• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1010 stories



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1 month after the fall formal Sunset Shimmer is now “friends” with the girls who defeated her.

And even though all of the girls have accepted her as a person she thinks their only her friend because of Twilight asking them. So she plans to kill herself...... what will happen when her plan begin to fall apart?

(Another cliche Sunset Shimmer redemption story that’s been done before..... but I wanted to try it for myself)

Chapters (6)

Beast Boy and Cyborg get transported to Canterlot High via Raven's mirror from the Teen Titans episode "Nevermore".

This takes place during the events of Dainn's Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (3)

The past year has been something for the sirens, however, even more changes are coming that Aria will have to deal with. Such as, impossible as it sounds, her sister Sonata being accepted into Canterlot Community College. Will it be too much for the siren to handle?

Entry for https://www.fimfiction.net/group/215725/my-little-pony-renaissance-contest

Pre-read by ExplosionMare ❤️

Chapters (1)

Ever since Cozy Glow caused trouble in Equestria, Sunset Shimmer's been keeping an eye on her human counterpart, just in case. She never expected that she'd hold the girl's life in her hands.

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer wakes up to discover she has been out for several years and the world has moved on without her in an unpleasant direction. Is Sunset ready to start her new life? Of course not. Neither, for that matter, is the Author.

Chapters (1)

2 Year's have passed since that dreaded Anon a Miss incident and Sunset and her friends are now college sophomores and their friendship has been growing stronger and stronger . Sunset now 19 find's herself ready to meet up and confront her old mentor and some choice word's will be said, but luckily our flame haired girl doesn't have to go through the whole ordeal alone. Let's see how this reunion play's out shall we?

Chapters (2)

A solar storm is raging across Equestria, the weather is going wild and magic is going haywire everywhere...
...and three fillies are sneaking through the most recent addition to ponyville, Twilight's crystal castle, looking for cool artifacts.

Unluckily for them, they find what they're looking for.

This is my third story, and second halo crossover, on here and I'm going to attempt writing it in first person, criticism is appreciated since first person is hard.

The cover art is made by Johnjoseco, I colored it in.
Source: derpibooru

Hope you guys enjoy!:twilightsmile:

Chapters (27)

Sunset Shimmer has a problem. Or maybe she doesn't. Maybe there is no Sunset.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer finally has all that she wanted: Amazing friends, a family, a place to call home, she even was on good terms with Princess Celestia and visits Equestria often, but one day something happened.

Suddenly no one remembers about magic or Equestria, her friends do not even remember who is princess Twilight. This is the story of her quest for answers.

Will she find what happened? Could she make old enemies her allies? Let's discover together.

Edit 04.26.2021: The profanity tag is only a safeguard, the characters will eventually say the F word or something like that, so I thought that will be better to put that tag.

Chapters (2)

It's almost midnight, and Sunset Shimmer opens an old envelope that's been lying in her room. It won't be the first or last mistake she ever makes.

Chapters (1)