• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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I am Ovrik Stonebreaker, son of Urdin Stonebreaker and seventh in line to the throne of the Stonebreaker mountainhome. I was forged from the stone itself, born with an axe in hand. I have been compared to our heroes of old! And I'm trapped in a land of colorful ponies.

May the Gods of the Stone have mercy upon me.

Human tag is solely for the dwarf of the story. There is no dwarf tag, after all.
Image borrowed from silleras941 of DeviantArt.

Chapters (7)

We've all wanted to be a part of our favorite stories. Hoping for an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, or maybe a run-in with James Bond. So when I got a chance to be a part of my favorite story, I never considered saying no - even if I knew there would be a few strings attached. I was expecting just about anything, but not being Princess Luna's long-lost chil...

Wait. Did she just say "daughter?"

Contains a (mostly) implied backstory some may find disturbing, HiE, TF/TG, my first attempt at writing, and an extremely self-aware narrator. Hi.

Now with a prequel!

EDIT 7/1/16: Umm... wow. A feature on the first story I ever wrote. Thanks, everypony! More to come!

Cover art by Dividedby-ZER0.

Chapters (5)

Tirek had returned and this time there was nothing that could be done to stop him. The Elements of Harmony had been defeated, the Tree of Harmony had been ripped from the ground, and every spell that was thrown at Tirek was useless. It was only a matter of time before he found the alicorns and then all would be lost.

What happened next though, nopony saw coming.

Now with a Russian translation, which can be found here.
Big thanks to Armorer.

Chapters (1)

There's a man who works at my job in the basement.

He says his name is Derek. Not many people like Derek. People say he's weird and tends to lie. Derek says he was tricked and isn't supposed to be here at all.

He also says he used to be the Chaos King back home.

And here I just wish he'd stop screwing around with the coffee in the breakroom.

Chapters (1)

Shattered Skies has lived quite some time. He had done well for himself over the past few thousand years; staying out of the public eye and remaining generally uninvolved from pony society while he tended his forests.

Who wouldn't want that, right?

His job came with excellent security and fringe benefits, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells him otherwise.

Oc disclaimer: The original characters that appear in the story that are not my own have been obtained from the original owners via written permission.

Chapters (55)

A United States Air Force AC-130 is transported to Equestria while in transit through the Bermuda Triangle. Insanity aside, this motley crew of aviators must juggle their duties while treading the uncertain waters of diplomacy.

Disclaimer: I've decided to write this in an attempt to get a more realistic view of what military in Equestria would act like, rather then the dark brooding kill happy stuff I've read. So with that being said, these guys will act more like diplomats. So there won't be much gore, and they certainly won't be going on a killing spree. (Obviously, as fiction the term realistic is applied loosely. My main goal is a realistic characterization of one specific community within the military. Just keep an open mind about how sub-cultures can exist within an entity as large as the U.S. military and you'll be fine.) Also rated teen for obvious reasons, morbid humor, light swearing, and background stories.

Chapters (9)

An alternative to HiE stories. Midnight, a 14th century knight's steed and veteran of numerous battles during the hundred years war, faces her demise during one such engagement only to find that fate has other plans in store; including a chance to start anew in another world. But can a mare who knows nothing but conflict adapt to a land ruled by peaceful pastel-coloured ponies, or will it prove too much?

Warning: contains brief scenes of descriptive violence; especially in earlier chapters. Not enough to warrant an M rating, I think, but hopefully the mods will let me know if I'm wrong.

(Cross-posted from my Fanfiction.net account)

Chapters (9)

An armored patrol of soldiers march through nopony's land with something lying in the shadows. A young stallion is faced with his final day.

Chapters (1)

I still can't believe it all started with a family camping trip gone wrong. One moment I was enjoying my time with my parents and brothers, then next thing I knew I was stranded on a world full of magic and mythological creatures. In one day, I went from worrying about the upcoming calculus test to worrying about my next meal. I remember how the only thing keeping me going was the hope that I might find a way home. Little did I know that some deities had other plans in store for me.

I remember all the promises I made, both those kept and betrayed. I remember the friends I made on my little adventure; the same friends I threw away when everything came crashing down. Oh, the memories I made... Oh, the memories I am now forever cursed to remember.

I suppose this is a just punishment. My only regret is that my friends may never hear my side of the story.

Set between Seasons 2 and 3 // Some deviations from canon post-season 2 due to when this was originally started.

Pre-read, Cover art, and Audio Reading provided by: Skijarama

Chapters (32)

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm an alicorn princess in the land of Equestria, and I've made a terrible mistake.

Five months ago, I created the Borealis Institute. Its purpose, to perfect through science what magic cannot be relied upon to accomplish. A scant few weeks ago, we began our experiments with cloning. Owing to my high resiliency, I volunteered to be the initial template for equine experimentation.

Twelve minutes ago, the first clone came off the assembly line. And just by looking at her, I know we have done our jobs too well.

Because she says that her name is Twilight Sparkle, and that I am the rogue clone.

Story concept and art come to us courtesy of Pedro Hander. Check them out.

Chapters (1)