• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1008 stories



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Sunset Shimmer encounters Santa Claus in Pinkie's living room and they have a short chat.

Cover art belongs to Astral Sketch.

Now with YouTube reading by kingfish!

Second reading by ObabScribbler!

Third reading by AliCentaur Br0ny!

...and a fourth reading by LoneWriter1800!

Wow, guys. That's a lot of readings.

Chapters (1)

Takes place right after Sunset gets the element of magic and places it on her head. The last thing that Sunset remembered is pain. Then a blissful numbness that settled over her. What happened to Sunset when she awakes in a crater with no feelings in her legs. How well she continue living when she can no longer get upstairs without assistance? Is she doomed to be as useless as she feels? Sunset, now crippled, will have a lot to learn from dressing herself to learning about friendship from Twilight friends and how to show her remorse and guilt for her actions. Luckily even if she believes herself to be alone, she'll find out just how many people actually care about her.
Inspired by A Wheeled Life by DisgracedHandPuppets. I got the idea after reading his/her idea but with my own understanding of human biology. So go give his/her story a read first before mine. I would like to point out though that his/her and my cause of the paralysis will be for different reasons. Also no attempted suicide or self-harm, but there will be thoughts of suicide.
And on a quick note, I don't own MLP or MLP EG or any of the characters as none will be made up by me. So don't sue.

Cover art by Scampy. Go give them a look and read their stories. They are all really good and filled to the brim with emotions. Thank you Scampy for the awesome cover art!:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Chapters (12)

Hunger grips at us all... But have you ever been so hungry for one single thing that you were willing to break the laws of reality to get what you wanted? Sunset Shimmer sure did. That's why she embarked on this crazed mission to risk life and limb for her true love: Steak. And, if she happens to find a leather jacket to bring home? That'll just be a bonus.

The suspense! The thrills! The goofy-comedy! All while keeping a horrible secret under it all! What will happen? Find out!

Spin-off of: "Know Your Mare" and "Shimmer, My Big Bad Sis."

Chapters (3)

Star Swirled was supposed to be a fun music festival and a chance to see some awesome bands over the course of two days.

That was several months ago, and thanks to a time loop Sunset Shimmer is still on Day 1.

After all the confusion, after the rage, after the desperation - she's emotionally tapped out.

Fortunately, she's not alone.

Written (but not completed) for the No Author Left Unnoticed competition, with the prompt "Sleep doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired." Finished anyway later on because I can't bear to leave work half-completed.

Reviewed here by The Red Parade.

Chapters (1)

Changelings aren't liked. They have no close ties. They can't. No one will risk it.

Chrysalis spends most of her time looking at the lives others lead through their social media posts.

She didn't mean to feel anything as she looked at her, but she did.

Chapters (2)

Sunset doesn't know what she expected from the snap decision to go back to the town where she was born. It certainly wasn't this.

People left and right knowing her name.

Somebody pretending to be somebody pretending to be her.

The apparent existence of a world of magic and unicorns.

And in the middle of everything, a girl who looks like her, sounds like her, and has stirred up a whole mess of trouble and drama just waiting for anyone who happens to be named "Sunset Shimmer".

This is an Anon-a-Miss story, which means that it takes the 2014 comic My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special as it's jumping off point. As is generally the case, if I write this properly it should be self-contained and thus completely accessible to people who have never read laid eyes on the comic.

The idea behind this story is that the point of divergence from the comic is human-Sunset's arrival, and that is the whole of what has changed from the original premise. As a result you won't see many of the the things that have become common in the genre as a result of the influence of Dainn's version (the sirens showing up, things escalating severely, Gilda, so forth.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Matters of Principle

For as far back as she can remember, Vice Principal Luna has had no choice but to stand by and watch her well-meaning sister get in all sorts of trouble. Now, with supernatural threats appearing from another world, Luna finds herself losing faith in her ability to make any real difference in her students' lives, or Celestia's.

Perhaps a visit to that other world will provide some perspective.

Edits: nanashi_jones

Chapters (5)

The demon who once haunted her school may be no more, but the demon in her heart remains. Maybe the demon in the drawer of her desk will help.

Chapters (1)

Sonata, Aria, and Adagio lived on the streets for a month ever since the battle of the bands. Sonata finds a poster about a so called Friendship Games. And finds a confident Rainbow Dash practicing motorcross. So she gives it a try, but it's not as easy as it seems.
(Inspired by Friendship Games, the new movie coming.)

Chapters (1)