• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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It's their wedding day, the more exciting and joyous day of their lives. However, Discord is feeling extremely self-conscious and afraid that Fluttershy will walk out on him or won't accept him forever and want to leave him, and Fluttershy is scared that things won't go right and that Discord will leave her at the alter! Can their friends help put these pre-wedding jitters to an end and put this special day back on the right track?

Chapters (1)

Celestia, and Twilight are in canterlot one day to catch up. And they come across something they never could have dreamed up of. As well they will learn that monsters don't just happen, There's reasons that their bad.

This fanfic is based on a song I found by 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke. [Link] And if he finds this, I love the song!

Disclaimer - All rights go to Hasbro (Characters) and 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke (Lyrics/Cover art). I own nothing besides my PC and the story itself, but the lyrics belong to 4everfreebrony & DragonwolfRooke and the characters Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

After millennia of imprisonment, the chaos spirit Discord has broken free of his stone prison. Celestia wastes no time gathering the Bearers of the Elements, but before she can retrieve the Elements of Harmony, she falls victim to one of Discord's nefarious schemes, no doubt set up many eons ago to exact revenge upon the Princess, designed to make her suffer as he did for so long.

Or maybe he just superglued her horn to a keyhole.

Chapters (1)

For years Nightmare Moon was considered "nothing but an old pony tale," but what did those tales actually say about her? See Luna, Celestia, and Discord as viewed through pony myths and legends.

I may add more short stories on in the future as new chapters.

Image courtesy of anbolanos91 on Deviant Art. Thank you! :)

Chapters (6)

Long ago in the Magical Land of Ponies I wound up being struck there by buying something from a con. I shouldn't have done that at all. Now I'm the reploid known only as X.

While stuck in a past filled with strange little ponies I'm forced to deal with a strange chimera with a propensity for mind control, several miscommunications, denizens of a shadowy realm of evil and trying desperately to keep the lack of a heart beat from driving me insane due to a disconnect of my humanity and the robotic body I now possess. I hope to whatever god that lives here that I survive longer than a week.

Season 7 Finale Spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Editor: FTR2017

Chapters (39)

Everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know what that reason really is. After some untold period of time, Cozy Glow awakens and finds herself freed from her imprisonment. Unsure of where she is, how long she's been gone, or how she escaped, there's one question that haunts her and demands an answer - why was she released...

Artwork by Rhorse

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (15)

Turns out, Sombra is back, wow. Discord takes it upon himself, as a FRIENDSHIP EXPERT to help reform Sombra. How the heck will he pull this off? Sombra is a stubborn guy, he likes crystals, hates not-being a king. So it's not going to be an easy task to reform him. Well, it's going to go much worse than expected.

Coverart: https://www.deviantart.com/assassin-or-shadow/art/Help-Me-461682268

Chapters (1)

It's been nine years since Twilight's ascension, and her relationship with her friends has never been stronger. While many things have changed about their respective lives, Twilight and her friends remain very close.

Unfortunately, their heroism will need to be called upon again, but this time, they may not be enough. The Nightmare Moon Incident had one more complication, one final loose end. One pony, thought forever lost to the passage of time, returns. And she will have her mother free... or die trying.

Now featured on Equestria Daily! Eeyup :eeyup:

Chapters (18)

Fluttershy and Discord have become very close friends over the past three months. So close that Discord starts revealing personal things about romantic feelings. Fluttershy takes it upon herself to make sure that her new best friend gets his Hearts and Hooves day wish from a Certain Princess that he has eyes for, even if it means either chaos or her own feelings being left behind.

Fluttershy even request the help of Twilight to help her with this romantic mission.

So come read along on this fantastic adventure about romance, friendship and acceptance.

Chapters (7)

Sequel to Love and Hatred. Discord has broken free of his stone prison and is now engaged to Celestia. But can the others adjust to their awkward relationship, or will Luna and Twilight see to it that it fails?

Chapters (12)