• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Princess Luna and Prince Lightning Spark are now happily married until something happens that has the couple ecstatic yet scared to death.

A sequel to The Lunar Princess and The Lightning Prince

Chapters (3)

When Dialga and Palkia start to attack one another in Alamos Town, a Ponyta named Flare Blitz is caught in the crossfire. After falling into the dimensional rift, he finds himself in a strange new land filled with brightly coloured ponies. Flare doesn't know how he got here or if he can even get back home...

The question is, will he even want to go home?

Edit: So I finally got offa mah flank and started the re-write. I want to give massive props to Blazinblade7 for editing as well as my little bro, who is teaching me a great deal of authory stuff.

You can find the TV Tropes page here!

Chapters (14)

Rewritten on February 27th, 2015.

Big Mac wants to go out and do something. More specifically, he'd like to go on a date, but when Applejack finds out some of the details, she drags him to a fair and Big Mac ends up dating Fleetfoot. Will this date end well?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was flying one day, when she decided to rest on a small cloud. Her nap is interrupted when a new friend of hers calls out to her. Neocros and Rainbow have known each other for a few months now, and though he is a bit strange, he's rather nice once she got to know him.

The beginning of their relationship begins.

Chapters (5)

Soarin is a very manly stallion. They don't let just anypony become Co-Captain of The Wonderbolts.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have fears. One of those is making his captain, Spitfire, angry. So it's only natural he'd panic when he rips his flight suit during training.

Taking the advice of a friend Soarin goes to Carousel Boutique to have his flight suit repaired. And when he does so he meets the Boutique's owner, Rarity.

Soon after his visit the Wonderbolt Co-Captain finds that his thoughts keep drifting back to the beautiful seamstress. And that can mean only one thing, he's in love.

But how's he suppose to prove his affections to Rarity? And more importantly, is he the "prince charming" Rarity's been looking for?

Chapters (1)

Pokey Pierce, a unicorn stallion with unique horn. He likes to pop balloons with it, and he enjoys it so much that he even got his cutie mark by doing it!
An accident happens in one of Pinkie Pie's parties. Pinkie says something she shouldn't have said, making Pokey's self-esteem drop.

Pinkie Pie finds out about it, and feels quilt by what she had done. She goes to cheer up Pokey, and they become friends. Years go by, and their relationship starts to get a whole new shape..

Thank you Jmaster, for proofreading my story.

Cover art by Mn27 on deviantART

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash was expecting for the day to be a boring visit with her parents then a short snack and a ride back to where things make sense. Things do not turn out quite that way, Rainbow Dash bumps in to somepony, and the results change both of them.

Cover Art by Silcy
Edited by RockMonster6

Chapters (1)

Being just about the only pony in town without somepony to call her own, Rarity decides that it's time to take action and gets on the next train for Canterlot, determined to find the perfect stallion to courtship with.

Even with her friend Fancypants by her side though, can she really just meet somepony and fall in love?

...Or is there something that she's been oblivious to all this time; never taking notice, and never taking action?

A FancypantsXRarity ( Fancity / Raripants ) fanfiction.

Chapters (7)

A retelling of 'The Gift of the Magi' by O Henry.
A story of two lovers who want nothing more than to give each other the perfect Hearth's Warming gift.

Just a little something that I did as a special treat for Hearth's Warming.
Cover Art by me.

Dramatic reading by The Living Library

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara is Bored, there is nothing to do except annoy her classmates, and now this "Button" is annoying her even more with details about the handheld she has in her possession, which has 3D, Hd, Gyroscopes and more.....she regrets ever bringing it into the school, and she'll do anything to shut his mouth up.

Chapters (1)