I saw in the gdoc before posting it) by Bill Cypher and Moonshot.

Written for Admiral's Not a Contest contest. I delivered newspapers most of my life, and we worked every day, every night, holidays be damned. I wanted to convey just how... normal a holiday would be to us. It was just another day, like Christmas, or Easter. We worked, we lived on, and we did the same thing every night, from when I was a baby, up to my mid 20's. Side note: I'm immune to paper cuts.

Chapters (1)

In another time, in another place, the war that destroyed the world never came, how different is everything. Heart's warming has arrived and Pip preparing to celebrate it with all her friends and family, with the help of her long-time friend she everyone is coming to dinner.

This is my Christmas story for the new year(Even though I miss the deadline). It's meant to Celebrate FOE a story that's helped me get better at writing and making things. Thanks Kkat for the story and great character. Art by ToasterRepairUnit

Chapters (1)

When an earth pony working as a trucker is fired for a fairly heinous mistake, her human friend cheers her up by showing her his decidedly smaller and faster vehicle.

This was my attempt to do two challenges at once!

Conceived and written in one hour for the seventh Quills and Sofas contest. The prompt was "hard to handle". It came third place!

I realised it was also an opportune time to also have a go at AdmiralBiscuit's Labour Day Challenge! I didn't actually have time to include any scenes of her actually trucking, like I wanted, but... how interesting could it be? She sits there, listens to podcasts and talks to her buddy. Earth pony stamina to stay awake. 'Nuff said.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is a wonderful time of year for most ponies. Getting together, singing, eating traditional foods, seeing old friends… and family.

But when that family is broken, or trying to heal, sometimes things can be a little harder.

Written for Admiral Biscuit, who requested some slice of life flavored with secondary background pones, as his Jinglemas 2023 gift! These may not be the most obscure, but theirs is a burgeoning family dynamic that I appreciated seeing. Cover art by mlplary6, source in image.

CW: Divorce, brief discussion of toxic relationships

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Pinkie come across a stallion who's in a pretty bad mood. After explaining he feels lonely, and in need of things to do, he gets to help out the mane six with various tasks in their everyday life.

He grows close enough to them that he gets to join them on their adventures, and he even becomes an honorary Element of Harmony.

A rejection, a change of heart, and some relationship issues later, he marries the pony he had a crush on since they first met, and they live happily together, though, many issues still pop up, both for Equestria, and their relationship.

Chapters (2)