• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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Sunset Shimmer has never needed anyone or anything - she had her magic, she had her ambition, and she had intellect. Others just stood in her way or held her down. So what do you do when your plans for world domination fall through?

Now she's about to discover that the only thing harder than hitting rock bottom is climbing your way out of that crater. Good thing she has some new friends to help her along, but its tough to seek forgiveness from others when you can't forgive yourself...

Special thanks to KiltedKey (Chapters 1/2) and SolidFire for their editing work.

Chapters (47)

A former villain on the road to reformation, still facing the consequences of her past actions. Five girls, together again, thinking fondly of the help and guidance they got from the pony princess from another dimension. And one troubled boy stuck in the middle, who has given up on love, and life.

Sunset Shimmer has reformed, but she knows she must right her past wrongs—there is a boy on the roof of Canterlot High, declared worthless and unlovable by Sunset herself, ready to believe her right and jump to his death. With help from Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Sunset must talk him down and convince him that what she said in the past isn't true, and that he deserves to live.

Meanwhile, the boy thinks back on his numerous attempts to prove to her, and to himself, that she was wrong. His solution: ask the five most perfect girls in school out on a date. Their mutual response: no. He must learn that love doesn't work that way, that a lack of romance is not a lack of love, and that he desperately needs help before it's too late.

Set in the Equestria Girls universe. Props to HudsonHawk for the title, and an extra special thanks to xoxPinkiePiexox for the excellent new cover art!

Chapters (11)

A Twin Canterlots anthology—first in the Lectern’s Books series

It’s good to find new hang-outs and not see the same old places constantly. Sci-Twi suggests Lectern’s New and Used Books—a pretty nice place with a pretty nice owner. It even has a front room and a back patio set up to hang out in.

Interior plans and pictorial views of the store and its lot are available.

Set during the summer vacation between the girls’ junior and senior years at CHS—latter half of season five.

Reviewed 16 July 2017 by Singularity Dream.
Featured on TCC56’s Recommendsday.

Chapters (8)

For Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle is a great friend and is always a joy to be around.

It's just Midnight she has trouble with.

Inspired by art from Tralalayla, and commissioned by nonimportantstuff

Now with Reading by Scribbler Productions

Video commissioned by Sarsath

Legend of Everfree spoilers

Chapters (1)

Button Mash has never been the most popular boy in Canterlot High. He's always been a bit of a loner. So, what can he do to try and meet new people?

He creates an after school gaming club!

However, unfortunately for the young man, the gaming club is not a big hit with his schoolmates. It's the third week, and nobody has shown up. Button is about to give up on the club when someone unexpected suddenly shows up at the club. What hijinks will Button Mash go through? Tune in to find out!

(Currently a one shot, but can become a series if people enjoy it. So be sure to let me know!)

(Also, this story is set in the EG universe, but EG art of Button Mash really just doesn't exist, so pic isn't strictly related)

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss. They happened, people were hurt, the mess was cleaned up, people are begrudgingly forgiving the trio responsible, if only for Sunset, and everyone in the school is starting to become friends again. The problem was solved, right?

Not if you ask Rainbow Dash. She's still pretty mad at herself about it, after getting all the details shown to her. So are her friends, just slightly less so than her.

Yes, this is another Anon-A-Miss story, but at least it doesn't happen during the fiasco like nearly every other one I've read. I was considering a way I could write a story about the entire thing that wasn't done to death. Then I realized there weren't many stories that followed this particular line of thought, so I went with it to see what would happen when it was filtered through my brain.

Edit 2: Now has a Bookshelf to keep track of all the stories related to this one. TADAAAA!

Chapters (6)

The Dazzlings needed money, and since Sonata was too dumb and Aria was too lazy, it fell on Adagio's shoulders to keep a roof over her their heads.

This is just one of the many things she's done for money.

Written for the January prompt of Uncommon Dazzling Ship: Adagio X Fluttershy.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is Leaving to go to the Wonderbolts Academy, the best College for Athletics. 12 of her teammates from CHS are joining her and have obtained a house for them to share nearby. As nervous as she is, an old friend is going to make things interesting!

Image by Sparkling-Sunset on DeviantArt

Chapters (10)

Sunset has reached the final page in her journal to Twilight. With no idea what to write on it, she has to think about living life without the guidance that she's relied on for so long, and possibly without one of her best friends.

Chapters (1)

Now in her late forties, Sunset Shimmer has built herself a career as a doctor. She has devoted her life to helping others, be it by prescribing pain killers or simply bandaging a scraped knee. A part of her longs to return to Equestria, but she is mostly happy with her new life. However, one day three very familiar girls drop by her office, one of them injured. Old memories flood back as Sunset is shown an unexpected harsh reality related to her high school life.

Chapters (1)