• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Soarin Skies, is a Wonderbolt. Like his teammates. That's why he should plan a Wonderbolt party like others and there's no way to run away from it.
While he curses the one who started this tradition, there's only one thing that can make the night better.

This story is based on this song.
Cover art by: Myself!
This is my first one-shot. Something that popped up on my head few hours ago and I started writing it cause I know that I wouldn't end it if I start any time later. :rainbowlaugh:
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.:twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

She was a rainbow in every single way. She was always showing her true colours, sparkling like the million diamonds in the sky. But rainbows have their flaws, they don’t last long. And that’s why she left.

Soaring has only one purpose and that is to get away from one place to get to another. And when you're soaring, you miss things, like rainbows.


Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night! Rainbow Dash's favourite time of the year.

Well, it would be if she wasn't cooped up amongst the upper-class of Canterlot.

Taking matters into her own hooves, Rainbow Dash breaks out an old costume and goes to show the Canterlot elite what a real nightmare night is like.
Little does she know somepony else already has the same idea...

Chapters (1)

Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch are musicians and the best of friends; despite this, the two couldn't be more different. But when Octavia leaves Ponyville to find her fortune, she learns that her friend might have been all she ever really needed. Meanwhile, Vinyl finds herself trapped in the shadow of her father, struggling to make her own fame.

Follow them, and many other Equestrian musicians, as they further their musical careers, meet new friends, find love, and experience loss. Together, they encounter dangers, challenges and, ultimately, face the greatest realization of all - what it means to accept one's own destiny.

Using songs of the fandom for inspiration, this story was crafted to show the love of music in all it's forms, but also the love music brings to those around it. This story follows the timeline of the show, trying to match it as closely as possible. This does not mean it's not without bumps.
Speaking of editing; a huge shout-out for Aburi, my editor. He may not be the fastest editor - life being what life is - but his suggestions have made my story that much better for everyone reading. Thank you, Aburi!

Bonus Chapters are not required reading, but are just fun little additions. They do include some development for side character, or fun scenarios I wanted to toss in, but many of them are just that: bonuses.

Cover Art by Little Tigress

Plugs, Reviews, and Accolades

Equestria Daily Spotlight!

My Little Reviews & Feedback by Skyward Sword -- Final Score: 23/30

Chapters (26)

WIlliam Jackson, sent to another world and lost in The Everfree forest. Saved by his savior, Princess Luna. He is befriending her, William's life changed. He has feelings for the moon princess and is dating her. Does their relationship end happily, or vice versa?

[ATTENTION!] Sunset Shimmer is living in FiM dimension, Equestria Girls world was never exist in this story, the timelines and the plot are quite different from the original series.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

The summer season was just about over at Stella Lacus adventure summer camp. Amie and her younger brother Wes were eager to return home. Unfortunately for them, their adventures had only just begun.

All at once, the entire summer camp and the mountain it was built upon shifted universes, leaving Earth behind for a far stranger world. In the same moment, every camper, counselor, and staff-member transformed into strange insectoid creatures, with unknown powers and incomprehensible needs.

Instead of returning to nursing school, Amie has a new goal: keep her little brother alive. If only the other campers didn't look at him like food...

Updates every Saturday. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Awesome cover by SimonDrawsStuff.

This story was sponsored by Canary in the Coal Mine on my Patreon. Thanks so much for your support!

Chapters (89)

'Doctor Whooves' and 'Roseluck' aren't who they seem. Indeed, barely anypony really knows who they are or where they came from. All they know is that their arrival was rather sudden. One morning, without warning, there they were ready to join the Ponyville population. There wasn't anything suspicious about it, of course. Many, many ponies come to live in Ponyville rather suddenly. That's how it's always been.

It's been two weeks since that day, and while Rose Tyler seems to be adopting the pony lifestyle rather well, the same cannot be said for her alien companion. With no way of escape, what will their lives become in paradise?

((Creative feedback is welcomed and encouraged
Editing and Much Needed Emotional Support by Bronymaster))

Chapters (2)

Three ponies: Lily, Daisy, and Roseluck, are living inside enemy territory. They are not heroes, they’re just trying to stay alive.

What secrets will they learn about Equestria’s greatest threat?
What happens if they refuse to do the Queens wicked bidding?
Will they betray their fellow ponies and side with these monsters?

Chapters (8)

Life moves on and Starlight tries her best to do the same, not because she wants to, but because she has to, for the sake of her daughter and all those around her.

She slips every once in a while though and the one night she allows herself to feel weakness, it happens to be in front of Sunburst, her ex-husband, and the man who still owns her heart.

Now that fate has put him in her path once again, it's time to decide if she really wants to move on or not.

This story is ten chapters long and a new chapter will be posted every day.

Warnings: Out of character, cheesiness, the typical drama that comes with divorce, and probably the most egregious, Luster Dawn is their biological daughter in this one.

Chapters (10)

Once an annoyance to the changeling queen, soon became a tolerance when her friend Alan comes by to visit her every single day. Sometimes for chats, gifts, and inviting them to hang out. This time though was both different and unexpected…

Written by Triple B Studios

Audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios

A/N: So I thought about Chrysalis and this idea popped in my head, so I decided to write it down.

Featured: 8/10/2022 Wow! First featured, thank you very much! :pinkiegasp: :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)