• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 268ms

Total Words: 7,011,022
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Queen Chrysalis likes it when I boop her on the nose. It helps her relax. However, one day, Princess Twilight Sparkle bursts in, thinking that Queen Chrysalis has put a spell on me.

Surely, when I explain to her that I boop her, she'll understand. Right?


Inspired by a delightful flash game that can be found here.

Featured on August 28th, 2016. This is as unexpected as it is amazing.

Chapters (14)

the plan failed, the power of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor blasted away all the changelings with Queen Chrysalis alongside them. she lands burned and bruised in a small forest nearby Canterlot. Somepony finds her and surprisingly does not attack her...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Li'l Chryssy

You witnessed my first escapade and I will admit, I didn't have a well thought out plan.

I was quite stab happy after all...💀

Anyways, I do have a foal-pwoof plan and it will work this time!

I will escape, I will seek my wevenge.

And I won't be alone...👶

GUARD'S WARNING: the following tale contains heinous acts of adorability. This story outweighs its predecessor in terms of pweciousness and has caused test audiences to become physically edible.

Enter at your awwww-n risk.

Featured 5/3/21, 5/4/21 & 5/5/21

Chapters (1)

[An idea I had based on Breaking Out to Avoid Being Broken In, written by Justice3442 (story and author are clickable).]

It's breakfast time for Twilight Sparkle, and she finds an unexpected guest at the table.

Chapters (1)

An infiltration attempt goes from ‘wildly successful’ to 'weird and confusing' in record time.

Thanks to Tired Old Man for edits, suggestions, and helping with the title. Also thanks to Nova Quill for her edits and suggestions.

Chapters (1)

Realizing the position they're in, the changelings decide on a different plan than the one their queen's giving.

Author's idearz: Some credit goes to this person. They did a thing and I decided to do another thing they did by basing it on the thing with this thing while they did their thing...

Chapters (1)

For her crimes against Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis is stripped of her sinister powers and reduced to a harmless, stubborn little foal, left in the care of the royal guards until she willingly reforms.

But even in this powerless state, nothing will stop the rogue changeling's quest for vengeance.

Even if she's put in time out...

Leave a comment for Chryssy. 💖🗡

"Deceptively cute!"

~ evan555alpha

"Ooohh, how I wish this was canon."

~ SuperSaiyanDiclonius

"This made my morning. :rainbowlaugh:"

~ Auriorium

Featured 4/14, 4/15, 4/16, & 4/17/21

Chapters (1)

Batman wakes up in a new world far from his own after stopping Ra's Al Ghul and his League of Assassins from going through with his plan to purge the world.

Now with a powerful artifact in Ra's possession, Batman must make his way through the strange new world without drawing any attention to himself, but that will prove difficult for the Dark Knight in such a world like Equestria.

But the fact that they're in another dimension hasn't stopped the Dark Knight or Ra's. With the assassin allying himself with a powerful threat of this world, can Batman put aside his stubbornness and learn to trust others for help in his battles?

Chapters (27)

Grogar is an old, grumpy ram who sees Hearth's Warming as a waste of time and money. However, after he rebukes those close to him, and closes his heart, three spirits set forth to put him right.

Based on the Charles Dickens story 'a Christmas Carol'. Rated Teen for some dark themes.

Scored third place in the NALU Christmas writing contest. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214560/no-author-left-unnoticed/thread/426699/nalu-holiday-writing-competition-winners-third-place

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Secret Secret Room

In order to destress every few weeks, Princess Celestia takes a potion that allows her to be a child again, living life without a care in the world for hours at a time. Thus far, the effects have been stupendous.

So, with that in mind, could the same treatment be applied to the most nefarious villains in Equestia in hopes of lessening their evil ways?

Queen Chrysalis, Discord, and King Sombra beg to differ.

Artwork by olegsavoskin.

Chapters (1)