• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Dark 648 stories
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Total Words: 25,752,067
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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A stallion and a colt move into Ponyville after the stallion is fired from his old job, but strange weather begins to occur and the ponies discover there is some kind of magic at work.

Chapters (6)

Based on the Equestria at War universe and a look at what could have been. An alternate sequel to Indefinite Infiltration

In the year 1014 ALB, Canterlot has fallen after years of long and hard fighting against the changeling forces. The Equestrian defenses were torn asunder from the inside through the efforts of Chrysalis' infiltrators corps and a certain changeling infiltrator sits atop a truck and remembers what was.

2023 Edit: Special thanks to my good friend Witchery for editing!

As well as TheEightDayofNight for the first review back when this was first posted. Tremendously sorry about forgetting to credit you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dragon of the Ruins

Spike didn't have much to say about his life. Not after a thousand years.

Not after centuries of loneliness.

But maybe, just maybe, these new ponies who've stumbled into his life can change that.

Even if only for another century.

A continuation of The Dragon of the Ruins. Prior reading is NOT necessary, though. :twilightsmile:

Minor spoilers for the G5 movie!

Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chinese translation by forgivenlove!

Chapters (12)

The day the Princesses vanished was the last day of peace. Nopony was the same when the sun and the moon continued their way across the sky without the Princesses' magic. With that apparent lie exposed, Equestria was in shambles for weeks, months even.

Everything slowly took a turn for the worse, starting with the betrayal of the Element of Honesty. Nopony really knows what happened that day, except for the other Elements of Harmony. Equestria is shattered.

Five uneven pieces.

Equestria is divided. And it has been so for fifteen years.

We're just the many insignificant ones. This is our lives, stuck in Tartarus.

(The setting belongs to PoorYorickDA, who created this awesome thing that is Equestria Divided)

(This is a one-shot so far, done purely to promote what I believe is a well thought-out grimdark Equestria, but it might evolve into a bigger story someday)

Chapters (1)

For years, Double Take has been the most-wanted criminal in Equestria. No other thief has taken as much fine art and jewellery as him. On top of that, his contacts on the other side of The Gate, in the human world, have made it worth his while to smuggle gold across the interdimensional border.

So when it comes time to escape the heat, there's no better place to escape to... right?

4th place winner of the pony-to-human Autumn TF Contest hosted by Two Bit.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been chosen as this year's addition to queen Nightmare Moon's mysterious cadre of personal students. She gets to live in a castle, receive lessons from their sovereign, yet her parents remain sad for some reason.

Twilight doesn't understand why they aren't happy for her.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of getting a story like this for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (1)

A pony and a changeling. Which is which?

A short tale in which awful things happen to nice ponies. Written for EqD's Nightmare Night 2012 FanFiction Contest. Cover image courtesy of InternationalTCK.

Chapters (1)

I just wanted a hunting trip, with just my wife and my dog, but we became lost in the woods and ended up somewhere. Becoming slaves that were mining gems for diamond dogs. For the past two hours, I've been in the mine. I took over... I mean we took it over. Now, we are the ruler of this place. That means everyone under our rule must be protected. That means killing anything that gets in our way of protecting my future children, loved ones and my citizens. To live, to survive, to thrive.

Chapters (13)

Warning: Slight Dark and slight one-sided Celestia x Human. There will be no happy endings.

Anonymous has been charged with the death of Princess Luna. Twenty-five years later, on a stormy night his name is cleared and Princess Celestia tracks him down to convince him to come back with her.

But Anon has not been some innocent ponies, will he come back with blood on his hands or will he stay in the Tartarus-hole abomination he has been in for the last Twenty-Five years?

Chapters (1)