• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is inspired by a short film I watched a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, I can't find it (nor do I remember its' name).
Update: all thanks to a kind stranger in the comment section, I now know what the film is. Check the comment section for details.

Chapters (1)

Now alone in the makeshift bunker that's kept her safe for years, Nightmare Moon opens the door and remembers her failures.

Chapters (1)

At the end of the war, after Team Prime defeated Unicron and restored Cybertron, Shockwave had become wanted a war decepticon criminal for his various cruel experiments and creations during the war, including the Predacons, the Forged, and generally became a fugitive all over cybertron. Knowing he would eventually be found out, Shockwave retreated to his lab to activate an old project of his, a space bridge off of Cybertron that lead to an unknown world in the far outer reaches of space. Running out of options, Shockwave uses the space bridge, and winds up in a strange new world filled with strange new creatures. Now, Shockwave has the ability to study these creatures and experiment in peace, and potentially... Even befriend them. Of course, as long as it is Logical.

7/29/22: Featured boyos.

Note: This story includes lore from the Transformers: Prime series, Transformers: Cybertron Trilogy, and IDW comics.
I do not own Transformers or MLP.

Chapters (7)

The Kingdom of Equestria

  • Total population: 27
  • Neighboring countries: 0
  • Estimated time until the end of the world: <7 days
  • Purple alicorns searching for their memories: 1

The story takes place in a setting continuing from season 3.

Thanks to the /fimfic/ Anons for writing advice, pre-reading and feedback.

The fic was loosely inspired by the song Solastalgia by Francis Vace and Luck Rock, so thanks to them, too!

Chapters (3)

Juniper Montage won. Fifteen years ago.


written for the Sunset Shimmer x Starlight Glimmer Shipping Contest

Chapters (1)

(Based on this fan comic.)

With all the changes ongoing in Maretime Bay, Sprout decides to run away before he can be "brought to justice". But even though he does just that, he has no destination in mind.

Alone with his thoughts, Sprout is suddenly approached by a mysterious force that offers to be his friend. And this "friend" quickly convinces Sprout that his former friends can no longer be trusted, convincing Sprout to turn on them.

Imagine the shock of Sunny and the gang when Sprout suddenly morphs into a threat that Equestria hasn't seen in ages: The Pony of Shadows! And amidst the uncertainty of having to fight such an evil to save a friend, the five ponies receive help from the most unlikely of faces.

Chapters (1)

What is a pony? If asked that question the average citizen of Equestria would probably respond with a confused look and a mention of the three pony tribes. A particularly astute pony might reply with four tribes, remembering to include the Thestrals. A pony of a scholarly disposition may also add a list of characteristics as well - manes, cutie marks, some form of innate magic, hooves, vegetarian diet, etc. This is the answer that would have been received for thousands of years, from before the unification of the three tribes until very recently. Until the failed Changeling invasion. With the reveal of something so foreign, yet at the same time so familiar, what it means to be a pony is no longer quite so clear and obvious. And while professors and philosophers argue, another question is forgotten in the uproar: What if the Changelings weren't the only ones who were hiding?

* Always looking for proofreaders if anyone's interested!
Current Proofreader(s): Icarus_Con_Queso

All feedback/corrections welcome!

Chapters (24)

As Earth is made into Equestria, Humanity is driven back as it's remnants are pushed back with great struggle, wiped out as if by a great eraser.

Nature is subjugated, reformated into something compatible with the sugar bowl that is Equestria.

But what of creatures standing on the very verge between man and nature. Something that stands in between what is removed, and what is remade.

Creatures left untouched by it....

Yet smart enough to realize that something is wrong.

And capable of being angry.

Today, the saviors of man, will be Sasquatch.

Chapters (1)

On a night of a orchestra concert, Octavia plays her song...the song of Entropy.

My first Mlp grimdark that was inspired by a song from the Nes Godzilla Creepypasta soundtrack and watching our lady Scribbler's Vampiolence and stuff like that as well as Lost Narrator's, Octavia's Melody. Link: https://youtu.be/9te_4rSOiQw.
Second link (Octavia's Melody): https://youtu.be/ECplpJKxUQo
Third link (Vampiolence): https://youtu.be/2L99S9cJiNM
This is probably nothing special and was just a random idea I came up with while bored in a truck and listening to creepy music. When you listen to music, your imagination and story ideas run wild, lol. Though it would be cool, I honestly doubt Scribbler or Lost will read it, but you never know. Regardless, hope you enjoy the story.

Chapters (1)

This isn't where I belong. I left all this behind years ago, moved on with my life. But a mare from my past brought me back, and now she won't let me go. So I'm stuck here, trying to make the best of it with ponies that don't understand me, don't even like me. But when something moves in the darkness, and when things go wrong in the cold, dead night, they'll turn to me to try to set things right.

Why? Because once a police pony, always a police pony.
This is a spin-off story to 'Why am I Pinkie Pie?!', and will contain spoilers for that story, but it's not necessary to read that story to understand this one.
Cover art by the talented Conicer
Need more Cinnamon Swirl? Merlos the Mad wrote a fanfic of this story!

There is now a side-story: A Hard Day's Nightmare Night

Chapters (25)