• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 831 stories
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The Flim and Flam brothers show up at Sweet Apple Acres, claiming to be relatives with a problem.

A cute, adorable little problem who will turn the Apple family inside-out.

Editors: Peter, Tek, TheMaskedFerret, Pascoite
Cover picture: Clipart

Chapters (11)

Relationships: For Jacob, it was something he thought coming to Equestria would have robbed him of. For Spitfire, it was something she thought her job would have robbed from her. Yet, after celebrating their third year anniversary of being together, they both come to a conclusion about what they want in life, and each other.


This was a commission by Doomgooey, which helped pay for gas. Thanks!

Chapters (1)

This story is SAFE for work. This story is Rated G. Only kisses and cuddles, nothing more.

This story was inspired by the art featured as the cover image, created by amazing pony artist Scheadar on DeviantArt.

There once was a mare who's special talent compelled her to become a movie star. One day she met a stallion in Equestria, but the stallion had been born neither in Equestria, nor as a stallion, but on Earth as a man. Yet there the human screenwriter was, now turned pony and with an uncertain future. The mare became that stallion's guide in this new world, and their perfectly matched dreams and talents gave each other hope for the future. Then the time came for the human turned pony to go back to his home world, lest he suffer a terrible fate. The pair said their goodbyes, and that was to be the end. . . . . .

. . .You know, the universe ought to learn exactly how powerful love is.

(The Incomplete tag is deliberate and symbolic. :heart:)

Chapters (1)

(This story is a prequel to Birthday Built For Two, though it is not required for you to read that to understand this fic. Takes place between "The Times They Are A Changeling" and "To Where and Back Again". Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art.)

Starlight accepts the fact that Sunburst is Flurry Heart's Crystaller, and that means he's going to act a bit odd at times. But for whatever reason, the stallion now seems to be acting even odder. A fact that puzzles Starlight to no end when she decides her trip to the Crystal Empire is an excellent opportunity to pay Sunburst an unexpected visit.

But before Starlight can even find the time to ask Sunburst about his behavior, she finds herself getting roped into something most unexpected, helping Sunburst foalsit Flurry Heart for a day.

Just how much trouble can one alicorn foal cause for two fully grown unicorns with no prior babysitting experience, quite a lot actually. But maybe the experience will give Starlight the answers she needs about Sunburst? Or perhaps Sunburst will slip up and tell her himself?

Chapters (1)

High School student Carson Andrews was in for a world of life and unexpected turns when he got himself transformed into a Earth Pony and free fallen to Everfree Forest and literally crashed into his favorite character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle while she was on a expedition. Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel scared and on edge as to what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now under the name of “Wishing Star,” he must adapt to the world around of him , blend in with every pony else, and earn his own Cutie Mark. But what happens when he falls in love with the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship and make changes to the world around him?

Chapters (14)

Skateboarding is all about rhythm and balance. Thunder has both--until a schoolyard bully upends his life and steals the one sacred spot he can claim as his: the local skate park.

If he wants to get rid of her, he'll have to help her find balance of her own. Falling off a board hurts, but helping someone you hate hurts even more.

A story about tenderpunks, sk8rtrash, and building fragile things that last.

Winner of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's G5 shipping contest!

Chapters (1)

Nursing a changeling is like nursing an animal: give it bandages, feed it, take care of it, and when it's better, let it go. Fluttershy knew that it was dangerous, knew that if she got caught, then her life was over. Off to the dungeons she would go. Yet, she couldn't help it, seeing the poor, mangled creature at her own front door. So she took him in, hid him from the watchful eyes of the other ponies. Eventually, what began as an effort to help another creature, blossoms into much, much more then simply a relationship of nurse and patient.

Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle and Button Mash are transported to Minecraft.
And it's not that fun anymore...

Especially when you could really die.
Especially when you have to kill to survive.
Especially when you have to protect the one you love...

Chapters (20)

5 years ago, Marble Pie's heart was broken when she discovered that Big Mac had chosen another mare. Over the years, she learned to accept it, and move on, but the pain was to much when her sister comes to the farm to announce she had a foal. Pinkie Pie, however, notices something is wrong when her normally shy and reserved sister suddenly snapped and yelled at her. Instead of shying away, Pinkie tries to help her sister by finding her soulmate!

Chapters (2)

Surf-on-the-Shore-Brings-Sand-to-the-Depths is a sea-pony. This, in itself, would not be strange, if any other sea-ponies had been seen in Equestria for the past 500 years.

Why, then, has he washed ashore now, covered in what look like hundreds of shark bites?

Written for the February Writing Contest of the World-Building Alliance - although, frankly, I'm not sure I've done enough world-building to even qualify. It started out as a more comedic endeavor, referencing the Gen. 1 song "Call Upon the Seaponies" from "Rescue at Midnight Castle" at every available opportunity, but it evolved into a romance after I listened to this song about ten-dozen times.

It is what it is. Inspiration struck, and I hammered it out. C'est la vie.

Chapters (1)