• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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What Spike saw in the doorway of King Sombra's crystal palace hasn't left his mind. The fear of Twilight abandoning him haunts him through recurrent nightmares. Anxiety taunts him when he's at his most vulnerable, reminding him of all his failures, all his inadequacies, all his wounds.

One night, this fear and anxiety manifests itself in a full-blown nightmare, dragging Spike face-to-face with his greatest fear. What if Twilight never needed Spike in the first place?

Takes place right after the Season Three opener (before Episode Three).

Thanks to RGLloyd for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now Featured by The Royal Canterlot Library!

Check out the YouTube reading by the awesome Chinchillax!

Check out another YouTube reading by DJ Tazzlez from Hive Radio!

Rated Teen for some dark elements.

Chapters (1)

Samuel is a young man with a good life, but that is changed as he is transported to Equestria. He meets and befriends the inhabitants but is taken back to his world by a strange, well dressed man, and given a simple choice: Pick one world to live in for the rest of his life. Can he choose a world without losing himself in the process?

Chapters (13)

John is alone on this world and has not seen a single soul in a long time. His only companions have been the ghosts only he can hear. Driven by guilt, he goes from town to town, searching and doing the only thing he can do:

Give the dead their final rest.

Discord once gave him a gift. It was given in grief. John has yet to understand what this gift means. He has lost track of time and madness and sanity wage a constant war in his mind.

For John, the greatest terror in his heart is facing the Goddesses.

He's about to meet one of them.

Cover art by mylittlesheepy

Direct link to the unaltered art here.

Chapters (2)

After a long day at school, Sunset found a strange little creature at her place. She found a card that points to a place where she can lead the little creature to.
This story is based on a video I watched a long time ago. Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore. The video tells a story of a man and a strange little creature showed up in his place and his struggle to find it a home.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls: Mind Over Mutant

Three beautiful young ladies, one of them, a member of the Hamato clan, the second, a member of the Foot clan, and the third, a member of both. Rarity, Karai and Adagio go on an adventure into a new world with new allies, defeating new enemies, and all while stealing back some goods.
Disclaimer: Neither Darth Wrex, nor I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Sly Cooper.

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to My little Venom: a monster inside

Nearly a year after the black symbiote was locked away, Twilight has managed to forget about the whole thing. But when an old rival returns seeking revenge with the help of a new friend it can only mean trouble. To make things worst they'll need the help of a symbiote.
edited by King of Kings

There will be slight hint to TwiDash

As a alternative to the magic duel episode.
The story continues.

Chapters (6)

A final standoff against Queen Chrysalis in the main hive of the Changelings. A lone changeling that wants to change everything. Yet... it was never meant to be.

Thorax had failed, and for that... let's just say the queen has some plans for a certain draconequus and two prissy unicorns...

Edit: 300 views? WHY THOUGH!?

Chapters (1)

Wendigos are such a nuisance. Because of those detestable monsters, the three southern pony tribes are at each other's throats and are utterly miserable.

We can't feed on that.

Luckily, there is a fourth tribe, far away in the frozen north. These so-called 'Crystal Ponies' surround their home in an aura of light and love, radiating from the largest love crystal in the world!

My name is Carina, and I am an Infiltrator sent to secure the Crystal Heart for my queen. Failure means the end of my hive. Failure is not an option.

Chapters (13)

When Celestia is weakened following the wrath of Tirek, Luna goes to extreme measures to save her from further torment. She'd do anything to protect her sister, even if it meant giving her own life.

Rated Teen for what I'd consider a reference to suicide (self-sacrifice), and, of course, death.

Chapters (1)

It had been only a month since the attack by Tirek, and all seemed normal in and of itself. Twilight Sparkle is now the established princess of friendship, with her new crystal rainbow castle to symbolize the very essence of friendship and love...However, the event did not end completely without consequence.

Thanks to the absence of Alicorn magic for that one quick moment, the king of crystalline shadow, Sombra, had managed to resurrect himself from the grave of the icy north...and now, He is seeking revenge on those who stood against him on that faithful day.

Chapters (7)