• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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In time, all of Twilight Sparkle's friends have had to say their last goodbyes. And as the last of the original Cutie Mark Crusaders passes on, the Princess decides to send her off in grand fashion.

But after the party, the tears, and her newer friends have moved on, and Twilight is all alone once again, somecreature she once thought of as a friend decides to visit her for tea.

Memorial, or Desecration? Twilight might just have to decide tonight, on the loneliest night of her life...

Now with a Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi.

Russian Translation by AngryShutty.

Chinese Translation by Hellagur

Chapters (1)

Discord has won. Everyone in the human world is under his dominion, save for Sunset Shimmer whom he saved for last.

Today the world, tomorrow Equestria.

Big thanks to Winston, Grand_Moff_Pony, and xgfhj18 for edits. (sorry xgfhj18, I don't know your fimfiction name)

Chapters (1)

A spiritual rewrite of the deleted story 'A Shimmering Memory'. Sunset has decided to take drastic measures after being accused of being Anon-a-Miss. She finds family with the most unlikely of people.

This is the basis for Sunset's outfit. Credit goes to Marty Scurll for the design

Chapters (9)

Probably the best thing to happen in Discord's long life was finding the magic of friendship. As much as the old Chaos Lord might complain, without it he would never have found so many that were dear to his heart.

When that heart finds itself empty, he comes to the Princess to ask a favor: allow him the opportunity to bring friendship to other dark hearts. All she has to do is lend him a statue.

The rest is in his chaotic claws.

Featured on 10/18/19, 10/22/19 and 10/25/19!

Featured in Equestria Daily on 6/18/2020 and in their 40 Fanfics to Read for Villain Day on 11/12/2020!

Reviewed here by Javarod!

Also reviewed by PresentPerfect with the rating of Highly Recommended! And it also made the Top 10 of 2020!

Death tag - no horrible murder, just a few mentions and the natural consequences of time.

Chapters (4)

Featured! :yay:

Note: Story takes place between seasons 4 and 5 (and was drafted prior to knowledge of "Make New Friends but Keep Discord".)

Discord’s miffed that Princess Celestia doesn’t seem to have extended him a ticket to the Gala—he thought they were friends! (Though maybe he understands a little, considering his recent betrayal, even if he did make things right in the end). However, when she shows up to not only give him his ticket in person but to ask him to be her personal escort for the evening, Discord is surprised (and then smugly satisfied) to say the least…that is until Rarity decides that Celestia’s invitation was clearly her asking Discord out on a date.

Discord dismisses the idea however as he has plenty of other things on his mind at the moment—ponies at the Gala will certainly be talking about Tirek, and how can he face their questions when guilt about what he did is bothering him so much that he can’t even talk about his mistake with his friends? And what is he supposed to do now with his life since he’s finally fully reformed?

Pretty soon Discord’s worries spill over into his dreams—many random dreams…and many random dreams specifically about Celestia. What is his subconscious trying to tell him? And why does Celestia keep trying to get closer to him? It’s all leading up to the most chaotic night ever when Discord will show up at the Gala arm in arm with Celestia and ready to face the world as the ‘REFORMED reformed’ Discord!

(Featured fall 2015, and spring & summer 2016 :raritystarry:)

Chapters (30)

Discord won't leave Twilight alone - and she's annoyed by it.

Somehow, they end up snuggling while watching a classic movie together.


Wrote this as cute pointless fluff 'cause I was bored.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie receives a mysterious package and discovers a DVD. She calls her friends over to watch it. They then have very poor responses to it.

Basically, what happens if the Rainbooms watch Anon-A-Miss as a movie.

(I'm just doing the post-watching movie)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends have faced many challenges throughout their years of great friendship, but things start to take a big turn when they encounter a darkness that is not from their world, as well as making a few new friends along the way. Takes place after Season 6, and so on. Also guest-starring Stardust Balance from "A Journey Beyond Sanity".

Chapters (72)

Everything seemed to be alright the day that Discord came back to Canterlot under the watchful eye of Celestia as a (mostly) redeemed draconequus. But the luxurious life of royalty is so... BORING! "Do something creative," they said, "It'll be fun," they said. Thus it was that Discord sat down and began writing the worst stories he could imagine! But between posh living, running a ministry, court dates, random quests from Celestia and Luna, and learning about the magic of friendship, surely these stories can't be that bad, can they?

Chapters (31)

A fan-made sequel to the "Reflections" story arc of the IDW comics. In the aftermath of the Mirror World Incident, as Celestia struggles to heal her broken heart and the denizens of the other world rebuild and search for their missing king, an old enemy has returned, with plans that could spell the doom for both worlds. Reviews are greatly appreciated.

(Cover art by JazzyTyfighter, used with permission of the original artist.)

Chapters (11)