• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is a sequel to A Fading Tradition

Despite all of Pharynx's rage, the grouchy lovebug still is mentally trapped in a cage.

A struggle between acceptance, grief and dismissive tendencies is all Pharynx has left when it comes to the ever-changing customs of his peoples. A rebellion is the last thing in his mind; fight his own brother? Blasphemic, the entire recorded Changeling history (barring Chrysalis) has never seen such civil conflict between one another. It's always been united under one banner, one Queen.

But now, Pharynx is left a bitter shell of what his usually grouchy shell used to be. It seemed that the Ponykind is left dawdling with teachings of friendship and peace, and it's eating his people with them. Assimilating. Conquering.

Until Her.

The cover is here.

What's the T-rating for? I don't really know! Maybe for some language? Or a little dash of violence? Sure, let's try it out.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Sun of My Heart

It's now summer time for Soul Writer as he and his friends are having the time of their lives right now. His favorite girl in the world right now, Sunset Shimmer is his girlfriend and he loves her with all of his his heart. Once again, join Soul, Sunset and many of their friends in their adventures through life, fun and happiness as they make memories on their summer vacation and they soon would enter their senior year of school!

I want to thank my fellow authors and friends for letting me use their characters in this awesome sequel!

Amor Fati by BRyeMC
Come Out of Your Shell by CogWing
Pie of My Eye by Azure_Shadow
Chasing a Dream by KillerRobotQuote
Twilight to a New Dawn by Zeroxdoom

Cover Art made by kiriche

Chapters (34)

Derpy and the Doctor are married now, but that doesn't mean Doctor Whooves is going to give up having adventures in the TARDIS. He makes Roseluck his new companion and they leave,sometimes for weeks at a time.

Derpy has no friends in Ponyville since she's always screwing up. Knowing they're won't be anypony in Ponyville, she recalls the time when Pinkie made copies of herself and gets a brilliant idea.

Chapters (1)

Cloudy Quartz discovers a giant, beating heart of stone underground. Equestria is alive, and it knows she's there.

A cutesy story about marriage.

An entry to FanOfMostEverything's Ancestral Tribute Contest.

Edited by Mousse and Antsan. Cover art by me! Heh heh heh.

Chapters (1)

One night, just a few days before Princess Twilight Sparkle's coronation as ruler of Equestria, Prince Alfred summons Princess Luna at the "Castle of The Two Sisters" for a delicate talk with her; this would be the last night he would have lied to her since what she deserves is only the truth.

Part of the "Alfredverse".

Special thanks to Player 4 for helping with a few ideas and concepts for this story.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been your best friend ever since you got transported into the magical world of Equestria, and you’ve enjoyed your adventures and misadventures alike ever since deciding to stay in Equestria for good. However, one day, when you witness another Twilighting episode intended for the other members of the Mane 6, you can’t help but wonder, as Twilight’s friend, are you really worthy to be friends with the Princess of Friendship?

(Now, a One-Shot Series :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:)

Chapters (2)

A man is mistakenly taken from his home after a botched experiment and is stuck in Equestria as a creature called a hippogriff. After Princess Celestia fails to return him back to Earth and back to his original from, and after some time feeling angry and depressed, he decides to buy an old Cabin Cruiser sky ship and embarks on a journey to explore every inch of the world and live out his days in solitude.

At least, that's what he thought he was gonna do until he meets a unicorn named Tempest Shadow. Join Maverick as his quest of solitude turns into a quest of adventure, treasure hunting, romance, and doing whatever the heck he wants with his pirate crew of misfits called the Sky Pirate Cowboys. (He didn't name it. Stop laughing.)

Cover Art by Vlado Krizan on ArtStation.

Chapters (10)

Pinkie Pie invites everypony in Ponyville to her wedding, and with Princess Celestia as the SDIG (Super Duper Important Guest). Including Rainbow Dash, of course. She doesn't mind to go until she hears Pinkie Pie set up the rules.

One, any pony who attends Pinkie's wedding would have to bring a partner of the opposite gender with them. Two, the lucky mare who gets the bunch of flowers at the end of the wedding must come up on stage to kiss their partner.

Rainbow Dash isn't really comfortable with both rules. First, she doesn't have a partner. Second, she doesn't want to catch the flowers.

Given that Pinkie's wedding is in one month, Rainbow only has one month's time to find a partner...and a dress for the wedding.

Chapters (2)

Soarin's life is perfect, that is until he meets a certain Rainbow maned mare. As he begins this journey called love he must ask: Is she worth it?

Chapters (5)

Another day, another show; such is the life of a Wonderbolt.

When Soarin needs to leave his Rainbow Dash behind to go on tour again, he isn’t very happy about it. Luckily his marefriend has already plans for a memorable last evening together. After all, rainbows go well with pie.

Chapters (1)