• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Queen Chrysalis 219 stories
  • Queen Chrysalis 219 stories Stories that focus on or have the queen of the Changelings
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - February, 2020
Found 217 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 7,011,024
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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A crossover between Transformers and MLP:FiM.

Equestria is in danger once again. Chrysalis, the exiled Changeling queen, has made a deal with a powerful being beyond all imagination: Unicron, The Chaos-Bringer; a terrifying being capable of consuming entire planets.

This unprecedented threat to Equestria's safety causes the Mane 6 to seek out the help of new allies: Optimus Prime and the Autobots. But will their combined might and heroism be enough to stop Chrysalis's rampage of vengeance, or will Equestria and Earth both fall to the horrors of Unicron?

Chapters (9)

You are my queen. I am your servant. We are both Changelings, separated by our fates. I will protect you with all my life and heart. If a Changeling could only love...

Inspired by the youtube PMV of Servant of Queen : Chrysalis Another Story.
Translated into Spanish by MasterSounds: http://mastersounds.deviantart.com/art/Mi-Deber-Como-Capitan-524799635

Chapters (6)

This story takes place some time after Season 2 Episode 26 "A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2".

Kevin the changeling gets a subliminal call from Queen Chrysalis to return to the hive.

Whilst he recognises that he could face severe retribution for having betrayed her, the draw is too strong to ignore.

Why has she called him back?

* Featured at #7 on the banner 01/11 - thank you all! *

Chapters (1)

The day had been saved, the Villainous Trio defeated and safely placed in the garden of the School of Friendship. Everycreature was happily celebrating the win and enjoying themselves... everycreature except Ocellus. No, she had someone she needed to talk too now that she had the chance, even if that person couldn't listen anymore.

Cover art drawn by FountainStranger, go check them out on DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

At the assault on Canterlot, she was a medic, but not for the Equestrians.
After the assault is concluded, a new struggle for the Changelings begins as those who survive must still find food and shelter.
Will the Equestrians simply forgive the Changelings for their assault on their capitol, and if so how bumpy a road is this going to become?

Chapters (8)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)

On Christmas Eve, many years ago I lay quietly in my bed. I did not rustle the sheets. I breathed slowly and silently. I was listening for a sound I was afraid I'd never hear. The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh. Little did I realise I would be taken on a journey beyond my wildest imagination, and make some new friends along the way.

A very heavy re-write of my original adaptation of The Polar Express, with new characters, plot, and dialogue. Written for Hearth's Warming 2020.

Chapters (9)

Thorax is a junior processor, class Q, and has lived his entire life in the hive, yet he dreams of things bigger. Grander. Much more important than watching pH levels in vats all day. Wouldn't you know it, his application to the espionage services gets accepted, too! Maybe he really is going places!
Except he nearly flunked the exam, and knows nothing of the outside world. Regardless, Queen Chrysalis charges him with a very important mission: Spying on the inhabitants of Ponyville, especially Twilight Sparkle.
Nothing, of course, goes right after that.

Cover art by Chicmonster

Chapters (28)

It is recommended you read this story in one of the Dark formats in order to better distinguish the colored text of the 'other voices'.

Hey folks! Name's Deadpool!
I thought that was all of us?
It is. He's just introducing us as a single entity.
Will you two idiots be quiet? I'm trying to talk to the readers! Anyway, I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for this story ever since it was announced, and here it is! And it's going to have everything you'd expect of such a story!
Adorable father-daughter bonding moments.
Total babes!
Awkward hilarity.
Not to mention me, Deadpool, the merc with-
Daddy, who are you talking to?
Oh hey Chryssi! Just telling the readers about-
Are you breaking the fourth wall again? I thought you were going to teach me how to do that today.
That's what I'm doing! Say hi to the readers, Chryssi!
You will all love me and despair as I feed upon your adoration to become an unstoppable god!
That's my girl! Hey, wanna read the story with me?
I brought popcorn and chimichangas.
*sniffle* You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Chryssi!

Hey look! We've got cover art now!
Aww, you were so cute at that age!
And I'm not cute now?
Now you're sexy!
We should thank Sanyo21 for the image.
Then I guess I'll throw up a link! Nnnghha! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/sanyo21
...did you really have to literally throw it?
Oh, and for those who don't know yet, this story is part of the PWNY-verse. It's not all about us - even if it should be - but you'll probably enjoy it to-Oh, stop making me a shill already!

Oh, by the way, it's recommended you read this story in Dark or Ultra Dark. Some of the colored text doesn't show up clearly otherwise. Not necessary, but just a suggestion.

Chapters (33)

Introducing Hero's Day! A day where Equestria's worst villains dress up as their favorite heroes and go door to door demanding treats.

Treats or death, that is.

Chapters (1)