• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Slice of Life 1559 stories
Found 1,554 stories in 88ms

Total Words: 40,378,010
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Bat ponies were a convenient hiding place. Few knew of their true nature, if they even really existed, so he could pretend to be one and get few hard questions. A pity one princess knew more than most, and would not be casually brushed aside.

Requested by a loyal patron, with an initial schedule of 2/month.

Want one of your own? Get over here and sign up, or just help support me and more words like them!

Chapters (29)

There are all sorts of things that can be done with a cell phone, like summoning encyclopedia articles or getting aurascopes or finding out what the weather can be or talking to friends or ordering food for delivery.

Every pony should have one.

Even if they’re not exactly hoof-friendly.

Chapters (1)

Developing romantic feelings for a friend is awkward.

It's extra awkward when you're a ruler, they're an ambassador of another nation, and oh, bonus, they were raised immersed in that nation's culture and so you have no idea if the signals you're trying to give are even being picked up on.

On a visit to Ponyville to catch up with Spike, Ember has just noticed how handsome her first and best friend has gotten, and has no idea what to do with herself about it. She needs to figure that out asap, and so needs some advice, badly. Thankfully, ponies are good with mushy-feely things, so she just needs to track down the local romance expert and shake them down.

And hopefully not burn the town down in the process.

Written on commission, for Spamotron. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
Also check out author Patreon and Ko-Fi.

Chapters (6)

Hearth's Warming Eve is nearly upon Canterlot once again. The city is abustle with holiday shoppers and busy little ponies, but they all have the same thing on their mind: The Hearth's Warming Play!

Ponies from all across Equestria come to audition for the distinguished honor of being in that year's playbill. Whether it's as a stagehand, a contributor, or the coveted actor, it was just an honor to be listed. This year however, an even greater honor was on offer: to share the stage with Princess Celestia herself!

Well, it wasn't yet decided what role she'd be playing, but she was auditioning! Of course she was going to get a role! Why wouldn't she? It was a shoo-in. Especially with her sister Luna waiting in the wings to support her.

Featured 12/1/2023. Much thanks!

Art done by the fantastic minekoo2.

Chapters (1)

She's seen dozens of graduating classes go beyond her realm. Graduate and pass off into adulthood, move from her aged classroom and to bigger and better things than what high school could offer them. If their life peaked here, it was not because of her; it was always best to encourage more than a teenage life. But watching so many settle for so little grated Cheerilee to her core.

She'd studied for years to tend to others. Her medicinal skills were perhaps not as fine as the greatest surgeon's, but she knew human anatomy. To heal wounds, to comfort terrified souls, to dispense medical knowledge that would benefit those about her; Redheart was as capable a comfort as she was a clinic, and nothing this school could bring her had managed to best her yet. But to deal with the excess of teenage stupidity and bravado when so many seemed intent on wounding themselves was despairing.

It was tired to watch the world go by, growing older alongside you. Maybe they just needed a breather, and a whispering ear.

Part One of my Christmas special. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Misty has never experienced a snowball fight before. Sunny and her friends aim to change that.

Part of Serina's Hearth's Warming Eve Collection for 2023.

Chapters (1)

In Griffon The Brush Off, Chad gave Gilda a present before she departed out of anger. After heading all the way back to Griffonstone she finally gets curious. What she finds inside warms her heart, and makes her feel guilty about what happened.

Chapters (1)

Octavia's life in her parents' house was full of noise. Now that she's in her own apartment, she can finally enjoy a night of silence.

So why can't she sleep?

Edited by Cerulean Voice. Cover art provided by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen.

Epic Pancake Productions did a reading, too.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends are leaving for a week-long vacation, leaving Ponyville in the very capable hooves of Lyra and Bon-Bon.

What's the worst that could happen?

Written for the February Write-Off.

Chapters (1)

Applejack's cousin from Las Pegasus, a dancer, comes to visit, and catches everyone off guard. Especially Spike, who is instantly smitten with the young mare--and Rarity is none too happy about it.

Chapters (1)