• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 7,011,022
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This is an alternative narrative based around the storyline of season 2 episodes 25-26 A Canterlot Wedding.

When Shining Armor banished Twilight from his wedding, she returned distraught to Ponyville, but she soon got to hear about the changeling invasion of Canterlot.

With the help of some unexpected allies, she returns to try and put everything right.

*** featured at #4 12/6/19 - 12/7/17 - thank you all! ***

Chapters (7)

While dying somewhere in Equestria, Chrysalis looks back on the invasion and her mistakes, trying to figure out how she failed her people.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer, having recently escaped the clutches of her old enemy Queen Chrysalis, has run away from her old life. Yet, she is forced to confront some old wounds when the past catches up to her.

Chapters (20)

Chrysalis's plan might've failed in Canterlot, but she has a plan B.
To have a changeling/pony hybrid (thanks to a late night with Shining) and use the child's powers for her own doing.
But when a regular earth pony (that almost looks like Shining) spawns with absolutely no changeling features or powers whatsoever, she realizes that, not only will she bring it to the father, since she has no idea how take care of a pony, but that that was her last shot at getting food for her subjects. Her plans at helping her children have failed one too many times now.
Maybe she shouldn't try anymore...Maybe she should just...give up...give up and take this abomination away from her so she can finally end this!
Unless the child and his step parents can change that.

Authors words...yo: As per usual. Editing by Alticron.
and don't worry. This is Chrysie's story here. Not Shining's.

Chapters (9)

--Soon to be under HEAVY re-write....because it sucks--

I'm serious. It's terrible. Stay away from it, just go read the sequel.

Well things couldn't be any weirder for Ian. Get knocked out a human one morning, wake up with the body of a baby changeling the next. Well, at least he still has his sparkling personality. Right? Well whatever the case, he'll be having some new experiences in this new form.

This is my first story so leave critique for improvement.

Teen for innuendo.
Edit: I got an editor, finally. He helped me with the grammatical errors in the last chapter. So a special thanks to Lan.

Chapters (8)

Baking cakes is part of being Ponyville's Premiere Party Planner. It's a particularly important job when the cake is for frowny ponies, or the sort of folks who don't normally eat cake.

But it's something that Twilight Sparkle doesn't seem to understand. At least, if she understood, she probably wouldn't barge into Sugarcube Corner early in the morning, screaming about Changelings invading Equestria and covert smuggling rings and blah blah blah.

It wouldn't kill Twilight to show some decorum. She clearly needs to get her priorities in order.

EDIT: This is now the most likely candidate for the image source. Thanks to m2pt5 for the tip!

Chapters (1)

King Sombra has been reduced to a foal along with Queen Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Discord. While they hate princess Celestia for turning them to foals and cause her nothing but trouble. They will have to learn to accept their new predicement and learn to love their new mothers.

Please note that this Fic has alot of diaper usage and nursing.

Editor: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (16)

Chrysalis Chrysanthemum is one of the most powerful, feared individuals in the world of corporate business. There is nothing she can't do if she puts her mind to it. At least, that's what she always thought. Then a girl named Sunset Shimmer drops into her life. Chrysalis is set to discover that of all the ways she has succeeded, there's one thing she failed utterly at. Make that three things.

Now she must face the hard truth and find some way to fix it. If only she had the faintest clue how.

The story of Chrysalis as a mother in two parts. Inspired by a long-held and beloved headcanon of mine.

Pre-reading done by Wandering Twilight, Ghost Mike, ShiningBeacon, and AuroraDawn.

Cover art commissioned from AmazingPuffhair, who surprised me by getting it done perfectly in only one try.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis has finally given up.

After many humiliating defeats at the hooves of Twilight and her friends, the overthrown queen of the changelings has taken refuge within the Everfree Forest far from capture and decides to call it quits. Her quest for world domination has officially come to an end...

But it won't stop her from pranking everypony by any means necessary. 😈

However, an unexpected guest may soon hinder her heinous deeds and make her experience things she herself would've never predicted.

For just one little friend can make a big impact.
If anyone's curious, this is not part of the Li'l Chryssy series.

One like = one biscuit for the puppy baby :3

"Wholesome and adorable!"
~ Kryostasis

Chapters (6)

"Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the divorce of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor!"

Twilight rushes to Canterlot to figure out the meaning behind this letter, only to find a den of lies and greed.

Chapters (5)