• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1008 stories



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As the Hearth's Warming season approaches, even Sunset Shimmer is affected by the season of love and friendship. When she speaks one-on-one with Flash Sentry for the first time and they go out on the town, they end up sharing a cold night together that soon turns hot and reminds her that she wasn't always alone.

Chapters (1)

Sunset finally has the bike ready for a good coat of paint. And luckily, she has a friend that can give her a good deal.

Continuity: Homecoming

Chapters (1)

A human being has somehow managed to stumble his way into Equestria with no idea of how he managed to do it.

Thankfully, Twilight Sparkle is actually prepared for this situation! With the Crystal Mirror in her possession and a rudimentary device that allows her to open its portal to the human world whenever she pleases, this "Anon" as he calls himself is just a hop, skip and a jump away from going home!

Or at least back to his world. Ehh, close enough.

And just in time for Twilight to still have her morning coffee!

But it's never that easy for Twilight. Ever. There's always some kind of catch or stipulation preventing what should be easy to fix problems from being fixed easily. And what's the issue this time?

He doesn't think it's safe.

Because of course he doesn't.

A dumb idea that was too stupid not to write out and publish. I'm not apologizing.

Chapters (1)

Vignette Valencia was in a slump. She went mad with magical power, and as a result, she lost her job at Equestrialand.

However, while on the lookout for a new job, she gains something unexpected, from the person she thought would want nothing to do with her after everything was done.

Her name was Appletini, right?

Chapters (12)

You can find anything you want to eat in Sugarcube Corner, but what happens if someone comes along who wants something awful?

What you do is you take justice into your own hands.

A tale of horror and more than the recommended daily dose of sugar.

A quick comedy written in one sitting. Best served cold.

A submission for RockstarRaccoon's Nightmare Night in April: Horror Write Off

Consider subscribing to my Patreon

Chapters (1)

Ever since they decided to give dating another shot, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry have been doing well together. But Christmas Eve is here and with a night together looming, Sunset is facing some hesitations regarding the physical aspect of their relationship. She turns to her friends for help, but maybe the answer is one that only she can provide.

Pre-read by Albinocorn, MythrilMoth, and RTStephen

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer was Celestia's top student until she betrayed her. Now she has escaped to the world through the mirror. However, instead of her becoming the tyrant queen of Canterlot High, an accident happens on the first day there, causing her to lose her memories. Now an amnesic Sunset Shimmer is alive in the human world, not knowing what her goal in life is or where's she from. The question is: Is this a good thing or will she still become a demon anyways?

First featured on Fimfiction's main page on 8/18/2015!

Cover image by the awesome: MixMassBasher

Note: There will be spoilers in the comments! You have been warned!!!

Also, this story is old. The early chapters are very low quality! You have been warned!!!

Chapters (47)

Sunset Shimmer hangs out around the Wondercolt statue with her dear friends, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. They await the arrival of one Starswirl the Bearded to aide them in recovering and safeguarding magical mysteries he once left behind in their world.

Some mysteries of which he's only just now discovering for himself, however.

Part of the Anarchyverse. A sequel to All These Midnight Days, but you can read this without it.

Chapters (1)

Sacred duty. Unending rage. Their battle has been a long time coming now it is here at last. Mankind can only watch on as a Final Hope clashes with an Unyielding Wrath. A group of friends must find a way to appease the two or watch the world be burned in their unending battle.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Anon-A-Miss: New Student

The sequel to Anon-A-Miss: New Student. It's winter break and Logan and Sunset decide to spend it together but that's not all. Logan's childhood friends are also coming to visit during the holidays. Sunset is excited to spend the holiday with two more people and especially Logan. She's just happy to finally have better friends to spend time with during the holidays.

However, it's not all good news. Abigail hears about a restaurant being filed against a lawsuit. Not just any restaurant, but the one she had founded many years before! Apparently, some costumer had claimed that his food was poisoned by one of the staff members. Abigail's friend is in desperate need of help so she decides to go back to Manehattan and prove her friends' and the restaurant's innocence. She can't help but feel like Gilda's mother had something to do with it.

Chapters (12)