• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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Edit: Good HiE list approved

A/N Hi guys, this is just a short story I wrote in about an hour, HOPE YOU ENJOY! (I'd like to thank everyone who likes this, thanks for getting it featured)

A/N audio reading can be found here. Read by our very own The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan. Be sure to show your support to his channel if you like it!

You have lived in Equestria for some time now, around five or so years. You never meant to come here it just kinda happened. The first few months were a living hell for you, you were attacked because most thought you were a monster. This continued until you were captured by the Royal Guard and brought to meet Celestia and Luna. You explained your situation and over time you became friends, but that didn't stop the fact that you were ridiculed and attacked whenever you left the castle, and so in time you became content with staying within the confines of the castle. But one day guards showed up to your room and put you in chains...

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia is taken from her world to a planet of humans, she is immediately housed by a human named Alex. Promising to take care of her until a certain portal would open, he only asks her to stay in the house until then. Celestia however doesn't completely trust this alien creature and his sudden hospitality. She wants more than words before she'll listen to him.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle finds her long lost brother and wants him to reconcile with the family. Only that maybe it was probably for the better that they haven't.

*cover-art by Morfonious*

Chapters (29)

Twilight went to take her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, and she had a surge. But when the Princess of the sun shows up, all Twilight can think of is getting away. The look of concern for those she transformed was too much. In a flash of light, the little filly disappears with one thought on her mind.

"I've disappointed them all."

Chapters (8)

Twilight has a brand new theory. She has theorized that it is possible to create pocket dimensions and a way to enter them. Facing the ridicule of the rest of the theoretical magic community she has set forth to prove them wrong. She will construct a portal and enter it.

She does. Inside, she finds a field of empty white.

The story now has a dramatic reading by MrSnarky. Visit his channel on youtube.

Chapters (2)

Life at the Equestra Retirement Community seems to mostly consist of waiting for it to end. It's the next-to-last stop, and all of the residents know it. They put you in Equestra when the next place they were planning on putting you is a grave, and despite the presence of swimming pools and sporting fields, the newest arrival in Bungalow 4G has no illusions about how he's going to be spending the very last of his time.

The appointment book left behind by the previous occupant has other ideas.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)


The lands of Equestria and Gryphonia are being tainted by pollution from human industrialization. With the gryphons threatening with war, can the ponies keep the peace between them and the humans? With the future of Equestria hanging by a thread, can the ponies and gryphons stand up to a technology that is much more advanced than their own? Or will they be doomed to destruction by the hands of man?

Editors: pjabrony, RobertBel98
Many thanks to CplHenderson for spicing up my cover art.
Character tags will be added as they appear. My first fic, criticism and feedback is welcomed. Human tech is approximately that of 1918

Chapters (9)

Filthy Frank, the man with the most horrible channel on YouTube, goes to a Conversion Bureau initiation program. Problem is Frank thinks that this is actually a screening of the film Chef by Jon Favreau, this slight misinterpretation leads Frank on a short, but sweet, journey to show everypony he can the masterpiece that is: Chef (by Jon Favreau)

This one-shot story was written in an hour and a half, no joke.

If you don't know who Filthy Frank is, just save yourself the trouble and skip this story. For those of you who don't have anything to live for; here's a link to his YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/TVFilthyFrank

Chapters (1)

Two worlds, two peoples, two varying ways of life. For Equestria and its people, peace has been a staple of life for generations under the watchful eyes of their alicorn protectors. Resources and necessities for life are abundant, and the few times it has been threatened by external foes have ended in an Equestrian victory.

For mankind however, life is a brutal battle for survival in the war-torn hellscape of nuclear devastation. Violence and survival have been a mainstay for the last three decades, and only recently has a coalition tried to reestablish civilization. But the Earth is dying, and this last bastion of humanity only number around 50,000. For man, doom seems inevitable.

One day, two men accidentally discover something that will change the fates of both worlds forever. One man will discover Equestria and its prosperity, coming into contact with the very best Equestria has to offer. He will be shown kindness, and in turn, he will teach them understanding.

Regardless, the rest of Equestria will come to fear what they do not understand and after a tragedy costs humanity's good will, mankind will be left no choice but to invade in the name of survival. A sad tale, but one that history has repeated on numerous occasions. In the end, it will be up to a handful of individuals on both sides to find a solution and bring an end to the conflict. Will these two worlds come to terms and learn to coexist, or will one species be eradicated by the other?
First featured on 11/15/15

Chapters (40)

Equestria have just repelled the Changeling Invasion and Chrysalis is reeling over her loss. With the nation at high alert and the guard mobilized. The Royal sisters are preparing for what appears to be war with the Changelings, but unbenkownst to them, far across the lunar seas, a certain Western European nation was transported from our world to theirs. Whether the ponies like it or not, the arrival of this nation is definitely going to change their entire lives. (Currently undergoing a major rewrite)

(A serious France in Equestria ISOT. Because the US is too OP and the UK is too bland)

(This is my first fic ever, constructive criticism will be met with open arms :twilightsmile:)

Shout out to Silentwoodfire for proofreading my chapters, thanks man

Chapters (16)