• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013


Alright I love ponies, mechs, and explosions. Let's get some!

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This story is a sequel to Twilight's Inferno

This story is a sequel to Order of Shadows

Trixie has lost everything: her career, her fans, her precious wagon. If she can't pay her rent within a couple weeks, she won't even have a roof over her head. Things can't possibly get any worse... but then Princess Luna brushes her off in a dream. The Great and Powerful Trixie sees that as a challenge, and she doesn't back down from challenges!

Trixie gets far more than she bargained for, and she soon learns that her life can get much, much worse. Epic duels, mysteries at every turn, truths and lies mixed into each new discovery. Being Great and Powerful might not be enough. Perhaps what Trixie really needs...

...is to just be Trixie.

UPDATE 5/22/2014: Now featured on Equestria Daily! So much awesomeness.

More awesomer cover art commissioned from KorenCZ11!

The TvE Series
Chronologically from Top to Bottom
Order of Shadows
Twilight's Inferno
Trixie vs. Equestria

Chapters (26)

Two hundred years have passed since the discovery of the purveyor and the events set in motion by Celestia's endeavor to save her own world. Now, the purveyor has returned from the void and their world will change, for the better... or for the worse.

This is the sequel to The Watcher, it is advised to read it before reading this.

A big thanks to Lord Destrustor for editing. Go check out his work, his stories are definitely worth your attention!

Chapters (25)

A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

Chapters (21)

One normal and completely average morning, everything went wrong. Rarity arrives at the Castle of Friendship to pick up Spike for their weekly gem hunting trip, only to find that Spike has locked himself in his room and Twilight is working herself into a frenzy in the library. As she tries to piece together what happened that morning, and mend a damaged friendship, she'll make a number of startling revelations.

Some of them bigger than others.

Cover art used with permission of Kilala97.

Thanks to The Albinocorn for proof reading.

Chapters (1)

When I had arrived in Equestria, I had been scared, miserable and alone, but then I had met Magnum and Pearl. The two had generously given me a roof over my head and a warm meal for my trouble. Years went by and the two became the closet thing I had to a family. When they had their first child Rarity I was given the honour of god father. I was later made legal guardian of both Rarity and the new addition Sweetie belle. Nearly three years later I would be hit with a devastating blow.

A single letter was all it took to shatter my world. I found myself the legal guardian of the two orphaned foals when I can barely afford to feed myself. Grieving and falling deeper into debt what can I do.?

Editor: Friendship is Magic

Chapters (2)

Blacklight had the truth. He knew what he was. He knew Alex was dead, and that he was never human. He knew that Dana was never his sister, and that he was never even slightly related to her. He knew that there was nothing tying him to Dana, no real memories or biological similarities or even species based empathy. For some reason, Blacklight loves Dana like a sister he doesn’t have.

Perhaps this is what keeps him tame when he is brought into a place he does not belong. A scenario where a being of chaos and war brought to a place of harmony and peace is not often a pretty one. Yet with Dana there, somehow he manages not to go berserk and start murdering everything in sight.

Now the Monster of Manhattan contemplates his place in the world, lies to his sister and the ponies, and questions his lack of empathy when he begins to feel remorse for his actions. He is beginning to miss the simple times where the only things he had to deeply contemplate were methods of horrifically mutilating armies with the maximum amount of efficiency. At least that was straightforward.

(This fic operates under the assumption that Prototype 2 and its tie-in comics never existed. If you really have to ask yourself why, play the first game, then play the second game. The reasons should become apparent.)

(Well I'll be damned. Front page on the first day. Thank you all for your support!)

(Well, enough of you seem to think this is funny enough to be a dark comedy, so I added a comedy tag. I have to warn you though, I'm not entirely certain as to how consistent the comedy will be. So don't come into this expecting the wacky misadventures of a murderous psychopath.)

Chapters (9)

Celestia has been preparing for Luna’s return in exacting detail, most of which is being kept from the other ponies. Unfortunately, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Shining Armor wakes up one morning to discover that the entire Day Guard has quit, save for a single Pegasus named Cloud Skipper. Their reason: anger over thinking they're being replaced by the Night Guard, made up of a single Night Pony named Midnight Blossom. Before he can pull the situation together, Nightmare Moon returns. Still, one can only make the best of a bad situation.

But even after Princess Luna is restored, the problems don't stop. It's nearly impossible to recruit any more Guards, leaving the reparations in the hands of three ponies. Nightmare Moon isn't entirely gone, still haunting the dreams of Skipper and Midnight. Certain warlike cultures may notice Equestria's weakness and invade. And the old commander of the Day Guard, Cumulus, may have had other motives for his disbanding them...

Truths will be uncovered, identities will be questioned, and nightmares will come to life. But maybe, even in the eternal night, a light can be found and followed to the dawn.

Notes: British spellings used for all except names. Also, Hasbro owns My Little Pony, and Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom were originally created by Equestria-Prevails on Deviantart. The only thing I own is this particular story.
Rated Teen for blood and occasional uncensored swearing, but no detailed gore and no sex.
Written with pre-Season 4 information.

Feature dates: 17/08/14, 26/08/14, 13/09/14
Wait, how the hell did I get a feature by posting an omake?

Chapters (14)

Diplomacy has failed. Six years have passed Equestria's crowning of the princess of friendship, ushering in a supposed unprecedented age of peace and harmony. The concept of warfare is, to most ponies, nothing more than an unfathomable legend. They have let their guard down.

An unknown enemy has seized the opportunity to attack Equestria with terrifying new weapons of war, bent on taking the fertile land and restoring an ancient order. The valiant efforts of the Royal Guard have given Princess Twilight and her arcane scientists time to research and develop a response to their attackers, and the time has come for that response to be implemented. Utilizing weapons and tactics borrowed from another world, five squads under the command of Princess Luna will infiltrate the forests of the Equestrian Northwest to destroy a revolutionary magical matrix that Twilight refers to as the "radio" - a tool that allows enemy ponies to communicate across vast distances instantly.

Nightmare Two is comprised of three foalhood friends who, rather than be separated from each other in the draft, volunteer to become one of the five Nightmare squads. With their bodies forever altered to suit the needs of their mission, the three young mares join legions of ponies armed with powerful weapons to partake in a horrifying new breed of warfare - Equestria's first in over one thousand years.


Heads up, folks. If you wouldn't mind leaving a comment alongside the thumbs-down, I'd appreciate it. This is my first foray into fan fiction and although it's a hobby I nonetheless wish to get better. :)

Got some FAQ's for you guys as well!

- Alternate universe in which the events of "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" did not occur. (As much as I loved it! :D)

- Numerical age tends to vary with headcanon, but the CMC here were just getting started with their adult lives when the draft went into effect.

- The war is pony v. pony, utilizing firearms and the Equestrian equivalent of a tank. The underlying headcanon is that ponies used firearms similar to muskets and tracked armored vehicles akin to our tanks in times of old, and what the enemy currently employs is essentially the natural progression of these technologies.

- There are no real-world weapons or equipment i.e. "Panzer IV," or "M16 assault rifle." Particularly acute details such as the caliber of weapons are also absent.

- Technology is based on that of WWI with some WWII elements. Firearms are primarily bolt-action.

- The "radio" spell matrix functions as what we know to be a radio, but is not identical.

- All four of a Night Mare's legs are permanently replaced by the augments.

- Night Mares are female. Stallions proved unable to properly animate the limbs.


Hold up, now - fanart? You guys rock. Like, for real. Thanks a lot!

1. A great YouTube video coming from The_Pegasus_Box. Thanks, bud!
Check it out!

2. Click here for the collection on DArt.

3. https://derpibooru.org/740375?scope=scpeac921b191f688d04521575f31608785cbc3bbaa1

Chapters (11)

Over a millenium ago, a creature was dug up beneath the Crystal Empire— a sleeping god. But as all shall know, a sleeping god still dreams.

Holy bugger I hit the featured box, 12/09/2014. Also, turns out I have a TV TROPES page . http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Millennium

I would like to thank the brilliant C-Conztantine on Deviantart for his allowing me to use his fantastic illustration.

Chapters (6)

A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)