• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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Introducing Hero's Day! A day where Equestria's worst villains dress up as their favorite heroes and go door to door demanding treats.

Treats or death, that is.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra has been reduced to a foal along with Queen Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Discord. While they hate princess Celestia for turning them to foals and cause her nothing but trouble. They will have to learn to accept their new predicement and learn to love their new mothers.

Please note that this Fic has alot of diaper usage and nursing.

Editor: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (16)

Princess Twilight has just ascended to her throne of friendship and is prepared to tackle her new duties, but Princess Celestia has something of grave importance for her to do first.

She wants her to meet her family.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves

After Rose decides to stay in Ponyville for a little while, The Doctor takes Twilight 1300 years into the past, so Twilight can meet her idol, Star Swirl the Bearded. But, fun turns to panic when The Doctor finds out there might be a Weeping Angel in a cavern. With the help of Star Swirl, The Doctor, and Twilight must destroy the Weeping Angel, before Discord arrives.

Chapters (9)

Celestia has finally found her eternal partner in love. Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, savior of Equestria, and co-ruler of the nation. Celestia feels nothing but pride and love for her student, friend, and lover. However, a secret remains hidden in her heart, hidden from herself. Why did she choose Twilight, of all ponies, to be her student?

Unfortunately for her, Discord knows the answer all too well.

Got the art from the greatly talented StePandy. Go check them out for even more awesome art!

Thanks to my prereaders/editors Skeeter the Lurker, HellRyden, Vexine, Ghostwriter95, Cozmosus, Flint Sparks, Merc the Jerk and SpaceCommie!

Chapters (1)

When Starlight Glimmer tricked Twilight Sparkle into freezing a filly Rainbow Dash in crystal, the sonic rainboom was prevented. This sent a wave of chaos through the timesteam as destiny unraveled, and empowered Discord. He is quite curious as to who exactly was evil enough to cast a potentially lethal spell at a filly.

Chapters (1)

A typical morning turns into chaos when an old feud ignites between a princess and a trickster. The reason being? The last slice of chocolate cake and only one reigns supreme. It's a fierce battle of comedic proportions as Discord and Celestia try everything to get the cake for themselves. You have been warned!

Edited by Dramamaster829

Chapters (1)

Suppose you found yourself in a strange body and on an unknown planet, with only a lonely dentist for company. What are you willing to do to get home? How hard would you fight? Does it matter if you're a princess or just a person?

Chapters (10)

Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Lose? Only time and the powers above know.

Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?

(First fic)

Sequel: Wargs of Fire and Blade Book II (lol, I don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier)

Chapters (58)

“Yes, Princess, I’m ready to use my magic for good instead of evil…most of the time.”

“I’ll leave the Elements with you, Twilight…just in case.”

Directly following the events of “Keep Calm and Flutter On” Discord and Celestia call each other out on these little ‘disclaimers’ and try to explain their words while still maintaining their new friendship. They soon agree on some interesting conditions for Discord’s recent reform, leading to the castle, some Royal Canterlot Voice from Luna, cake, and an interesting night and morning as Discord figures out how to relate to his former princess foes in a much less evil (if as obnoxious as ever) sort of way. He especially enjoys his new ‘friendly’ way of bothering Celestia.

Later, following Tirek’s defeat (and Discord’s final reform), the chaos master and the sun princess assess how their friendship has gone and where it might go from here. Luna throws in her two bits as well. Naturally, cake is eaten. And, of course, no matter how reformed he may become, Discord ‘loves’ teasing Celestia as much as ever…and it’s sort of grown on Celestia too.

(Rated Teen really only because of some suggestiveness, and I just want to err on the side of caution :) )

Chapters (14)