• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 67ms

Total Words: 7,011,022
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Changelings aren't liked. They have no close ties. They can't. No one will risk it.

Chrysalis spends most of her time looking at the lives others lead through their social media posts.

She didn't mean to feel anything as she looked at her, but she did.

Chapters (2)

Sam was leading a peaceful and quiet life ever since he emerged in Equestria. Making his home in Ponyville, he even managed to find himself a marefriend in Fluttershy. But then Celestia comes up with the Villian Reformation Programme that puts him in quite the predicament. Three former villainesses are now living with him and Fluttershy, as the alternative for two of them was spending an eternity in Tartarus. Should be fine, right?

Just a note, R63 Sombra by the name of Umbra. Because why the hell not...
Had to get this one started before I do anything else.
It's a crossover with another property which I will not name until it's the proper time.
I know the cover art is a very sloppy paste job but it'll do for now.

Featured on October 26th! It's true I saw it! :rainbowlaugh:
A huge thank you to my readers!
Aaaaand it's gone...

Chapters (8)

The fruit of Sweet Apple Acres are grown with skill, experience, and love.

That last part makes them nutritious for changelings, a fact which Applejack is only now about to learn. But the changelings themselves have known for a long time – after all, they are some of her closest friends.

Chapters (1)

A high drone in the changeling hive known as 011 is banished from the hive. After nearly being killed, a pegasus called fluttershy takes him in and doing what she does best, she nurses 011 back to health. Unfortunatley the changeling does not trust her despite her kindness.

Eventually 011 decides to tell Fluttershy the truth behind the attack which could have everypony give a second thought about the changeling race.

However after learning of 011's survival, Chrysalis sends one of the most deadly units in the changeling arsenal to stop him from giving away any information, an Uberling. A monster of strength and intelligence that will stop at nothing to complete its mission.

Given the options, 011 decides to ally with Fluttershy, keeping as much of his past secret from her and everypony else. Soon enough he learns that Fluttershy does not hate him like anypony else would, she considers him a friend, and why?

Because sometimes, we all need to be shown a little kindness.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Road to La Canela

General Mukti has return and he had set his sight on the Kingdom of the Changelings. With the official authorization from the crown, he and his soldiers have the right to conquer it and turn it into a colony of the Naga Empire. After made himself the Governor of the new established colony, he sent Queen Chrysalis to live in Equestria in shame.

* This story inspired from The Prince of Egypt and Exodus: Gods and Kings.
* This is the last story that take place after the season 4.

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer has finally gotten Twilight’s crown which has given her magical powers. With the support of her new army and the aide of Queen Chrysalis and her changelings, she seeks vengeance on Princess Celestia and her friends. Having all these new powers at her disposal, Sunset plans to conquer all of Equestria. Celestia has to decide how to defeat her treacherous student.

This story has been requested by Chazkopa.
This an alternative ending of the first Equestria Girls movie.

Chapters (9)

Chrysalis has been defeated, now Shining Armor and Cadance can be wed. Or can they?

...Well, no. It seems the bride objects to it. Is this Cadance a changeling too? No, that would make far too much sense...

From a concept by defender2222 comes a tale of love...really, really screwed up love.

Image by SwanLullaby.

Chapters (12)

Being in a position of power is never easy, especially if you are the only ruler. Queen Chrysalis discovers this as the broken remnants her subjects begin to wither away without any love to properly sustain them, grieving over their fellow changelings who did not survive the trip home. Their population continues to plummet, and she is left with only one option.

Noblesse Oblige: The duties of those in power to uphold their responsibilities and forsake personal feelings and needs.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu.
All image credit goes to yula568. Cover was used with permission.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Trip Through the Mirror

For a changeling, love is magic, and magic is love. They are one and the same within the changeling body. To share magic is to share love. And we all know what happens when an unreformed changeling shares love. Unfortunately for Chrysalis, she got caught up in the moment and forgot for just a second. But a second was enough...

A "what if?", alternate ending for "Frenemies".

Chapters (7)

We are all familiar with the story of the Canterlot Wedding, where the queen of the changelings foalnaps and impersonates Princess Cadance during her wedding as a ploy to invade the city with her army. Yet there is another Equestria out there where the roles of the impersonated and the impersonator are a little different.

We enter at the wedding ceremony; the nobles, the friends and family, the bride and groom have gathered, but the best mare hasn't been seen since her outburst at the rehearsal...

Chapters (1)