• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Discord Stories 219 stories
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Discord grows tired of Twilight and friends not getting that chaos magic is unlike theirs. So he then decides 'What if they were to see it for themselves'... And that was how Equestria was unmade.

[This story was a long work in process and I'm hyped to show it, this story would have been pretty subpar were not for my editor George. I owe the awesomeness of this story to his skills.]

Part one of the chaos trilogy

Chapters (9)

Short story that popped into my head last night. Discord is having problems with depression, so I go to visit him and cheer him up like a good coltfriend. Just some pointless fluff, really. Trigger Warning: Contains graphic, intense usage of puns.

Chapters (1)

A human teen wakes up one morning to find his bedroom replaced by a throne room, and his siblings replaced by technicolored ponies. Suddenly finding himself torn from his home and family, he must learn to cope in an equine run world. Meanwhile, a dark force threatens to destroy Equestria, and Twilight must ask herself, has she stopped it, or only slowed the inevitable?

Part of the HoE storyline.

Extra tags include trauma, sad, drama, and innuendo.

Extra characters include:
Shining Armor
Princess Cadence
Flurry Heart
Tempest Shadow

Chapters (92)

A man comes across a filly, however she's not one of the Mane Six.

Sometimes life plays games with you. Everything you felt was important to you is taken and your past seems to have more stark moments of things you'd rather forget. Living alone and battling your own demons seems to be the only thing you have to look forward to. However, one night while walking home in the middle of a freak late summer storm in the middle of the night, something happened. Something terrifying. Something wonderful. Something unexpected.

It's an old trope, not a fresh idea, but this is a story about me and My Little Chryssie...

Cover art by ZuTheSkunk. Check out dat artwork! A special thanks goes out to this artist who so graciously allowed me to use his work.

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Chapters (8)

So it's finally happened. After being kicked in the shin by Celestia, Discord is officially dying. Now Celestia wants to know if he has any last requests before he goes.

What a silly, silly thing of her to ask.

Chapters (1)

When a human from Earth, by an unknown set of circumstances, ends up in a world upon a separate path of history and evolution, not only must he survive the different species that call it home, but the change in which his species, humans, are seen and treated.

But as he moves day by day, he will find he will play a role in the future of the world of Equestria, one that will determine the fate of both ponies and humans.

((Inspired by MadMaxtheBlack))

Chapters (19)

The year is 1989, Afghanistan.
The USSR, having recently suffered defeat after defeat in this 'desert Vietnam', has begun with withdraw its forces from the combat zone. A tank crew commanding a T-55AM-2 gets bogged down by a sand-storm, buttoned up and alone, they wait it out.

However, upon unbuttoning their tank, they find themselves no longer in the land of sand, but on a dirt road with trees all around them and a small village not to far ahead.
Trouble ensures when a Pink mare decides to bring her friend over to investigate this strange machine, and after dubbing it a golem, they attempt to study it.
The crew is not so please on the idea, and quickly make their escape with some rather unusual means.

When the commander of the tank team is captured by Celestia, the crew devise a plan to rescue him, but during the process, are manipulated by a certain villian to free him from his banished state.

(Done in 2nd person)

>This was a short AiE story I want to paste here as well as an off-shoot for another story with the similar context to be done in the future.

Chapters (8)

Jonathan Lockhart feels closer to his fellow fans than his friends and family. He knows magic isn't real, and there's no way he can journey into that fictional world, though that doesn't stop him from wishing. But then, much to his surprise, he falls through a portal. The outcome is not at all what he imagined.

With the help of some new friends, John has to figure out what happened, why it happened, and most importantly, how he can get home.

Set during Season Two.

Chapters (8)

Life can be challenging for humans born in Equestria, but it's especially tough for a human raised by ponies. Rainbow Dash overcame every obstacle life had thrown at her to become a hero of Equestria, the Element of Loyalty and make five of the best friends ever. Life couldn't be better, or could it? When she saves the life of an orphaned filly named Scootaloo she realizes she may have more than just awesomeness to offer others.

(Thanks to my great friend Steve for the editing and feedback on this story.)

(Cover art by the very talented Captainpudgemuffin and used with his kind permission. This picture was the inspiration for the story.)

Featured on Equestria Daily 12/29/16! Equestia Daily-Under Her Wing

Chapters (21)

Luna is the Princess of the Night, which is normally a job she loves...except on Hearts and Hooves Day night. Naturally, that is an evening of private nocturnal events and dreams for most ponies, and so Luna must put in overtime to make sure she assists her subjects without crossing any bounds, causing any awkwardness, or putting herself anyplace she isn't wanted.

Fortunately, Luna can at least take a break this evening to go to her favorite twenty-four hour bakery, Donut Joe's. Donut Joe is always there, no matter how late the hour, with a smile on his face, a mug of coffee for her in one hoof, and a plate of donuts for her in the other. And Luna is always happy to take a seat at the counter and talk with her new friend.

Meanwhile Donut Joe has had a special appreciation for his best night customer ever since her return over a year ago. He has always found something beautiful in the nights...and now he has found something familiar and comforting and special in Princess Luna.

Perhaps on this most romantic of evenings, a little something will come along to give these two a nudge toward each other.

(That little something ends up involving Discord, Celestia, love 'poison', and a party in Las Pegasus, by the way.)

Donut Nights 2: A Heartfelt Hearthswarming,
Donut Nights 3: Nightmare Night Canoodling

Chapters (1)