• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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All he knew was his globe. He was left inside of it as punishment for his devious crimes, but that was hundreds of years ago. Still, he sits inside his spherical home, his mind slowly degrading as each day passes.

He can't even remember what he did wrong in the first place.

The scary thing is, neither can the alicorn who put him there.

Regardless of how justified his situation is, he knows for sure that he will make the absolute best of it.

His snow globe will be the best snow globe.

Cover image by HoodwinkedTales
Story input by Enigmatic Otaku and ROBCakeran53

Chapters (8)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)

The ponies try to make it to Earth to save all humans from themselves. However when they arrive, they're too late. :(

Chapters (1)

George Sparrow has a lot on his plate.

During the day, he is transformed into a strange, small horse with wings and capability of speech. However, when the night falls, he changes back to his human form. On top of it all, he is trapped in a world filled with colorful, talking creatures that refer to themselves as 'ponies.'

Saddled with a task of rebuilding the enigmatic Faraway Farm, George Sparrow has to learn to live in this strange, new world while trying to solve the mystery surrounding his arrival to Equestria.

Now if only these 'ponies' would leave him alone...

(Now proofread by the awesome O_O and themaskedferret)

Chapters (7)

MLP/Undertale crossover.
Not a PWNY-verse story.

Long ago, the Monsters and Humans fought a great war. The Monsters lost, and were sealed in the Underground. It would take the power of seven human souls to break the barrier that kept them imprisoned. They only had six. And so the Monsters waited and hoped, praying that another human would find their way to the Underground. Some thought the seventh soul would give their King the strength to break the barrier. Some dreamed of a human who would be their friend, and save them all...or had nightmares of one who would bring back the war.

...but nobody came.

...but somepony did.

Eons after the war, with no way to tell how much time had passed above, a tiny blue filly with wings and horn fell into the underground, calling for her Mama. None knew the poor creature's nature or origins...but her soul was powerful with magic, even more so than a human soul.

None can know what will come...of this little 'Woona'.

Cover art by Sanyo21

Chapters (69)

Coverart belongs to PostScripting and can be found here. Thanks to Pickle Tickler for PMing me the link.

My week has gone from bad to worse. First I get a horrible cold that leaves me bedridden and unable to sleep for the last two nights. Then, as I was listening to a reading of a fanfic, I suddenly find myself in the Everfree Forest, in the body of a Changeling, feeling like my whole body is on fire.

Worse, I've apparently got a egg entrusted to me by Chrysalis from before the invasion that's about to hatch and it's a Royal Egg.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about my cold anymore.

Sex tag for sexual references.

In Popular Stories 30/12/2019? A surprisingly nice gift for the end of the year. thanks, everyone

Chapters (9)

Almost a year after what seemed to be the concluding battle in Celestia's great crusade against necromancers, something Mortem believes to be borderline discrimination, he discovers one of Celestia's armies setting up camp just outside his stronghold.

Not wanting to jump to any conclusions or risk angering the very powerful Princess, he concludes a diplomatic solution would be the best way forward. And so, he writes a letter.

Proofread by the wonderful Soren Mercer
Featured on Equestria Daily here
Audiobook versions by Illya Leonov and TheArchitect are here and here respectively
SoundCloud verion of Illya Leonov's is here

Chapters (1)

Spike is depressed, and none of his old friends know what to do, let alone how to help him.

But maybe a new friend does.

[rated teen for talk about depression and suicide]

Chapters (1)

History is written by the victors and the Equestrians excel at winning. Far to the south of Equestria in the Badlands, the region that separates the Equestrian frontier and the unknown lands of the long forgotten Humans, lies an ancient citadel of knowledge. Generations of magic, both well versed and obscure, holy and ghastly. Its reinforced walls still stand though the tomes and coveted secrets were purged after years of warfare, degradation and abandonment. Despite the armies, bands and packs who tried to finish what the Equestrians started none were able to breach the gates of the Lost Archive. None aside from the few faithful to the old ruler and Lord Hierophant have ever entered. His reign was cut short because of the same people who gave it to him and his followers, though misguided and few in number, would see fit to restoring his former glory even if it's more myth then legend.

Current cover art by Echira Sorin.

Chapters (13)

When Twilight is attacked and nearly killed by a madpony claiming to be her brother, she, the Princesses, and the rest of the Elements of Harmony find themselves saddled with a shellshocked soldier who would like nothing less than to end her life. While they help him adjust to normal life, he makes his story known - and what he claims causes them no end of worry.

Chapters (58)