• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Let me start this letter by saying: I love you. I know, I know. It’s probably the corniest statement in all of Equestria, but what can I say? It’s true.

Remember the first time we met? When I got my cutie mark? Your fourteenth birthday? Our final year project? All those good times we spent together strengthened our friendship.

But perhaps it’s time for something more? Twilight Velvet, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Featured: 10/03/2022
Behind-the-page: My Dearest Twilight
Written for: FanOfMostEveryhting’s Ancestral Tribute Contest
Review: KarmaSentinal and Ghost Mike

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

This holiday season is the worst time of Sunset's life. Anon-a-miss has made everyone believe that she has returned to her old ways and is now the target of everyone in the school.

Having just about enough pain and suffering Sunset tries to end it all but is saved and brought back to place where she can recover by an unlikely counterpart.

Now with the peace in the dark and guidance of the light, will Sunset prove her innocence to Canterlot High and even perhaps fulfill a dream she had long accepted would never come true.

(For those who read the MLP IDW comics, there will slight references here and there, so be warned)

Chapters (1)

What starts as a simple wager before Hearts and Hooves day turns into something much greater than Rainbow Dash ever expected. But everypony has a past, and that past can come back to haunt you at the worst times.

This story is dedicated to anyone who had their heart broken...and found the strength to move on anyway.

Chapters (8)

Throughout her life, Vapor Trail has been in the shadow of Sky Stinger, in the best way she could. She didn't want all the attention to herself and wanted to give it to somepony she found special. As the years have gone by, the two have grown close to each other, helping one another accomplish their life long dream: becoming a Wonderbolt. And for once in her life, Vapor Trail didn't want to be in the shadow of Sky Stinger, but in the light beside him.

With both of their dreams accomplished, they can now live the dream... that is, until Vapor Trail had another dream in mind. Because of her closeness with Sky Stinger, the mare developed strong feelings for him and wants to confess her emotions to him.

However, Vapor Trail was unaware of how challenging such a task could be. Vapor Trail has many resources to her disposal, such as teammates and various plots to get the right words out. But will that be enough? Can Vapor Trail get the message across? Or will her chances of being Sky Stinger's special somepony vanish like a vapor of steam?

11/18/17 It happened! Failed Confessions made the featured page!

A special thanks to katseartist for the cover art!
Link to her website: http://www.spiritrappings.com/about/
Link to cover art image: http://katseartist.deviantart.com/art/Vapor-Trail-Commission-666221707

Chapters (33)

This story takes place before Season 3 episode 7 Wonderbolts Academy.

Thunderlane has to stand watch as an experimental lightning storm is being tried out on the weather factory's test range, but he would far rather be watching the buckball playoffs instead.

Suddenly he sees two pegasi in difficulty as they try to outrun the storm, and goes to help out.

Chapters (3)

Since magic has been returned to the three pony tribes, Queen Haven has been sneaking out for unexplained reasons. That is, until she's spotted with Alphabittle in secret.

It isn't long before the media in Zephyr Heights goes into overdrive, speculating that the two leaders are a couple and that they're officially going to get engaged. When word of this reaches Bridlewood, Izzy eagerly anticipates planning a wedding.

But Zipp and Pipp aren't as enthusiastic about the whole thing. Pipp especially is less than thrilled with the prospect of her mother marrying somepony else. And it all has to do with what happened to Zephyr Heights' last king.

Chapters (1)

After being told she was wrong for believing humans exist countless times, Lyra finally proves them wrong once first contact between Ponykind and Humanity successfully occurs. All her of dreams came true shortly afterwards, of which Bon Bon can no longer crush. On a bright and wonderful day, Lyra is outside with her boyfriend Michael. Laying down and enjoying his touch, she reflects on how it all came to be and how nothing can stop it from ending.

Short one shot I decided to make for fun, inspired by a picture on dA by Astringe. Check out some of his stuff! Rated Teen for a bit more adult, but not over the top themes.

Chapters (1)

In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy! But what will happen when our yellow pegasus learns more about the evil king? When he gets his strength back, he is ready to attack the crystal empire, but will he?

Chapters (22)

Takes place shortly after her first appearance in season one. Big Macintosh takes Trixie in when she has no place else to go, now she has to learn how to love and tolerate if she ever wants the nice and warm life Big Macintosh has told her about. Making peace with the ponies she met last time seems to be a good place to start. Big MacintoshxTrixie

Big MacintoshxTrixie (or MacinTrix as I like to call it) isn't what I like to think as a crack pairing but more of an outside the box pairing. Anyways, the short description pretty much says it all and I hope you enjoy it. One thing to keep in mind though is I write for fun, and while constructive criticism is understood it doesn't really tell me whether or not you enjoyed the story.

Chapters (11)

Jim Brody is not what you would call a "ladies man". He's short, balding, kinda chubby, and overall unappealing to women. Yet despite this, he's managed to earn the friendship of the lovely Coco Pommel. A mare who he feels is far too good for him.

Special thanks to TehSporkBandit for proofreading and editing!

Chapters (1)