• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 831 stories
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Total Words: 22,515,269
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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Six princes who are foster brothers with their foster father, King Tirek, live a comfortable life but because of this they are ignorant to their father's cruel acts to the kingdom. Meanwhile, six maidens must serve a noble household run by the demanding Lady Chrysalis and her daughters. There are elements of Cinderella to this but this is not your typical Cinderella story.

Chapters (33)

Capper has been carrying a torch for Rarity ever since the Storm King's defeat. Now, at the behest of a friend, he vows to deliver her a Hearth's Warming surprise. Too bad he's never experienced winter before.

Written as an exchange story gift for my friend Nailah, with the premise: "Romance, preferred. Any pairing is fine, but I'm a big fan of Rarity and Capper."

A thank you to The Red Parade for proofreading before publishing.

Chapters (1)

When invited to the Grand Galloping Gala, Capper wasn't expecting to catch the eye of the princess of the night. And after a small moment between the two, he dare believes that there could be something more. However, a quick reminder of the past might make him think otherwise. But maybe, just maybe, he could be someone that Luna would like.

Featured on March 4th 2022.

This is for the 2022 Crackship Contest.

(Optional readings: The Nightmare Knights Part 1-5)

Edited by: Wingdingaling

Proofread by: ShadowStarEX

Cover by: CrimsonRose97

Chapters (3)

He had wished to be a pony himself. His name was Needle Wings, and this is his story. This is a story about love, hate, and above all, how someone can overcome all odds in the face of anger and oppression.

WARNING: To those brought here from Changing Flows, please know that this story is nowhere as well written as Changing Flows.

Chapters (17)

Sometimes, you just need a little quiet. Soarin needed to think. He had already decided what he was going to do, heck, he had known it since the day he met her. It was so peaceful in the sky. No disturbances. Just endless, cool silence. He knew what he had to do.

Because he loved her.

Because he was never going to let her go.

Because if the sky was burning and the light was fading and the world was falling down, she would be the only thing on his mind.

And god be damned if he was about to let her go.

Chapters (1)

Ever since that day, she was no longer royalty. Her own sister banished her from Equestria just because of one thing. Love.

He's loved her for a long time, but never said anything, afraid it would end their friendship for good. A few months after she went to him for help, he revealed his feelings.

This was pre-read by- Bronycommander, Iredwolf, Angel Midnight, Dreamstar, brittanypegasister2008, Stolas, GhostRider1996, Darksoul85, and Bad Dragon. I know, it's a long list. To all those ponies: THANK YOU!

Shippings: Lunbra.

If you don't like Lunbra, then go and read some other story.

Chapters (1)

After a bad pass through a ring, Soarin puts his wings out of commission and needs somepony to replace him for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala ceremony. Digging into the reserves, he selects Vapor Trail as his replacement. However, Vapor Trail has doubts as to whether she could really replace the veteran Wonderbolt, and whether her friendship with Sky Stinger could survive her true feelings about being a Wonderbolt, even if only for a night...

Secret agents, big crowds, and papparazzi await in this short story of love and finding out who you really are.

Chapters (1)

Luna is haunted by mysterious monsters while she grows up. Can the Doctor help her before it is too late?

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy has always been alone on Hooves and Hearts day, while each of her friends had a special somepony. Rainbow Dash had Soarin, Pinkie Pie had Cheese Sandwich, Twilight had Flash Sentry, Rarity had Spike, and Apple Jack had...well she had kept it a secret.

But today that will all change. Fluttershy will get a special somepony; one that she loves as much as he loves her.

Will contain Sombrashy, which is Fluttershy x King Sombra.

Also, in this story, Sombra is reformed.

If you don't like Sombrashy, then find something else to read.

Written for Hearts and Hooves day, even though I don't celebrate it.

Chapters (1)

Love is a tricky thing, and there's no one way to approach it. No right way, either. I never expected all of this, but I'm willing to go with it and to be perfectly honest... this was better than anything I could've expected.

Chapters (1)