• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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On a clear and cloudless night, a young girl starts for home somewhat later than usual. She knows her parents aren't worried. They know she can be trusted. They know what a good girl she is.

The streets are empty, the stores are all closed...

...and someone watches from the shadows as a girl walks home alone at midnight.

Chapters (1)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

After some time of turning over a new leaf, Sunset was happy with her life. She gained new friends, slowly winning over the students at CHS and became the protector of the human world alongside her friends against any rouge magic and creatures. She wanted to give back to everyone by becoming the head director of the Christmas party and Toys for Kids Festival at the school on Christmas Eve.

But when the events of the party and festival went wrong due to her past, Sunset was down on her dumps after she was blamed for the disaster and felt like she had ruined her friends lives because of her. Just when she was about to give up on everything, a mysterious teenaged girl, who claimed to be her guardian angel, showed Sunset what the world and her friends would be like without her.

This is an Equestria Girls take of an ever so beloved classic Christmas film, It's a Wonderful Life!

FEATURED: 3/20/20 - Wow! Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Spanish translation by Arthor2017 :raritystarry:

And on a Tv Tropes page! :scootangel:

Chapters (16)

You attend Canterlot High camp; a few cabins out in the nearby woods. But, you and another student get sick, forced to stay in the sick room until you get better, or until the camp ends. Things go downhill from there.

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer's been informed of the Cozy Glow debacle, and now she's worried about Cozy’s human counterpart. Is it wrong to suspect someone based on their parallel self’s sins? Snappy character vignette that gives equal POV time to Sunset and human Cozy trying to figure out just what the other’s deal is.

Teen rating for depictions of mental illness and Cozy’s casual use of crass language. Cover image made by me slapping some EG vectors on top of each other in Microsoft Powerpoint.

:pinkiegasp:Written reccomendation by a very reputable user:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (4)

I don't know why we even bother trying any more.”

Rainbow Dash is known by all to be a rather simple girl; when faced with any kind of problem, she invariably resorts to the same tried and true method of dealing with it: running. Very soon, however, she will learn that some things cannot be escaped.

Like losing a friend.

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be an easy summer for Fluttershy. Spend the summer learning how to ride around in an ambulance so that she can get the extra credit needed to get to veterinary school early. Something not too difficult that she could get some life experience with

Yet this will be a summer she will never be able to forgets. Instead of simply riding around in an ambulance, she gets sucked into a reality of mechanical aliens, robots in disguise and a war between two factions that has gone on longer than any human or pony has been alive.

And then there's Ratchet. He's a jerk.

Ratchet and the other transformers will be based on their WfC, FoC and Transformers Prime counterparts.

Chapters (43)

It is a strange time for those at Canterlot High. Magic is running rampant, creatures from beyond the cracks have invaded and worst of all, a strange, new being has been causing mischief. But aid comes in the form of a new teacher, one who can help Sunset learn about magic. Learn what it means to be a leader. For she is not a Man of Steel, nor a Dark Knight.

She's a wonder.

I OWN NOTHINGGGGGGGGG! Cover art by Renae De Liz.

Chapters (38)

After becoming mortal, the Dazzlings give up their evil ways and decide to lead normal lives. Which includes going to school like regular, normal girls. Sonata's first class on her first day is gym, and much to the humane five and Sunset's surprise, she's good at it. Too good at it.

Featured on 1/28/15!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been attacked and lies comatose in the hospital. All evidence points to someone who has access to magic. Led by Rarity, the rest of Sunset's friends begin to search for who did it and why.

But the answers may not give them the comfort they seek. And unknown to them, Sunset is having struggles of her own.
Part 1 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

(Not an Anon-A-Miss story)

Edited by Eventhewaves and Charles Rocketboy.

Featured on Equestria Daily 2/24/18

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to Romantic Meetings

Jake Taylor had been living in Equestria for four years with ponies and other creatures...but mostly ponies. Either way, there were no humans. But Jake couldn’t care less. He had two of the most beautiful, most amazing marefriends anyone could ever ask for: Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. He doesn’t need humans to be happy.

But one day while in the library, when Jake meets an admittedly attractive unicorn named Sunset Shimmer, who claims to be from another world full of humans, Jake starts to have second thoughts.

So, obviously, this is that story I was thinking of. Unlike Romantic Mischief, this will be exclusive for me and Peni Parker to work on.

Speaking of which, huge shout-out to Peni Parker for inspiring this story with one of your chapters. I’m obviously starting with the same two chapters from Romantic Mischief, but I won’t take those down in case you guys just want a laugh

Chapters (12)