• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 827 stories
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Luna finds a note from a secret admirer of hers. Can this romance succeed or is it doomed to tragic failure?

I figured I'd try my hand at poetry for a change of pace. I've always wanted to attempt such a thing.

This piece is greatly inspired by a page of dropped verse I found on the ground some time ago. I found it beautiful, if short, and began immediately wondering how I could incorporate it into some horse words. Hopefully, I do the original justice, and you don't find my words hoarse.

Chapters (1)

Hitch thought that the end of his shift was going to be normal; clock out, head home, shower, and go to bed. That was until his childhood best friend, and three new best friends decided that he was going to come to the Brighthouse to hang out with them, using Pipp as a weapon to get Hitch to agree, knowing he had some sort of crush on her.

The sleepover part however, didn't exactly go as planned.

Professional Audio Reading done here: Part 1 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewYyn5bTZ_4
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0Oh00OgEM

There is now a sequel, called I Will Always Be with You, To the End of Time

Chapters (1)

Alphabittle's life gets flighty when a pegasus Queen steps in and disrupts every aspect of his life. But who is he kidding? He's not mad about it one bit. In fact, he's very interested in Haven, but has ... not a lot of romantic experience, even if he felt like a romantic at heart.

Never has he met someone quite like her, she sets his soul on fire, and makes him sing "Vita Bella". His age of romance was found in music, artists like Nat King Colt, Ella Fillygerald, Clip Damone, and so many others. The actors of Ponywood had romance down. Maybe that was something Haven liked? Swept off her hooves like the old Ponywood romance flicks, offered sweet, loving romance like in the songs.

No time like the present to find out, right?

Cover art by me! Please consider checking out the full size piece.

Other tags for this fic include:
Slow burn, angst

Chapters (2)

Sunny Starscout managed to bring all three pony races together bringing harmony and friendship once more. But the Law is the Law and Hitch insists that Sunny must spend at least one night in Jail for all the by-Laws she broke. Cuddling ensues.

Chapters (1)

You are the only human in Equestria. After you have been in Equestria for some time, you fall in love with a rainbow haired Pegasus friend. You think it's time to let her know how you feel.

You X Rainbow Dash

Chapters (2)

Five years had passed since Fluttershy’s beloved passed away. Through those said years she been in an immense state of sorrow and grief. But today, she gathers the courage to visit his grave.

Written by Triple B Studios

Chapters (1)

Smolder has been sneaking through the School of Friendship, getting wondering looks from her friends and her teachers. Then one night, when Smolder thought that everyone was asleep, Smolder's friends, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie followed Smolder to the catacombs, where they find Smolder with another dragon. And to surprise them all, the dragon she's with was once a human boy named Aaron Blazer.

The group wanted to know how Aaron got to Equestria in the first place. And they even wanted to know why Smolder was keeping Aaron hidden from her friends and the teachers. And, eventually, they're gonna have to find a way to get Aaron back to his home before his family starts to worry. They contacted new High Princess, Twilight Sparkle, to see if they can find a way to get Aaron back to his world.

But it would take time for Twilight to find the right spell to send Aaron home, so Smolder spent as much time with Aaron, trying to teach him how to fly like a dragon, and avoid causing fire damage with the fire breath he now has. And maybe, the two hang out.

Chapters (23)

Written for the Ancestral Tribute Contest 2022.

Twilight Velvet was the best mother that she knew... but how can you be a mother without foals?

In short... she's driving herself crazy and dragging her husband with her... but he has a plan to make things right... for both of them.

Special thanks to CloudyGlow for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Night Mare Night the one night a year Luna's guard is guaranteed off and Nighting Gale is going to spend it having fun and letting loose. That however is a quick way of getting the attention of the royal guard. However, this royal guard knows her soon the two of them find their way through a moon lit Canterlot reliving the past and enjoying their present.

Chapters (1)

Let me start this letter by saying: I love you. I know, I know. It’s probably the corniest statement in all of Equestria, but what can I say? It’s true.

Remember the first time we met? When I got my cutie mark? Your fourteenth birthday? Our final year project? All those good times we spent together strengthened our friendship.

But perhaps it’s time for something more? Twilight Velvet, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Featured: 10/03/2022
Behind-the-page: My Dearest Twilight
Written for: FanOfMostEveryhting’s Ancestral Tribute Contest
Review: KarmaSentinal and Ghost Mike

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)