• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Humans finally invade Equestrian and make it so that ponys are slaves. This is very bad and I must help them. I am a human who gained the power to be an ALICORN. I am going to free them. weather I die in fight in not of the issue...



Chapters (9)

Past Sins AU. What would happen if Nyx was found by some-pony other than Twilight Sparkle? Some-pony who did not have her best interests at heart-- like a certain Changeling Queen? Inspired by Glimpses, by Pen Stroke.

Chapters (10)

With time ticking out, and no other options left to them, the rulers of Equestria turn to the lone human in Equestria to save them from Chrysalis' plot.

Warning, this story contains discussions of torture.

Chapters (1)

In the Ponyville Railyard, towards the back, in a old siding by themselves, sit 6 old hopper cars filled with gray gravel. The cars are rusty, the letters on them having faded long ago. The cars have not been touched in ages, and seemingly serve no purpose. Scootaloo aims to find out why the cars are there, and what purpose they serve. Now she wishes that she'd left well enough alone, because when something has been abandoned, there's always a reason behind why it was........

(This is my first foray into the world of MLP horror stories, so hopefully this goes well)

Featured as of 5/4/22?!:pinkiegasp: Holy cow. Thank you everypony!:yay::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

When Grand Duke Mark Sayadi Salemsky, Tarkhan of the fleet, emerged victorious in the battle for Khiva and successfully captured the cities nuclear reactor, it began to behave erratically, emitting high amounts of radiation, yet having no effect on the health of anyone nearby, instead it seemed to be charging something... And before anyone knew it, a massive burst of energy was released from the reactor, enveloping the fleet and sending them far away, to the land of Equestria. Now in uncharted territory, completely stranded with no way to contact the romani empire, the duke orders the fleet to set course to locate any potential civilization. Upon discovering the planet is dominated by talking magical ponies, it is decided peace negotiations should begin between races. But that would have to wait, as rebel forces have followed the tarkhan, and they are set on conquering this new land. Of course, the Grand Duke ain't having none of that, as he prepares for a war in unknown skies.

Note: I do not own Highfleet or My Little Pony.

Chapters (4)

Twilight goes out into the world! Something she was looking forward to but deeply regrets now. Being abused and lied to for months she can't take it anymore and writes home to Ponyville.

Teen for dealing with rough-ish topics.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas

The Rainbooms and their Ninja friends from New York are back again for another adventure. After a mishap when battling Subprime and the Kraang the heroes and enemies are flung into another dimension landing in the dark city of Gotham. Cut off from their normal allies, the ninjas seek out the help of the Batman and his friends to find a way to get home. If they can all learn to work together that is.

Unfortunately for them, the Kraang have made allies of their own in the form of Gotham's baddest and insane Villains and Psychopaths, with Joker and Subprime leading the operation.

A little story done by my artist friend jebens1 who requested I put it here with the rest of the stories. This takes place following the events of Rainboom Crystal Ninjas, but before the events of Wanted Bebop and Rocksteady.

Chapters (21)

Batman hunts for one of his feared enemies so he could bring him to justice in Gotham City. However, he enters a place that unexpectedly transports him in an unknown world of which he has no clue what it is. While he struggles to complete his mission, an evil rises up in Equestria that would require not only his tactics, strength, and resources but also the assistance of the ponies. How will the Dark Knight react to them for who they are? Will they accept this dark being who is somewhat unlike them? Will they understand him? The more the Caped Crusader associates with them, the more he’ll realize that it will be like Gotham all over again.

Note: This happens after the events of Batman Begins and the season 3 premiere. This also takes place during season 3 of MLP: FIM.

Chapters (18)

It all started in the town of Parker, Colorado. Disappearances, odd sightings of the aurora borealis, strange animals coming down from the mountains... One man is determined to figure out what is going on in the region. Hopefully before something horrific happens. Will he discover what is causing the strange phenomena? Or is his mission already doomed?

Chapters (4)

After the Changeling invasion, Celestia and Luna make the decision to have Twilight investigate the Elements of Harmony and solve the mystery of their power.

A thousand years later, Rainbow Dash awakens in a world she does not recognize. She has no idea how or why she came to be there. She does not know the language, the geography or any of the rules of this new time. She soon finds allies in Star Fall, a scholarly pegasus whose Talent is Magic, and Astrid, Star Fall's Griffin guardian. Together they set out to discover why Dash has been sent to the future, and how she might return to when she belongs.

War threatens the nations, a Nightmare stalks the shadows, and Rainbow Dash's arrival has turned her into a wild card in a deadly game that pits the law on both sides of a broken Equestria against a mysterious criminal figure, Max Cash. Yet the stakes are higher than anyone knows, for in her research Twilight Sparkle discovered a dark secret about the Elements, something that will shake the foundations of the world.

Cover image by SierraEx
Has a TvTropes page

Chapters (39)