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Hey guys, the story is back on. Progress is halted, though. Go read the blog post.

The Ponyville Mayoral Election is coming up, and Twilight is excited to root for Mayor Mare alongside her friends. That is, until she discovers that in Ponyville stallions are not allowed to vote. Twilight quickly gets mixed up with the Ponyville civil rights movement, but when the time comes, will she stand against her friends?

Chapters (17)

When a mysterious ring finds it's way into the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is introduced to a universe far beyond anything he could have imagined. As he works to master new skills and powers, he stumbles upon a threat that could spell doom for him, his home and family, and thousands of other beings across the galaxy... unless he can stop it.

Set in the same universe as Mare of Steel and The Princess of Themyscira; reading those first is recommended, but not required.

Cover art provided by Supersheep64

Comments may contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Chapters (6)

Twilight gets drunk and ships Rainbow Dash with everything in the universe.

Rainbow Dash is not amused.

Chapters (4)

After constant hassling from her parents combined with the long nights spent with only Tank for company, Rainbow Dash decides to give the dating scene a try. Unfortunately, it isn't until she's given a few stallions in Ponyville a chance to impress her does she realize the perfect stallion has been right in front of her the whole time! He understands her competitiveness, need for speed, and her hatred of boredom. There's just one problem: he could end up destroying the world.

Chapters (4)

Brad and Twilight Sparkle are madly in love, so madly in love that Brad agrees to follow Twilight through the mirror portal to Equestria, where the two of them plan to have a big pony wedding.

. . . Problem is, after Brad comes to Equestria, he doesn't turn into a pony.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with its own TVTropes page!

Cover art by PicoBox.

(This is based on the first Equestria Girls trailer and on subsequent fan speculation.)

Chapters (15)

In the dark depths of Asgard, Loki Odinson sits, punished for his crimes on Midgard.

But new developments cause the wayward son of Odin to escape his prison and seek refuge across the Nine Realms in a land very much unlike any he has ever seen: Equestria.

While Loki makes a new life for himself in Equestria, Thor must once again gather together the Avengers and give chase to his escaped kin. But will the lies Loki feeds his newfound friends send the Elements of Harmony on a collision course with the protectors of Earth?

(Cover image by the wonderful Reiduran)

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Better Living Through Science and Ponies

I've decided to rewrite this entire story. Considering that I began this project with almost no creative writing experience, I was bound to make some pretty bad mistakes. The story flow is not well organized, and there is an unhealthy amount of redundancy and poor pacing, as well as some pretty important things that I should have included. I intend to address these issues to the best of my ability, but it will be a long and arduous task. This story means a lot to me, so I want it to be more than the mere amateur mediocrity that it resembles. So, give it a read if you want, but keep in mind that it will change. I recommend that you put this on your read later list in the meantime.

This is a Portal 2 crossover. If you haven't played Portal 2, please do that first. Then read the prequel if you haven't done that either.

After Chell finally escaped the confines of Aperture Science, a freak portal mishap down below transported her, along with the entire Enrichment Center, to the land of Equestria. Upon entering this world, she was transformed into a pony. In a strange body and in a strange land, Chell was fortunate enough to be accepted by the ponies of Ponyville, and she lived out a new life contently among the ponies.

But that peace was not to last, for GLaDOS took a particular interest in the ponies of Equestria, and after two weeks of preparation, she launched a surprise attack and kidnapped 300 ponies to serve as test subjects, including Chell's friends and the princesses themselves. Once GLaDOS had them, she subjected them psychological torture. To save her friends, Chell made her way into the one place she hoped never to see again. In doing so, she freed the ponies, defeated GLaDOS in battle, and helped bring about the destruction of the facility. Although this made Chell a hero, she paid a terrible price in that brutal fight.

Beaten, battered, and traumatized, Chell spent months recovering from her wounds. After returning home from the hospital, all she wants is to once again live a normal life in Ponyville, but to do that, she must first heal from her wounds, both physical and psychological.

At the same time, GLaDOS herself has survived Aperture's destruction. With nothing left but herself, she vows to get back to testing. Though she faces an uphill climb, she is determined to see her facility rebuilt and the testing resume, and will stop at nothing to achieve this.

Has a TV Tropes page (will need to be updated after rewrite)

The works that this fanfiction is based on are properties of Hasbro and Valve. I would like to thank Pen Stroke for writing the original story and Flyer for his assistance and advice.

Please note, this is an unofficial sequel. I have received permission from Pen Stroke, but it is not canon to the original. I hope you enjoy it, but keep in mind that this is a fan work (of a fan work), and Pen Stroke holds the rights to the original story.

Chapters (23)

Twilight gets a feeder to study birds.

She also bought a ton of seeds for it.

While she's frustrated at the fact her supply seems to be disappearing into thin air, she's about to realize that she has a much bigger problem on hoof.

Chapters (5)

After a thousand long years, Princess Luna was finally freed from Nightmare Moon and welcomed back to Equestria. But she became Nightmare Moon for a reason, didn't she? What if Luna wanted to take over Equestria even before she succumbed to jealousy?

Having returned from the moon, she secretly writes her efforts to seize the throne and notes the challenges that stand in her way. But if there's one thing that hasn't changed over the last millennium, it's the fact that she can't recognize a losing battle when she sees one.

(Thanks to SpaceCommie for editing!)

Chapters (50)

Luna starts up a Judge-Judy-like show. But, as time goes on she slowly starts to waste away from some unknown illness. Stubborn as she is, she won't allow it to keep her off the throne dealing with her duties as Princess. Will Equestria watch as she wastes away to nothing, on live television?

Chapters (13)