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While he has returned from being absorbed into Unit-01, Shinji finds himself in an odd situation. Now, in a body that looks nothing like a human's and with a snarky roommate in his head, he has to deal with new powers and abilities while those around him shift.

And he thought that fighting Angels was weird...

Chapters (11)

==Written for Pony Writing Month 2012==

Being the ruler of Equestria, Celestia knows quite a few things. Having lived for an expanse of time most mortals can't ever grasp, she has untold wisdom. That said, when it comes to knowing how to deal with a daughter you've never told anypony about and trying to get her to listen to you before a possible life altering change happens caused by having Alicorn blood... well, Celestia's fairly lost.

Not just that, but Celestia also finds that she's as out of touch with ponies as Luna is, much to her shame. She needs to figure out what it means to be a pony, for her kingdom, for her daughter, and for herself.

Chapters (5)

Scootaloo reveals to her friends that she has a family. But she doubts they'll like who her sister is.

Chapters (9)

Blossomforth is fresh out of college and ready to take on the world. Sure, moving to Ponyville to get a job on the weather team is going to be a bit of an adjustment, but it's nothing she can't handle. Besides, Rainbow Dash seems like a fine boss. Everything is looking good for our favorite watermelon-maned pegasus.

Then she meets a pony named Cloud Kicker.

Part of the Winningverse

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has decided to use her newfound powers for good, becoming the hero Supermare. However, there are still issues to deal with, ponies to save, and villains to face off against. All of this is a daily aspect to being the Mare of Steel.

This is a collection of side stories to Mare of Steel; I recomend reading that first before reading these
character tags will be added when needed

Cover art provided by Supersheep64

Chapters (15)


A non-so-typical HIE story focused around the Wonderbolts.

The story follows a Human turned pony in Equestria. He knows nothing of the MLP universe and must learn to adapt to this new life. The Wonderbolts are main characters in this.

Comments are appreciated!
Art by Swaetshrit (No longer drawing) commissioned by Derpytwizzle | Full Image

Chapters (17)

After returning home from viewing a meteor shower, Rainbow Dash finds a green rock in her room that makes her violently ill when she touches it. As she and her friends work to find out what exactly happened, she will come to learn more about her past, her family, and her place in Equestrian society.

Cover Art provided by Supersheep64

Comments may contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Chapters (25)

After defeating the evil unicorn Sparklelord by tossing him through a portal, Dr. McNinja enters the rift in time and space himself in hopes of finding another unicorn to be his new motorcycle. However, instead of going to Radical Land like he hoped, everyone's favorite ninja doctor ends up in a small little country known as Equestria. Unfortunately, Sparklelord is in Equestria as well, with intentions to wipe it and its inhabitants off the map. It’s up to Dr. McNinja, his sidekick Gordito, and the Elements of Harmony to save the day.

(Special thanks to Totallynotabrony for his mad editing skills and another special thanks to my pega-sister/real sister for making the cover art. Cover art background by Jamey4 )

Chapters (20)

Two mares in Equestria are in desperate need of help. One mare, commonly known as Rainbow Dash, has broken both of her wings in a terrible flying accident. Stuck in a hospital bed for weeks, the arrogant mare feels that she needs no help at all. Of course, when a certain Wonderbolt offers assistance, his offer is hard to refuse. The other mare, commonly known as Princess Celestia, is in a dreadful position. Her sister Luna has set up a blind date for her in Ponyville, and Celestia believes that she has almost no experience with stallions or dating. This princess feels that she needs all the help she can get. Will these mares get through their situations, or will they fail terribly? All they need is a little help . . .

Chapters (7)

What if Twilight was orphaned before her acceptance into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?
what if she and the princess of the sun became inseparable? What if Twilight starts calling Celestia mommy after their lessons?
What if Celestia loves it?
Inspired by the cover photo

Chapters (15)