• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 828 stories
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A mysterious new restaurant/dating/cuddle service has been built near Ponyville.

Nopony knows exactly where it came from, who owns it or what it really offers.

Ah well, sounds like fun, right! :trollestia:

Content WARNING: huggles, snuggles, kissies, ponies being adorkable, floof play, nibbles and worst of all, boopies

Featured: 9/23-26/2022

"Absolutely adorable! c:"

~ Kryostasis

"Loved every second of it!"

~ Reily

Chapters (1)

Shady Sound has always been a fan of all kinds of music, from classical to dubstep. However, a certain cellist has grasped his undivided attention. One who is octaves beyond any other in terms of both music and beauty.

Octavia is used to having fans. When one rises above the others, what choice will she make in regards to his feelings for her?

Rating Teen for the time being, due to innuendo and strong romance.

Chapters (10)

Gallus wants to ask Silverstream to the Amity Ball their sophomore year without embarrassing the both of them to death. Silverstream wants that, too, but neither of them has any idea how to even talk about what they want without causing the aforementioned death by embarrassment.

Fortunately, the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony wants to help. Though "fortunately" might be the wrong word...

My entry in Miller Minus's Young Six Story Contest, this story got first place! And much thanks to Pascoite for giving it a good going-over beforehand.

Chapters (3)

In the mirror universe of Equestria, King Sombra rules as a wise and good monarch, with one great secret. He loves the Princess Celestia, one from a different universe, as kind as his world's is cruel. He has loved her patiently for over a thousand years, and would continue to do so, if the cruel Celestia had not begun slowly to destroy his kingdom and his ponies.

She has offered him an almost irresistible temptation: to give her the key to that other universe, and to have his princess in exchange. He has always refused, but now his most trusted advisors beg him to accept. Can he oppose their temptation as well?

Based on the Reflections Arc of the IDW comic series, 17-20; set just before and just after the action of the arc, and just after Equestria Girls and before Season Four of FiM. Spoilers for the arc apply.

Chapters (2)

Your marefriend, Octavia Melody is stressed out practicing for her performance in a week's time at Canterlot. Being the only human in Equestria, and her coltfriend no less, you try to change that, one cuddle at a time.

Fluff. Just plenty of fluff.
Rated Teen for implied sex, to be safe.

Special thanks to 13 Shades of Sunset for proofreading for me, you should check them out, they write some cute stories!
Cover art not mine, check out NCMares at DeviantArt!

Chapters (1)

Years after Starlight Glimmer fled the hidden village, the lives of the village ponies have greatly improved. They are now free to make their own choices, to lead their own lives, to love and hope and dream.

But with that freedom comes risks.

Night Glider made her own choices, led her own life, loved and hoped and dreamed. And she lost some things and gained some others.

These are her memories. The memories of her snowcolt.

EDIT: Now with a reading by ZeusMacD! Click here!

Chapters (1)

Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants didn't always have the glamorous magazine headline life that everypony now knows them as. Every famous star must begin somewhere, and a few years back, the two of them were nothing but amateur actors.

The debates were everywhere - was their love manufactured by the cameras or geniune in their true hearts?

Now that in itself is a story...

Basically my take on how Fleur and Fancy became a couple. I really like this ship, but they don't get enough love, so yeah.
Take note that this is just experimentation more or less.

Chapters (1)

A humble, down-to-Equestrian man lives a reasonable dream running an American-style breakfast joint serving his friends and colleagues the best vittles he can offer. One day he finds himself with a sick yet stubborn nurse in his meaty paws. Can he convince her to take the day off and rest?
And maybe, just maybe, he'll give the nurse the care she so often gives to others. There may be more to their relationship than he could ever have guessed.

[WARNING: This is a second-person Anonymous in Equestria story. If you dislike second-person perspective or the concept of AiE, then please save your time and look elsewhere. Otherwise, I invite you to read on, and hope you enjoy my little work!]

Chapters (1)

What is colder than the stone of a statue? Discord knows, and he cannot tell a soul.

All he can do is remember, alone, what it was like to love and envy.

A reading of this story by StraightToThePointStudios is available! The title is derived from this song. Please blame ChappedPenguinLips, Soaring, and FamousLastWords for the source of the inspiration. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

Button Mash has been friends with Sweetie Belle for a few months now. As their friendship progressed, so did his feelings for her. Now Button feels that it's time to tell her how he feels. But will it go the way he hopes it will?

*If you like the story, please leave a like and favorite it of you really do and if you don't, please state why in the comments.
**Please point out any spelling or grammatical errors.
***If anyone is willing to help me find a new cover it would be most appreciated.

Chapters (1)